Added new test VF font (a subset of NotoSans-VF only containing glyphs 'A', 'Agrave' and 'T'); the VF was instanced with varLib.mutator, producing a series of full instances, which are included as ttx files as well. The tests run the partial instancer twice, once only instancing wght, then again for wdth, and assert that the generated instance is identical to those.
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1149 lines
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from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools import ttLib
from fontTools import designspaceLib
from fontTools.feaLib.builder import addOpenTypeFeaturesFromString
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import _f_v_a_r, _g_l_y_f
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.TupleVariation import TupleVariation
from fontTools import varLib
from fontTools.varLib import instancer
from fontTools.varLib.mvar import MVAR_ENTRIES
from fontTools.varLib import builder
from fontTools.varLib import models
import collections
from copy import deepcopy
import os
import re
import pytest
TESTDATA = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")
def varfont():
f = ttLib.TTFont()
f.importXML(os.path.join(TESTDATA, "PartialInstancerTest-VF.ttx"))
return f
@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False], ids=["optimize", "no-optimize"])
def optimize(request):
return request.param
def fvarAxes():
wght = _f_v_a_r.Axis()
wght.axisTag = Tag("wght")
wght.minValue = 100
wght.defaultValue = 400
wght.maxValue = 900
wdth = _f_v_a_r.Axis()
wdth.axisTag = Tag("wdth")
wdth.minValue = 70
wdth.defaultValue = 100
wdth.maxValue = 100
return [wght, wdth]
def _get_coordinates(varfont, glyphname):
# converts GlyphCoordinates to a list of (x, y) tuples, so that pytest's
# assert will give us a nicer diff
return list(varfont["glyf"].getCoordinates(glyphname, varfont))
class InstantiateGvarTest(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("glyph_name", ["hyphen"])
"location, expected",
{"wdth": -1.0},
"hyphen": [
(27, 229),
(27, 310),
(247, 310),
(247, 229),
(0, 0),
(274, 0),
(0, 536),
(0, 0),
{"wdth": -0.5},
"hyphen": [
(33.5, 229),
(33.5, 308.5),
(264.5, 308.5),
(264.5, 229),
(0, 0),
(298, 0),
(0, 536),
(0, 0),
# an axis pinned at the default normalized location (0.0) means
# the default glyf outline stays the same
{"wdth": 0.0},
"hyphen": [
(40, 229),
(40, 307),
(282, 307),
(282, 229),
(0, 0),
(322, 0),
(0, 536),
(0, 0),
def test_pin_and_drop_axis(self, varfont, glyph_name, location, expected, optimize):
instancer.instantiateGvar(varfont, location, optimize=optimize)
assert _get_coordinates(varfont, glyph_name) == expected[glyph_name]
# check that the pinned axis has been dropped from gvar
assert not any(
"wdth" in t.axes
for tuples in varfont["gvar"].variations.values()
for t in tuples
def test_full_instance(self, varfont, optimize):
varfont, {"wght": 0.0, "wdth": -0.5}, optimize=optimize
assert _get_coordinates(varfont, "hyphen") == [
(33.5, 229),
(33.5, 308.5),
(264.5, 308.5),
(264.5, 229),
(0, 0),
(298, 0),
(0, 536),
(0, 0),
assert "gvar" not in varfont
class InstantiateCvarTest(object):
"location, expected",
pytest.param({"wght": -1.0}, [500, -400, 150, 250], id="wght=-1.0"),
pytest.param({"wdth": -1.0}, [500, -400, 180, 200], id="wdth=-1.0"),
pytest.param({"wght": -0.5}, [500, -400, 165, 250], id="wght=-0.5"),
pytest.param({"wdth": -0.3}, [500, -400, 180, 235], id="wdth=-0.3"),
def test_pin_and_drop_axis(self, varfont, location, expected):
instancer.instantiateCvar(varfont, location)
assert list(varfont["cvt "].values) == expected
# check that the pinned axis has been dropped from cvar
pinned_axes = location.keys()
assert not any(
