275 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File
275 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File
"""Pens for creating glyphs in FontLab."""
__all__ = ["FLPen", "FLPointPen", "drawFLGlyphOntoPointPen"]
from FL import *
from fl_cmd import *
except ImportError:
print "The fl_cmd module is not available here. flPen.py"
from robofab.tools.toolsFL import NewGlyph
from robofab.pens.pointPen import AbstractPointPen
from robofab.pens.adapterPens import SegmentToPointPen
def roundInt(x):
return int(round(x))
class FLPen(SegmentToPointPen):
def __init__(self, glyph):
SegmentToPointPen.__init__(self, FLPointPen(glyph))
class FLPointPen(AbstractPointPen):
def __init__(self, glyph):
if hasattr(glyph, "isRobofab"):
self.glyph = glyph.naked()
self.glyph = glyph
self.currentPath = None
def beginPath(self):
self.currentPath = []
def endPath(self):
# Love is... abstracting away FL's madness.
path = self.currentPath
self.currentPath = None
glyph = self.glyph
if len(path) == 1 and path[0][3] is not None:
# Single point on the contour, it has a name. Make it an anchor.
x, y = path[0][0]
name = path[0][3]
anchor = Anchor(name, roundInt(x), roundInt(y))
firstOnCurveIndex = None
for i in range(len(path)):
if path[i][1] is not None:
firstOnCurveIndex = i
if firstOnCurveIndex is None:
# TT special case: on-curve-less contour. FL doesn't support that,
# so we insert an implied point at the end.
x1, y1 = path[0][0]
x2, y2 = path[-1][0]
impliedPoint = 0.5 * (x1 + x2), 0.5 * (y1 + y2)
path.append((impliedPoint, "qcurve", True, None))
firstOnCurveIndex = 0
path = path[firstOnCurveIndex + 1:] + path[:firstOnCurveIndex + 1]
firstPoint, segmentType, smooth, name = path[-1]
closed = True
if segmentType == "move":
path = path[:-1]
closed = False
# XXX The contour is not closed, but I can't figure out how to
# create an open contour in FL. Creating one by hand shows type"0x8011"
# for a move node in an open contour, but I'm not able to access
# that flag.
elif segmentType == "line":
# The contour is closed and ends in a lineto, which is redundant
# as it's implied by closepath.
path = path[:-1]
x, y = firstPoint
node = Node(nMOVE, Point(roundInt(x), roundInt(y)))
if smooth and closed:
if segmentType == "line" or path[0][1] == "line":
node.alignment = nFIXED
node.alignment = nSMOOTH
glyph.Insert(node, len(glyph))
segment = []
nPoints = len(path)
for i in range(nPoints):
pt, segmentType, smooth, name = path[i]
if segmentType is None:
if segmentType == "curve":
if len(segment) < 2:
segmentType = "line"
elif len(segment) == 2:
segmentType = "qcurve"
if segmentType == "qcurve":
for x, y in segment[:-1]:
glyph.Insert(Node(nOFF, Point(roundInt(x), roundInt(y))), len(glyph))
x, y = segment[-1]
node = Node(nLINE, Point(roundInt(x), roundInt(y)))
glyph.Insert(node, len(glyph))
elif segmentType == "curve":
if len(segment) == 3:
cubicSegments = [segment]
from fontTools.pens.basePen import decomposeSuperBezierSegment
cubicSegments = decomposeSuperBezierSegment(segment)
nSegments = len(cubicSegments)
for i in range(nSegments):
pt1, pt2, pt3 = cubicSegments[i]
x, y = pt3
node = Node(nCURVE, Point(roundInt(x), roundInt(y)))
node.points[1].x, node.points[1].y = roundInt(pt1[0]), roundInt(pt1[1])
node.points[2].x, node.points[2].y = roundInt(pt2[0]), roundInt(pt2[1])
if i != nSegments - 1:
node.alignment = nSMOOTH
glyph.Insert(node, len(self.glyph))
elif segmentType == "line":
assert len(segment) == 1, segment
x, y = segment[0]
node = Node(nLINE, Point(roundInt(x), roundInt(y)))
glyph.Insert(node, len(glyph))
assert 0, "unsupported curve type (%s)" % segmentType
if smooth:
if i + 1 < nPoints or closed:
