Behdad Esfahbod e93e29125f Don't write Format for Coverage, ClassDef, Single/Alternate/LigatureSubst
The format values for those are automatically handled in
postRead/preWrite to choose optimal format.  As such, don't write them
in XML.  Reduces noise.

Part of
2013-12-17 03:06:10 -05:00

789 lines
24 KiB

"""fontTools.ttLib.tables.otTables -- A collection of classes representing the various
OpenType subtables.
Most are constructed upon import from data in, all are populated with
converter objects from
from __future__ import print_function, division
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from .otBase import BaseTable, FormatSwitchingBaseTable
import operator
import warnings
class LookupOrder(BaseTable):
"""Dummy class; this table isn't defined, but is used, and is always NULL."""
class FeatureParams(BaseTable):
def compile(self, writer, font):
assert featureParamTypes.get(writer['FeatureTag'], None) == self.__class__, "Wrong FeatureParams type for feature '%s': %s" % (writer['FeatureTag'], self.__class__.__name__)
BaseTable.compile(self, writer, font)
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs=None, name=None):
BaseTable.toXML(self, xmlWriter, font, attrs, name=self.__class__.__name__)
class FeatureParamsSize(FeatureParams):
class FeatureParamsStylisticSet(FeatureParams):
class FeatureParamsCharacterVariants(FeatureParams):
class Coverage(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
# manual implementation to get rid of glyphID dependencies
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
if self.Format == 1:
# TODO only allow glyphs that are valid?
self.glyphs = rawTable["GlyphArray"]
elif self.Format == 2:
glyphs = self.glyphs = []
ranges = rawTable["RangeRecord"]
glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()
# Some SIL fonts have coverage entries that don't have sorted
# StartCoverageIndex. If it is so, fixup and warn. We undo
# this when writing font out.
sorted_ranges = sorted(ranges, key=lambda a: a.StartCoverageIndex)
if ranges != sorted_ranges:
warnings.warn("GSUB/GPOS Coverage is not sorted by glyph ids.")
ranges = sorted_ranges
del sorted_ranges
for r in ranges:
assert r.StartCoverageIndex == len(glyphs), \
(r.StartCoverageIndex, len(glyphs))
start = r.Start
end = r.End
startID = font.getGlyphID(start, requireReal=True)
except KeyError:
warnings.warn("Coverage table has start glyph ID out of range: %s." % start)
endID = font.getGlyphID(end, requireReal=True) + 1
except KeyError:
# Apparently some tools use 65535 to "match all" the range
if end != 'glyph65535':
warnings.warn("Coverage table has end glyph ID out of range: %s." % end)
# NOTE: We clobber out-of-range things here. There are legit uses for those,
# but none that we have seen in the wild.
endID = len(glyphOrder)
glyphs.extend(glyphOrder[glyphID] for glyphID in range(startID, endID))
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
glyphs = getattr(self, "glyphs", None)
if glyphs is None:
glyphs = self.glyphs = []
format = 1
rawTable = {"GlyphArray": glyphs}
getGlyphID = font.getGlyphID
if glyphs:
# find out whether Format 2 is more compact or not
glyphIDs = [getGlyphID(glyphName) for glyphName in glyphs ]
brokenOrder = sorted(glyphIDs) != glyphIDs
last = glyphIDs[0]
ranges = [[last]]
for glyphID in glyphIDs[1:]:
if glyphID != last + 1:
last = glyphID
if brokenOrder or len(ranges) * 3 < len(glyphs): # 3 words vs. 1 word
# Format 2 is more compact
index = 0
for i in range(len(ranges)):
start, end = ranges[i]
r = RangeRecord()
r.StartID = start
r.Start = font.getGlyphName(start)
r.End = font.getGlyphName(end)
r.StartCoverageIndex = index
ranges[i] = r
index = index + end - start + 1
if brokenOrder:
warnings.warn("GSUB/GPOS Coverage is not sorted by glyph ids.")