axis in t.axes for t in varfont["cvar"].variations for axis in pinned_axes
def test_full_instance(self, varfont):
instancer.instantiateCvar(varfont, {"wght": -0.5, "wdth": -0.5})
assert list(varfont["cvt "].values) == [500, -400, 165, 225]
assert "cvar" not in varfont
class InstantiateMVARTest(object):
"location, expected",
{"wght": 1.0},
{"strs": 100, "undo": -200, "unds": 150, "xhgt": 530},
{"wght": 0.5},
{"strs": 75, "undo": -150, "unds": 100, "xhgt": 515},
{"wght": 0.0},
{"strs": 50, "undo": -100, "unds": 50, "xhgt": 500},
{"wdth": -1.0},
{"strs": 20, "undo": -100, "unds": 50, "xhgt": 500},
{"wdth": -0.5},
{"strs": 35, "undo": -100, "unds": 50, "xhgt": 500},
{"wdth": 0.0},
{"strs": 50, "undo": -100, "unds": 50, "xhgt": 500},
def test_pin_and_drop_axis(self, varfont, location, expected):
mvar = varfont["MVAR"].table
# initially we have two VarData: the first contains deltas associated with 3
# regions: 1 with only wght, 1 with only wdth, and 1 with both wght and wdth
assert len(mvar.VarStore.VarData) == 2
assert mvar.VarStore.VarRegionList.RegionCount == 3
assert mvar.VarStore.VarData[0].VarRegionCount == 3
assert all(len(item) == 3 for item in mvar.VarStore.VarData[0].Item)
# The second VarData has deltas associated only with 1 region (wght only).
assert mvar.VarStore.VarData[1].VarRegionCount == 1
assert all(len(item) == 1 for item in mvar.VarStore.VarData[1].Item)
instancer.instantiateMVAR(varfont, location)
for mvar_tag, expected_value in expected.items():
table_tag, item_name = MVAR_ENTRIES[mvar_tag]
assert getattr(varfont[table_tag], item_name) == expected_value
# check that regions and accompanying deltas have been dropped
num_regions_left = len(mvar.VarStore.VarRegionList.Region)
assert num_regions_left < 3
assert mvar.VarStore.VarRegionList.RegionCount == num_regions_left
assert mvar.VarStore.VarData[0].VarRegionCount == num_regions_left
# VarData subtables have been merged
assert len(mvar.VarStore.VarData) == 1
"location, expected",
{"wght": 1.0, "wdth": 0.0},
{"strs": 100, "undo": -200, "unds": 150},
{"wght": 0.0, "wdth": -1.0},
{"strs": 20, "undo": -100, "unds": 50},
{"wght": 0.5, "wdth": -0.5},
{"strs": 55, "undo": -145, "unds": 95},
{"wght": 1.0, "wdth": -1.0},
{"strs": 50, "undo": -180, "unds": 130},
def test_full_instance(self, varfont, location, expected):
instancer.instantiateMVAR(varfont, location)
for mvar_tag, expected_value in expected.items():
table_tag, item_name = MVAR_ENTRIES[mvar_tag]
assert getattr(varfont[table_tag], item_name) == expected_value
assert "MVAR" not in varfont
class InstantiateHVARTest(object):
# the 'expectedDeltas' below refer to the VarData item deltas for the "hyphen"
# glyph in the PartialInstancerTest-VF.ttx test font, that are left after
# partial instancing
"location, expectedRegions, expectedDeltas",
({"wght": -1.0}, [{"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}], [-59]),
({"wght": 0}, [{"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}], [-48]),
({"wght": 1.0}, [{"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}], [7]),
{"wdth": -1.0},
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0.0)},
{"wght": (0.0, 0.61, 1.0)},
{"wght": (0.61, 1.0, 1.0)},
[-11, 31, 51],
({"wdth": 0}, [{"wght": (0.61, 1.0, 1.0)}], [-4]),
def test_partial_instance(self, varfont, location, expectedRegions, expectedDeltas):
instancer.instantiateHVAR(varfont, location)
assert "HVAR" in varfont
hvar = varfont["HVAR"].table
varStore = hvar.VarStore
regions = varStore.VarRegionList.Region
fvarAxes = [a for a in varfont["fvar"].axes if a.axisTag not in location]
assert [reg.get_support(fvarAxes) for reg in regions] == expectedRegions
assert len(varStore.VarData) == 1
assert varStore.VarData[0].ItemCount == 2
assert hvar.AdvWidthMap is not None