# Can't use existing node, as you can't change node attributes
# AFTER it's been appended to the glyph.
node = glyph[-1]
if segmentType == "line" or path[(i+1) % nPoints][1] == "line":
# tangent
node.alignment = nFIXED
# curve
node.alignment = nSMOOTH
segment = []
if closed:
# we may have output a node too much
node = glyph[-1]
if node.type == nLINE and (node.x, node.y) == (roundInt(firstPoint[0]), roundInt(firstPoint[1])):
glyph.DeleteNode(len(glyph) - 1)
def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=None, name=None, **kwargs):
self.currentPath.append((pt, segmentType, smooth, name))
def addComponent(self, baseName, transformation):
assert self.currentPath is None
# make base glyph if needed, Component() needs the index
NewGlyph(self.glyph.parent, baseName, updateFont=False)
baseIndex = self.glyph.parent.FindGlyph(baseName)
if baseIndex == -1:
raise KeyError, "couldn't find or make base glyph"
xx, xy, yx, yy, dx, dy = transformation
# XXX warn when xy or yx != 0
new = Component(baseIndex, Point(dx, dy), Point(xx, yy))
def drawFLGlyphOntoPointPen(flGlyph, pen):
"""Draw a FontLab glyph onto a PointPen."""
for anchor in flGlyph.anchors:
pen.addPoint((anchor.x, anchor.y), name=anchor.name)
for contour in _getContours(flGlyph):
for pt, segmentType, smooth in contour:
pen.addPoint(pt, segmentType=segmentType, smooth=smooth)
for baseGlyph, tranform in _getComponents(flGlyph):
pen.addComponent(baseGlyph, tranform)
class FLPointContourPen(FLPointPen):
"""Same as FLPointPen, except that it ignores components."""
def addComponent(self, baseName, transformation):
NODE_TYPES = {nMOVE: "move", nLINE: "line", nCURVE: "curve",
nOFF: None}
def _getContours(glyph):
contours = []
for i in range(len(glyph)):
node = glyph[i]
segmentType = NODE_TYPES[node.type]
if segmentType == "move":
for pt in node.points[1:]:
contours[-1].append(((pt.x, pt.y), None, False))
smooth = node.alignment != nSHARP
contours[-1].append(((node.x, node.y), segmentType, smooth))
for contour in contours:
# filter out or change the move
movePt, segmentType, smooth = contour[0]
assert segmentType == "move"
lastSegmentType = contour[-1][1]
if movePt == contour[-1][0] and lastSegmentType == "curve":
contour[0] = contour[-1]
elif lastSegmentType is None:
contour[0] = movePt, "qcurve", smooth
assert lastSegmentType in ("line", "curve")
contour[0] = movePt, "line", smooth
# change "line" to "qcurve" if appropriate
previousSegmentType = "ArbitraryValueOtherThanNone"
for i in range(len(contour)):
pt, segmentType, smooth = contour[i]
if segmentType == "line" and previousSegmentType is None:
contour[i] = pt, "qcurve", smooth
previousSegmentType = segmentType
return contours
def _simplifyValues(*values):
"""Given a set of numbers, convert items to ints if they are
integer float values, eg. 0.0, 1.0."""
newValues = []
for v in values:
i = int(v)
if v == i:
v = i
return newValues
def _getComponents(glyph):
components = []
for comp in glyph.components:
baseName = glyph.parent[comp.index].name
dx, dy = comp.delta.x, comp.delta.y
sx, sy = comp.scale.x, comp.scale.y
dx, dy, sx, sy = _simplifyValues(dx, dy, sx, sy)
components.append((baseName, (sx, 0, 0, sy, dx, dy)))
return components
def test():
g = fl.glyph
p = PLPen(g)
p.moveTo((50, 50))
p.lineTo((170, 200), smooth=2)
p.curveTo((173, 225), (150, 250), (120, 250), smooth=1)
p.curveTo((85, 250), (50, 200), (50, 200))
p.moveTo((300, 300))
p.lineTo((400, 300))
p.curveTo((450, 325), (450, 375), (400, 400))
p.qCurveTo((400, 500), (350, 550), (300, 500), (300, 400))
p.setNote("Hello, this is a note")
p.addAnchor("top", (250, 600))
if __name__ == "__main__":