Cosimo Lupo 6c22995a5f pens: deprecate 'ignore_single_points' argument
This was needed for when we were supporting the old robofab.ufoLib
where anchors were represented as single-point-with-a-name contours.
With latest ufoLib, even when glif format is 1, anchors are
stored separately and are not drawn with pens (only proper contours
and components are passed on in the draw method).
So there is no longer need to special-case single points.
It's not the job of the cu2qu pens to filter those out.
2017-10-31 17:57:53 +00:00

235 lines
9.5 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from cu2qu import curve_to_quadratic
from fontTools.pens.basePen import AbstractPen, decomposeSuperBezierSegment
from fontTools.pens.reverseContourPen import ReverseContourPen
from ufoLib.pointPen import BasePointToSegmentPen
from ufoLib.pointPen import ReverseContourPointPen
class Cu2QuPen(AbstractPen):
""" A filter pen to convert cubic bezier curves to quadratic b-splines
using the FontTools SegmentPen protocol.
other_pen: another SegmentPen used to draw the transformed outline.
max_err: maximum approximation error in font units.
reverse_direction: flip the contours' direction but keep starting point.
stats: a dictionary counting the point numbers of quadratic segments.
ignore_single_points: don't emit contours containing only a single point
NOTE: The "ignore_single_points" argument is deprecated since v1.3.0,
which dropped Robofab subpport. It's no longer needed to special-case
UFO2-style anchors (aka "named points") when using ufoLib >= 2.0,
as these are no longer drawn onto pens as single-point contours,
but are handled separately as anchors.
def __init__(self, other_pen, max_err, reverse_direction=False,
stats=None, ignore_single_points=False):
if reverse_direction:
self.pen = ReverseContourPen(other_pen)
self.pen = other_pen
self.max_err = max_err
self.stats = stats
if ignore_single_points:
import warnings
warnings.warn("ignore_single_points is deprecated and "
"will be removed in future versions",
UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
self.ignore_single_points = ignore_single_points
self.start_pt = None
self.current_pt = None
def _check_contour_is_open(self):
if self.current_pt is None:
raise AssertionError("moveTo is required")
def _check_contour_is_closed(self):
if self.current_pt is not None:
raise AssertionError("closePath or endPath is required")
def _add_moveTo(self):
if self.start_pt is not None:
self.start_pt = None
def moveTo(self, pt):
self.start_pt = self.current_pt = pt
if not self.ignore_single_points:
def lineTo(self, pt):
self.current_pt = pt
def qCurveTo(self, *points):
n = len(points)
if n == 1:
elif n > 1:
self.current_pt = points[-1]
raise AssertionError("illegal qcurve segment point count: %d" % n)
def _curve_to_quadratic(self, pt1, pt2, pt3):
curve = (self.current_pt, pt1, pt2, pt3)
quadratic = curve_to_quadratic(curve, self.max_err)
if self.stats is not None:
n = str(len(quadratic) - 2)
self.stats[n] = self.stats.get(n, 0) + 1
def curveTo(self, *points):
n = len(points)
if n == 3:
# this is the most common case, so we special-case it
elif n > 3:
for segment in decomposeSuperBezierSegment(points):
elif n == 2:
elif n == 1:
raise AssertionError("illegal curve segment point count: %d" % n)
def closePath(self):
if self.start_pt is None:
# if 'start_pt' is _not_ None, we are ignoring single-point paths
self.current_pt = self.start_pt = None
def endPath(self):
if self.start_pt is None:
self.current_pt = self.start_pt = None
def addComponent(self, glyphName, transformation):
self.pen.addComponent(glyphName, transformation)
class Cu2QuPointPen(BasePointToSegmentPen):
""" A filter pen to convert cubic bezier curves to quadratic b-splines
using the RoboFab PointPen protocol.
other_point_pen: another PointPen used to draw the transformed outline.
max_err: maximum approximation error in font units.
reverse_direction: reverse the winding direction of all contours.
stats: a dictionary counting the point numbers of quadratic segments.
def __init__(self, other_point_pen, max_err, reverse_direction=False,
if reverse_direction:
self.pen = ReverseContourPointPen(other_point_pen)
self.pen = other_point_pen
self.max_err = max_err
self.stats = stats
def _flushContour(self, segments):
assert len(segments) >= 1
closed = segments[0][0] != "move"
new_segments = []
prev_points = segments[-1][1]
prev_on_curve = prev_points[-1][0]
for segment_type, points in segments:
if segment_type == 'curve':
for sub_points in self._split_super_bezier_segments(points):
on_curve, smooth, name, kwargs = sub_points[-1]
bcp1, bcp2 = sub_points[0][0], sub_points[1][0]
cubic = [prev_on_curve, bcp1, bcp2, on_curve]
quad = curve_to_quadratic(cubic, self.max_err)
if self.stats is not None:
n = str(len(quad) - 2)
self.stats[n] = self.stats.get(n, 0) + 1
new_points = [(pt, False, None, {}) for pt in quad[1:-1]]
new_points.append((on_curve, smooth, name, kwargs))
new_segments.append(["qcurve", new_points])
prev_on_curve = sub_points[-1][0]
new_segments.append([segment_type, points])
prev_on_curve = points[-1][0]
if closed:
# the BasePointToSegmentPen.endPath method that calls _flushContour
# rotates the point list of closed contours so that they end with
# the first on-curve point. We restore the original starting point.
new_segments = new_segments[-1:] + new_segments[:-1]
def _split_super_bezier_segments(self, points):
sub_segments = []
# n is the number of control points
n = len(points) - 1
if n == 2:
# a simple bezier curve segment
elif n > 2:
# a "super" bezier; decompose it
on_curve, smooth, name, kwargs = points[-1]
num_sub_segments = n - 1
for i, sub_points in enumerate(decomposeSuperBezierSegment([
pt for pt, _, _, _ in points])):
new_segment = []
for point in sub_points[:-1]:
new_segment.append((point, False, None, {}))
if i == (num_sub_segments - 1):
# the last on-curve keeps its original attributes
new_segment.append((on_curve, smooth, name, kwargs))
# on-curves of sub-segments are always "smooth"
new_segment.append((sub_points[-1], True, None, {}))
raise AssertionError(
"expected 2 control points, found: %d" % n)
return sub_segments
def _drawPoints(self, segments):
pen = self.pen
last_offcurves = []
for i, (segment_type, points) in enumerate(segments):
if segment_type in ("move", "line"):
assert len(points) == 1, (
"illegal line segment point count: %d" % len(points))
pt, smooth, name, kwargs = points[0]
pen.addPoint(pt, segment_type, smooth, name, **kwargs)
elif segment_type == "qcurve":
assert len(points) >= 2, (
"illegal qcurve segment point count: %d" % len(points))
offcurves = points[:-1]
if offcurves:
if i == 0:
# any off-curve points preceding the first on-curve
# will be appended at the end of the contour
last_offcurves = offcurves
for (pt, smooth, name, kwargs) in offcurves:
pen.addPoint(pt, None, smooth, name, **kwargs)
pt, smooth, name, kwargs = points[-1]
pen.addPoint(pt, segment_type, smooth, name, **kwargs)
# 'curve' segments must have been converted to 'qcurve' by now
raise AssertionError(
"unexpected segment type: %r" % segment_type)
for (pt, smooth, name, kwargs) in last_offcurves:
pen.addPoint(pt, None, smooth, name, **kwargs)
def addComponent(self, baseGlyphName, transformation):
assert self.currentPath is None
self.pen.addComponent(baseGlyphName, transformation)