advWithMap = hvar.AdvWidthMap.mapping
assert advWithMap[".notdef"] == advWithMap["space"]
varIdx = advWithMap[".notdef"]
# these glyphs have no metrics variations in the test font
assert varStore.VarData[varIdx >> 16].Item[varIdx & 0xFFFF] == (
[0] * varStore.VarData[0].VarRegionCount
varIdx = advWithMap["hyphen"]
assert varStore.VarData[varIdx >> 16].Item[varIdx & 0xFFFF] == expectedDeltas
def test_full_instance(self, varfont):
instancer.instantiateHVAR(varfont, {"wght": 0, "wdth": 0})
assert "HVAR" not in varfont
class InstantiateItemVariationStoreTest(object):
def test_VarRegion_get_support(self):
axisOrder = ["wght", "wdth", "opsz"]
regionAxes = {"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0.0), "wght": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)}
region = builder.buildVarRegion(regionAxes, axisOrder)
assert len(region.VarRegionAxis) == 3
assert region.VarRegionAxis[2].PeakCoord == 0
fvarAxes = [SimpleNamespace(axisTag=axisTag) for axisTag in axisOrder]
assert region.get_support(fvarAxes) == regionAxes
def varStore(self):
return builder.buildVarStore(
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0, 0.5, 1.0)},
{"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)},
{"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0, 0.5, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
["wght", "wdth"],
builder.buildVarData([0, 1, 2], [[100, 100, 100], [100, 100, 100]]),
[3, 4, 5, 6], [[100, 100, 100, 100], [100, 100, 100, 100]]
"location, expected_deltas, num_regions",
({"wght": 0}, [[0, 0], [0, 0]], 1),
({"wght": 0.25}, [[50, 50], [0, 0]], 1),
({"wdth": 0}, [[0, 0], [0, 0]], 3),
({"wdth": -0.75}, [[0, 0], [75, 75]], 3),
({"wght": 0, "wdth": 0}, [[0, 0], [0, 0]], 0),
({"wght": 0.25, "wdth": 0}, [[50, 50], [0, 0]], 0),
({"wght": 0, "wdth": -0.75}, [[0, 0], [75, 75]], 0),
def test_instantiate_default_deltas(
self, varStore, fvarAxes, location, expected_deltas, num_regions
defaultDeltas = instancer.instantiateItemVariationStore(
varStore, fvarAxes, location
defaultDeltaArray = []
for varidx, delta in sorted(defaultDeltas.items()):
major, minor = varidx >> 16, varidx & 0xFFFF
if major == len(defaultDeltaArray):
assert len(defaultDeltaArray[major]) == minor
assert defaultDeltaArray == expected_deltas
assert varStore.VarRegionList.RegionCount == num_regions
class TupleVarStoreAdapterTest(object):
def test_instantiate(self):
regions = [
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
{"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0, 1.0, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
axisOrder = ["wght", "wdth"]
tupleVarData = [
TupleVariation({"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [10, 70]),
TupleVariation({"wght": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)}, [30, 90]),
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-40, -100]
{"wght": (0, 1.0, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-60, -120]
TupleVariation({"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [5, 45]),
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-15, -55]
{"wght": (0, 1.0, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-35, -75]
adapter = instancer._TupleVarStoreAdapter(
regions, axisOrder, tupleVarData, itemCounts=[2, 2]
defaultDeltaArray = adapter.instantiate({"wght": 0.5})
assert defaultDeltaArray == [[15, 45], [0, 0]]
assert adapter.regions == [{"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}]
assert adapter.tupleVarData == [
[TupleVariation({"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-30, -60])],
[TupleVariation({"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-12, 8])],
def test_dropAxes(self):
regions = [
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