ranges.sort(key=lambda a: a.StartID)
for r in ranges:
del r.StartID
format = 2
rawTable = {"RangeRecord": ranges}
# fallthrough; Format 1 is more compact
self.Format = format
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
for glyphName in getattr(self, "glyphs", []):
xmlWriter.simpletag("Glyph", value=glyphName)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
glyphs = getattr(self, "glyphs", None)
if glyphs is None:
glyphs = []
self.glyphs = glyphs
def doModulo(value):
if value < 0:
return value + 65536
return value
class SingleSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
mapping = {}
input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
lenMapping = len(input)
if self.Format == 1:
delta = rawTable["DeltaGlyphID"]
inputGIDS = [ font.getGlyphID(name) for name in input ]
outGIDS = [ glyphID + delta for glyphID in inputGIDS ]
outGIDS = map(doModulo, outGIDS)
outNames = [ font.getGlyphName(glyphID) for glyphID in outGIDS ]
list(map(operator.setitem, [mapping]*lenMapping, input, outNames))
elif self.Format == 2:
assert len(input) == rawTable["GlyphCount"], \
"invalid SingleSubstFormat2 table"
subst = rawTable["Substitute"]
list(map(operator.setitem, [mapping]*lenMapping, input, subst))
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
self.mapping = mapping
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = self.mapping = {}
items = list(mapping.items())
getGlyphID = font.getGlyphID
gidItems = [(getGlyphID(a), getGlyphID(b)) for a,b in items]
sortableItems = sorted(zip(gidItems, items))
# figure out format
format = 2
delta = None
for inID, outID in gidItems:
if delta is None:
delta = outID - inID
if delta < -32768:
delta += 65536
elif delta > 32767:
delta -= 65536
if delta != outID - inID:
format = 1
rawTable = {}
self.Format = format
cov = Coverage()
input = [ item [1][0] for item in sortableItems]
subst = [ item [1][1] for item in sortableItems]
cov.glyphs = input
rawTable["Coverage"] = cov
if format == 1:
assert delta is not None
rawTable["DeltaGlyphID"] = delta
rawTable["Substitute"] = subst
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.mapping.items())
for inGlyph, outGlyph in items:
[("in", inGlyph), ("out", outGlyph)])
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
if mapping is None:
mapping = {}
self.mapping = mapping
mapping[attrs["in"]] = attrs["out"]
class ClassDef(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
classDefs = {}
glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()
if self.Format == 1:
start = rawTable["StartGlyph"]
classList = rawTable["ClassValueArray"]
startID = font.getGlyphID(start, requireReal=True)
except KeyError:
warnings.warn("ClassDef table has start glyph ID out of range: %s." % start)
startID = len(glyphOrder)
endID = startID + len(classList)
if endID > len(glyphOrder):
warnings.warn("ClassDef table has entries for out of range glyph IDs: %s,%s." % (start, len(classList)))
# NOTE: We clobber out-of-range things here. There are legit uses for those,
# but none that we have seen in the wild.
endID = len(glyphOrder)
for glyphID, cls in zip(range(startID, endID), classList):
classDefs[glyphOrder[glyphID]] = cls
elif self.Format == 2:
records = rawTable["ClassRangeRecord"]
for rec in records:
start = rec.Start
end = rec.End
cls = rec.Class
startID = font.getGlyphID(start, requireReal=True)
except KeyError:
warnings.warn("ClassDef table has start glyph ID out of range: %s." % start)
endID = font.getGlyphID(end, requireReal=True) + 1
except KeyError:
# Apparently some tools use 65535 to "match all" the range
if end != 'glyph65535':
warnings.warn("ClassDef table has end glyph ID out of range: %s." % end)
# NOTE: We clobber out-of-range things here. There are legit uses for those,
# but none that we have seen in the wild.
endID = len(glyphOrder)
for glyphID in range(startID, endID):
classDefs[glyphOrder[glyphID]] = cls
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
self.classDefs = classDefs
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
classDefs = getattr(self, "classDefs", None)
if classDefs is None:
classDefs = self.classDefs = {}
items = list(classDefs.items())
format = 2
rawTable = {"ClassRangeRecord": []}
getGlyphID = font.getGlyphID
for i in range(len(items)):
glyphName, cls = items[i]
items[i] = getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, cls
if items:
last, lastName, lastCls = items[0]
ranges = [[lastCls, last, lastName]]
for glyphID, glyphName, cls in items[1:]:
if glyphID != last + 1 or cls != lastCls:
ranges[-1].extend([last, lastName])
ranges.append([cls, glyphID, glyphName])
last = glyphID
lastName = glyphName
lastCls = cls
ranges[-1].extend([last, lastName])
startGlyph = ranges[0][1]
endGlyph = ranges[-1][3]
glyphCount = endGlyph - startGlyph + 1
if len(ranges) * 3 < glyphCount + 1:
# Format 2 is more compact
for i in range(len(ranges)):
cls, start, startName, end, endName = ranges[i]
rec = ClassRangeRecord()
rec.Start = startName
rec.End = endName
rec.Class = cls
ranges[i] = rec
format = 2
rawTable = {"ClassRangeRecord": ranges}
# Format 1 is more compact
startGlyphName = ranges[0][2]
classes = [0] * glyphCount
for cls, start, startName, end, endName in ranges:
for g in range(start - startGlyph, end - startGlyph + 1):
classes[g] = cls
format = 1
rawTable = {"StartGlyph": startGlyphName, "ClassValueArray": classes}
self.Format = format
return rawTable
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.classDefs.items())
for glyphName, cls in items:
xmlWriter.simpletag("ClassDef", [("glyph", glyphName), ("class", cls)])
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
classDefs = getattr(self, "classDefs", None)
if classDefs is None:
classDefs = {}
self.classDefs = classDefs
classDefs[attrs["glyph"]] = int(attrs["class"])
class AlternateSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
alternates = {}
if self.Format == 1:
input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
alts = rawTable["AlternateSet"]
if len(input) != len(alts):
assert len(input) == len(alts)
for i in range(len(input)):
alternates[input[i]] = alts[i].Alternate
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
self.alternates = alternates
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
self.Format = 1
alternates = getattr(self, "alternates", None)
if alternates is None:
alternates = self.alternates = {}
items = list(alternates.items())
for i in range(len(items)):
glyphName, set = items[i]
items[i] = font.getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, set
cov = Coverage()
cov.glyphs = [ item[1] for item in items]
alternates = []
setList = [ item[-1] for item in items]
for set in setList:
alts = AlternateSet()