{"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"opsz": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0, 0.5, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
axisOrder = ["wght", "wdth", "opsz"]
adapter = instancer._TupleVarStoreAdapter(regions, axisOrder, [], itemCounts=[])
assert adapter.regions == [
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
{"opsz": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
{"wght": (0.0, 0.5, 1.0)},
{"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)},
adapter.dropAxes({"wght", "opsz"})
assert adapter.regions == []
def test_roundtrip(self, fvarAxes):
regions = [
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0, 0.5, 1.0)},
{"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)},
{"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0, 0.5, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
{"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)},
axisOrder = [axis.axisTag for axis in fvarAxes]
itemVarStore = builder.buildVarStore(
builder.buildVarRegionList(regions, axisOrder),
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6],
[[10, -20, 30, -40, 50, -60], [70, -80, 90, -100, 110, -120]],
[3, 4, 5, 6], [[5, -15, 25, -35], [45, -55, 65, -75]]
adapter = instancer._TupleVarStoreAdapter.fromItemVarStore(
itemVarStore, fvarAxes
assert adapter.tupleVarData == [
TupleVariation({"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [10, 70]),
TupleVariation({"wght": (0, 0.5, 1.0)}, [-20, -80]),
TupleVariation({"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0)}, [30, 90]),
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-40, -100]
{"wght": (0, 0.5, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [50, 110]
{"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-60, -120]
TupleVariation({"wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [5, 45]),
{"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-15, -55]
{"wght": (0, 0.5, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [25, 65]
{"wght": (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), "wdth": (-1.0, -1.0, 0)}, [-35, -75]
assert adapter.itemCounts == [data.ItemCount for data in itemVarStore.VarData]
assert adapter.regions == regions
assert adapter.axisOrder == axisOrder
itemVarStore2 = adapter.asItemVarStore()
assert [
reg.get_support(fvarAxes) for reg in itemVarStore2.VarRegionList.Region
] == regions
assert itemVarStore2.VarDataCount == 2
assert itemVarStore2.VarData[0].VarRegionIndex == [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6]
assert itemVarStore2.VarData[0].Item == [
[10, -20, 30, -40, 50, -60],
[70, -80, 90, -100, 110, -120],
assert itemVarStore2.VarData[1].VarRegionIndex == [3, 4, 5, 6]
assert itemVarStore2.VarData[1].Item == [[5, -15, 25, -35], [45, -55, 65, -75]]
def makeTTFont(glyphOrder, features):
font = ttLib.TTFont()
addOpenTypeFeaturesFromString(font, features)
font["name"] = ttLib.newTable("name")
return font
def _makeDSAxesDict(axes):
dsAxes = collections.OrderedDict()
for axisTag, axisValues in axes:
axis = designspaceLib.AxisDescriptor()
| = axis.tag = axis.labelNames["en"] = axisTag
axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum = axisValues
dsAxes[axis.tag] = axis
return dsAxes
def makeVariableFont(masters, baseIndex, axes, masterLocations):
vf = deepcopy(masters[baseIndex])
dsAxes = _makeDSAxesDict(axes)
fvar = varLib._add_fvar(vf, dsAxes, instances=())
axisTags = [axis.axisTag for axis in fvar.axes]
normalizedLocs = [models.normalizeLocation(m, dict(axes)) for m in masterLocations]
model = models.VariationModel(normalizedLocs, axisOrder=axisTags)
varLib._merge_OTL(vf, model, masters, axisTags)
return vf
def makeParametrizedVF(glyphOrder, features, values, increments):
# Create a test VF with given glyphs and parametrized OTL features.
# The VF is built from 9 masters (3 x 3 along wght and wdth), with
# locations hard-coded and base master at wght=400 and wdth=100.
# 'values' is a list of initial values that are interpolated in the
# 'features' string, and incremented for each subsequent master by the
# given 'increments' (list of 2-tuple) along the two axes.
assert values and len(values) == len(increments)
assert all(len(i) == 2 for i in increments)
masterLocations = [
{"wght": 100, "wdth": 50},
{"wght": 100, "wdth": 100},
{"wght": 100, "wdth": 150},
{"wght": 400, "wdth": 50},
{"wght": 400, "wdth": 100}, # base master
{"wght": 400, "wdth": 150},
{"wght": 700, "wdth": 50},
{"wght": 700, "wdth": 100},
{"wght": 700, "wdth": 150},
n = len(values)
values = list(values)
masters = []
for _ in range(3):
for _ in range(3):
master = makeTTFont(glyphOrder, features=features % tuple(values))
for i in range(n):
values[i] += increments[i][1]
for i in range(n):
values[i] += increments[i][0]
baseIndex = 4
axes = [("wght", (100, 400, 700)), ("wdth", (50, 100, 150))]
vf = makeVariableFont(masters, baseIndex, axes, masterLocations)
return vf
def varfontGDEF():
glyphOrder = [".notdef", "f", "i", "f_i"]
features = (
"feature liga { sub f i by f_i;} liga;"
"table GDEF { LigatureCaretByPos f_i %d; } GDEF;"
values = [100]
increments = [(+30, +10)]
return makeParametrizedVF(glyphOrder, features, values, increments)
def varfontGPOS():
glyphOrder = [".notdef", "V", "A"]
features = "feature kern { pos V A %d; } kern;"
values = [-80]
increments = [(-10, -5)]
return makeParametrizedVF(glyphOrder, features, values, increments)
def varfontGPOS2():
glyphOrder = [".notdef", "V", "A", "acutecomb"]
features = (
"markClass [acutecomb] <anchor 150 -10> @TOP_MARKS;"
"feature mark {"
" pos base A <anchor %d 450> mark @TOP_MARKS;"
"} mark;"
"feature kern {"
" pos V A %d;"
"} kern;"
values = [200, -80]
increments = [(+30, +10), (-10, -5)]
return makeParametrizedVF(glyphOrder, features, values, increments)
class InstantiateOTLTest(object):
"location, expected",
({"wght": -1.0}, 110), # -60
({"wght": 0}, 170),
({"wght": 0.5}, 200), # +30
({"wght": 1.0}, 230), # +60
({"wdth": -1.0}, 160), # -10
({"wdth": -0.3}, 167), # -3
({"wdth": 0}, 170),
({"wdth": 1.0}, 180), # +10
def test_pin_and_drop_axis_GDEF(self, varfontGDEF, location, expected):
vf = varfontGDEF
assert "GDEF" in vf
instancer.instantiateOTL(vf, location)
assert "GDEF" in vf
gdef = vf["GDEF"].table
assert gdef.Version == 0x00010003
assert gdef.VarStore
assert gdef.LigCaretList
caretValue = gdef.LigCaretList.LigGlyph[0].CaretValue[0]
assert caretValue.Format == 3
assert hasattr(caretValue, "DeviceTable")
assert caretValue.DeviceTable.DeltaFormat == 0x8000
assert caretValue.Coordinate == expected
"location, expected",
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": -1.0}, 100), # -60 - 10
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": 0.0}, 110), # -60
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": 1.0}, 120), # -60 + 10
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": -1.0}, 160), # -10
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": 0.0}, 170),
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": 1.0}, 180), # +10
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": -1.0}, 220), # +60 - 10
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": 0.0}, 230), # +60
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": 1.0}, 240), # +60 + 10
def test_full_instance_GDEF(self, varfontGDEF, location, expected):
vf = varfontGDEF
assert "GDEF" in vf
instancer.instantiateOTL(vf, location)
assert "GDEF" in vf
gdef = vf["GDEF"].table
assert gdef.Version == 0x00010000
assert not hasattr(gdef, "VarStore")
assert gdef.LigCaretList
caretValue = gdef.LigCaretList.LigGlyph[0].CaretValue[0]
assert caretValue.Format == 1
assert not hasattr(caretValue, "DeviceTable")
assert caretValue.Coordinate == expected
"location, expected",
({"wght": -1.0}, -85), # +25
({"wght": 0}, -110),
({"wght": 1.0}, -135), # -25
({"wdth": -1.0}, -105), # +5
({"wdth": 0}, -110),
({"wdth": 1.0}, -115), # -5
def test_pin_and_drop_axis_GPOS_kern(self, varfontGPOS, location, expected):
vf = varfontGPOS
assert "GDEF" in vf
assert "GPOS" in vf
instancer.instantiateOTL(vf, location)
gdef = vf["GDEF"].table
gpos = vf["GPOS"].table
assert gdef.Version == 0x00010003
assert gdef.VarStore
assert gpos.LookupList.Lookup[0].LookupType == 2 # PairPos
pairPos = gpos.LookupList.Lookup[0].SubTable[0]
valueRec1 = pairPos.PairSet[0].PairValueRecord[0].Value1
assert valueRec1.XAdvDevice
assert valueRec1.XAdvDevice.DeltaFormat == 0x8000
assert valueRec1.XAdvance == expected
"location, expected",
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": -1.0}, -80), # +25 + 5
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": 0.0}, -85), # +25
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": 1.0}, -90), # +25 - 5
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": -1.0}, -105), # +5
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": 0.0}, -110),
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": 1.0}, -115), # -5
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": -1.0}, -130), # -25 + 5
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": 0.0}, -135), # -25
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": 1.0}, -140), # -25 - 5
def test_full_instance_GPOS_kern(self, varfontGPOS, location, expected):
vf = varfontGPOS
assert "GDEF" in vf
assert "GPOS" in vf
instancer.instantiateOTL(vf, location)
assert "GDEF" not in vf
gpos = vf["GPOS"].table
assert gpos.LookupList.Lookup[0].LookupType == 2 # PairPos
pairPos = gpos.LookupList.Lookup[0].SubTable[0]
valueRec1 = pairPos.PairSet[0].PairValueRecord[0].Value1
assert not hasattr(valueRec1, "XAdvDevice")
assert valueRec1.XAdvance == expected
"location, expected",
({"wght": -1.0}, (210, -85)), # -60, +25
({"wght": 0}, (270, -110)),
({"wght": 0.5}, (300, -122)), # +30, -12
({"wght": 1.0}, (330, -135)), # +60, -25
({"wdth": -1.0}, (260, -105)), # -10, +5
({"wdth": -0.3}, (267, -108)), # -3, +2
({"wdth": 0}, (270, -110)),
({"wdth": 1.0}, (280, -115)), # +10, -5
def test_pin_and_drop_axis_GPOS_mark_and_kern(
self, varfontGPOS2, location, expected
vf = varfontGPOS2
assert "GDEF" in vf
assert "GPOS" in vf
instancer.instantiateOTL(vf, location)
v1, v2 = expected
gdef = vf["GDEF"].table
gpos = vf["GPOS"].table
assert gdef.Version == 0x00010003
assert gdef.VarStore
assert gdef.GlyphClassDef
assert gpos.LookupList.Lookup[0].LookupType == 4 # MarkBasePos
markBasePos = gpos.LookupList.Lookup[0].SubTable[0]
baseAnchor = markBasePos.BaseArray.BaseRecord[0].BaseAnchor[0]
assert baseAnchor.Format == 3
assert baseAnchor.XDeviceTable
assert baseAnchor.XDeviceTable.DeltaFormat == 0x8000
assert not baseAnchor.YDeviceTable
assert baseAnchor.XCoordinate == v1
assert baseAnchor.YCoordinate == 450
assert gpos.LookupList.Lookup[1].LookupType == 2 # PairPos
pairPos = gpos.LookupList.Lookup[1].SubTable[0]
valueRec1 = pairPos.PairSet[0].PairValueRecord[0].Value1
assert valueRec1.XAdvDevice
assert valueRec1.XAdvDevice.DeltaFormat == 0x8000
assert valueRec1.XAdvance == v2
"location, expected",
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": -1.0}, (200, -80)), # -60 - 10, +25 + 5
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": 0.0}, (210, -85)), # -60, +25
({"wght": -1.0, "wdth": 1.0}, (220, -90)), # -60 + 10, +25 - 5
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": -1.0}, (260, -105)), # -10, +5
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": 0.0}, (270, -110)),
({"wght": 0.0, "wdth": 1.0}, (280, -115)), # +10, -5
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": -1.0}, (320, -130)), # +60 - 10, -25 + 5
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": 0.0}, (330, -135)), # +60, -25
({"wght": 1.0, "wdth": 1.0}, (340, -140)), # +60 + 10, -25 - 5
def test_full_instance_GPOS_mark_and_kern(self, varfontGPOS2, location, expected):
vf = varfontGPOS2
assert "GDEF" in vf
assert "GPOS" in vf
instancer.instantiateOTL(vf, location)
v1, v2 = expected
gdef = vf["GDEF"].table
gpos = vf["GPOS"].table
assert gdef.Version == 0x00010000
assert not hasattr(gdef, "VarStore")
assert gdef.GlyphClassDef
assert gpos.LookupList.Lookup[0].LookupType == 4 # MarkBasePos
markBasePos = gpos.LookupList.Lookup[0].SubTable[0]
baseAnchor = markBasePos.BaseArray.BaseRecord[0].BaseAnchor[0]
assert baseAnchor.Format == 1
assert not hasattr(baseAnchor, "XDeviceTable")
assert not hasattr(baseAnchor, "YDeviceTable")
assert baseAnchor.XCoordinate == v1
assert baseAnchor.YCoordinate == 450
assert gpos.LookupList.Lookup[1].LookupType == 2 # PairPos
pairPos = gpos.LookupList.Lookup[1].SubTable[0]
valueRec1 = pairPos.PairSet[0].PairValueRecord[0].Value1
assert not hasattr(valueRec1, "XAdvDevice")
assert valueRec1.XAdvance == v2
class InstantiateAvarTest(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("location", [{"wght": 0.0}, {"wdth": 0.0}])
def test_pin_and_drop_axis(self, varfont, location):
instancer.instantiateAvar(varfont, location)
assert set(varfont["avar"].segments).isdisjoint(location)
def test_full_instance(self, varfont):
instancer.instantiateAvar(varfont, {"wght": 0.0, "wdth": 0.0})
assert "avar" not in varfont
class InstantiateFvarTest(object):
"location, instancesLeft",
{"wght": 400.0},
["Regular", "SemiCondensed", "Condensed", "ExtraCondensed"],
{"wght": 100.0},
["Thin", "SemiCondensed Thin", "Condensed Thin", "ExtraCondensed Thin"],
{"wdth": 100.0},
# no named instance at pinned location
({"wdth": 90.0}, []),
def test_pin_and_drop_axis(self, varfont, location, instancesLeft):
instancer.instantiateFvar(varfont, location)
fvar = varfont["fvar"]
assert {a.axisTag for a in fvar.axes}.isdisjoint(location)
for instance in fvar.instances:
assert set(instance.coordinates).isdisjoint(location)
name = varfont["name"]
assert [
name.getDebugName(instance.subfamilyNameID) for instance in fvar.instances
] == instancesLeft
def test_full_instance(self, varfont):
instancer.instantiateFvar(varfont, {"wght": 0.0, "wdth": 0.0})
assert "fvar" not in varfont
class InstantiateSTATTest(object):
"location, expected",
({"wght": 400}, ["Condensed", "Upright"]),
({"wdth": 100}, ["Thin", "Regular", "Black", "Upright"]),
def test_pin_and_drop_axis(self, varfont, location, expected):
instancer.instantiateSTAT(varfont, location)
stat = varfont["STAT"].table
designAxes = {a.AxisTag for a in stat.DesignAxisRecord.Axis}
assert designAxes == {"wght", "wdth", "ital"}.difference(location)
name = varfont["name"]
valueNames = []
for axisValueTable in stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue:
valueName = name.getDebugName(axisValueTable.ValueNameID)
assert valueNames == expected
def test_skip_empty_table(self, varfont):
stat = otTables.STAT()
stat.Version = 0x00010001
assert not stat.DesignAxisRecord
assert not stat.AxisValueArray
varfont["STAT"].table = stat
instancer.instantiateSTAT(varfont, {"wght": 100})
assert not varfont["STAT"].table.DesignAxisRecord
def test_drop_table(self, varfont):
stat = otTables.STAT()
stat.Version = 0x00010001
stat.DesignAxisRecord = otTables.AxisRecordArray()
axis = otTables.AxisRecord()
axis.AxisTag = "wght"
axis.AxisNameID = 0
axis.AxisOrdering = 0
stat.DesignAxisRecord.Axis = [axis]
varfont["STAT"].table = stat
instancer.instantiateSTAT(varfont, {"wght": 100})
assert "STAT" not in varfont
def test_pruningUnusedNames(varfont):
varNameIDs = instancer.getVariationNameIDs(varfont)
assert varNameIDs == set(range(256, 296 + 1))
fvar = varfont["fvar"]
stat = varfont["STAT"].table
with instancer.pruningUnusedNames(varfont):
del fvar.axes[0] # Weight (nameID=256)
del fvar.instances[0] # Thin (nameID=258)
del stat.DesignAxisRecord.Axis[0] # Weight (nameID=256)
del stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue[0] # Thin (nameID=258)
assert not any(n for n in varfont["name"].names if n.nameID in {256, 258})
with instancer.pruningUnusedNames(varfont):
del varfont["fvar"]
del varfont["STAT"]
assert not any(n for n in varfont["name"].names if n.nameID in varNameIDs)
assert "ltag" not in varfont
def test_setMacOverlapFlags():
flagOverlapCompound = _g_l_y_f.OVERLAP_COMPOUND
flagOverlapSimple = _g_l_y_f.flagOverlapSimple
glyf = ttLib.newTable("glyf")
glyf.glyphOrder = ["a", "b", "c"]
a = _g_l_y_f.Glyph()
a.numberOfContours = 1
a.flags = [0]
b = _g_l_y_f.Glyph()
b.numberOfContours = -1
comp = _g_l_y_f.GlyphComponent()
comp.flags = 0
b.components = [comp]
c = _g_l_y_f.Glyph()
c.numberOfContours = 0
glyf.glyphs = {"a": a, "b": b, "c": c}
assert a.flags[0] & flagOverlapSimple != 0
assert b.components[0].flags & flagOverlapCompound != 0
def ttFont():
f = ttLib.TTFont()
f["OS/2"] = ttLib.newTable("OS/2")
f["post"] = ttLib.newTable("post")
return f
class SetDefaultWeightWidthSlantTest(object):
"location, expected",
({"wght": 0}, 1),
({"wght": 1}, 1),
({"wght": 100}, 100),
({"wght": 1000}, 1000),
({"wght": 1001}, 1000),
def test_wght(self, ttFont, location, expected):
instancer.setDefaultWeightWidthSlant(ttFont, location)
assert ttFont["OS/2"].usWeightClass == expected
"location, expected",
({"wdth": 0}, 1),
({"wdth": 56}, 1),
({"wdth": 57}, 2),
({"wdth": 62.5}, 2),
({"wdth": 75}, 3),
({"wdth": 87.5}, 4),
({"wdth": 100}, 5),
({"wdth": 112.5}, 6),
({"wdth": 125}, 7),
({"wdth": 150}, 8),
({"wdth": 200}, 9),
({"wdth": 201}, 9),
({"wdth": 1000}, 9),
def test_wdth(self, ttFont, location, expected):
instancer.setDefaultWeightWidthSlant(ttFont, location)
assert ttFont["OS/2"].usWidthClass == expected
"location, expected",
({"slnt": -91}, -90),
({"slnt": -90}, -90),
({"slnt": 0}, 0),
({"slnt": 11.5}, 11.5),
({"slnt": 90}, 90),
({"slnt": 91}, 90),
def test_slnt(self, ttFont, location, expected):
instancer.setDefaultWeightWidthSlant(ttFont, location)
assert ttFont["post"].italicAngle == expected
def test_all(self, ttFont):
ttFont, {"wght": 500, "wdth": 150, "slnt": -12.0}
assert ttFont["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 500
assert ttFont["OS/2"].usWidthClass == 8
assert ttFont["post"].italicAngle == -12.0
def _strip_ttLibVersion(string):
return re.sub(' ttLibVersion=".*"', "", string)
def varfont2():
f = ttLib.TTFont(recalcTimestamp=False)
f.importXML(os.path.join(TESTDATA, "PartialInstancerTest2-VF.ttx"))
return f
def _dump_ttx(ttFont):
# compile to temporary bytes stream, reload and dump to XML
tmp = BytesIO()
ttFont2 = ttLib.TTFont(tmp, recalcBBoxes=False, recalcTimestamp=False)
s = StringIO()
return _strip_ttLibVersion(s.getvalue())
def _get_expected_instance_ttx(wght, wdth):
with open(
"PartialInstancerTest2-VF-instance-{0},{1}.ttx".format(wght, wdth),
) as fp:
return _strip_ttLibVersion(
class InstantiateVariableFontTest(object):
"wght, wdth",
[(100, 100), (400, 100), (900, 100), (100, 62.5), (400, 62.5), (900, 62.5)],
def test_multiple_instancing(self, varfont2, wght, wdth):
partial = instancer.instantiateVariableFont(varfont2, {"wght": wght})
instance = instancer.instantiateVariableFont(partial, {"wdth": wdth})
expected = _get_expected_instance_ttx(wght, wdth)
assert _dump_ttx(instance) == expected
def test_default_instance(self, varfont2):
instance = instancer.instantiateVariableFont(
varfont2, {"wght": None, "wdth": None}
expected = _get_expected_instance_ttx(400, 100)
assert _dump_ttx(instance) == expected