alts.Alternate = set
# a special case to deal with the fact that several hundred Adobe Japan1-5
# CJK fonts will overflow an offset if the coverage table isn't pushed to the end.
# Also useful in that when splitting a sub-table because of an offset overflow
# I don't need to calculate the change in the subtable offset due to the change in the coverage table size.
# Allows packing more rules in subtable.
self.sortCoverageLast = 1
return {"Coverage": cov, "AlternateSet": alternates}
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.alternates.items())
for glyphName, alternates in items:
xmlWriter.begintag("AlternateSet", glyph=glyphName)
for alt in alternates:
xmlWriter.simpletag("Alternate", glyph=alt)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
alternates = getattr(self, "alternates", None)
if alternates is None:
alternates = {}
self.alternates = alternates
glyphName = attrs["glyph"]
set = []
alternates[glyphName] = set
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
class LigatureSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
ligatures = {}
if self.Format == 1:
input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
ligSets = rawTable["LigatureSet"]
assert len(input) == len(ligSets)
for i in range(len(input)):
ligatures[input[i]] = ligSets[i].Ligature
assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
self.ligatures = ligatures
del self.Format # Don't need this anymore
def preWrite(self, font):
self.Format = 1
ligatures = getattr(self, "ligatures", None)
if ligatures is None:
ligatures = self.ligatures = {}
items = list(ligatures.items())
for i in range(len(items)):
glyphName, set = items[i]
items[i] = font.getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, set
cov = Coverage()
cov.glyphs = [ item[1] for item in items]
ligSets = []
setList = [ item[-1] for item in items ]
for set in setList:
ligSet = LigatureSet()
ligs = ligSet.Ligature = []
for lig in set:
# Useful in that when splitting a sub-table because of an offset overflow
# I don't need to calculate the change in subtabl offset due to the coverage table size.
# Allows packing more rules in subtable.
self.sortCoverageLast = 1
return {"Coverage": cov, "LigatureSet": ligSets}
def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
items = sorted(self.ligatures.items())
for glyphName, ligSets in items:
xmlWriter.begintag("LigatureSet", glyph=glyphName)
for lig in ligSets:
xmlWriter.simpletag("Ligature", glyph=lig.LigGlyph,
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, font):
ligatures = getattr(self, "ligatures", None)
if ligatures is None:
ligatures = {}
self.ligatures = ligatures
glyphName = attrs["glyph"]
ligs = []
ligatures[glyphName] = ligs
for element in content:
if not isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
lig = Ligature()
lig.LigGlyph = attrs["glyph"]
lig.Component = attrs["components"].split(",")
# For each subtable format there is a class. However, we don't really distinguish
# between "field name" and "format name": often these are the same. Yet there's
# a whole bunch of fields with different names. The following dict is a mapping
# from "format name" to "field name". _buildClasses() uses this to create a
# subclass for each alternate field name.
_equivalents = {
'MarkArray': ("Mark1Array",),
'LangSys': ('DefaultLangSys',),
'Coverage': ('MarkCoverage', 'BaseCoverage', 'LigatureCoverage', 'Mark1Coverage',
'Mark2Coverage', 'BacktrackCoverage', 'InputCoverage',
'LookAheadCoverage', 'VertGlyphCoverage', 'HorizGlyphCoverage',
'TopAccentCoverage', 'ExtendedShapeCoverage', 'MathKernCoverage'),
'ClassDef': ('ClassDef1', 'ClassDef2', 'BacktrackClassDef', 'InputClassDef',
'LookAheadClassDef', 'GlyphClassDef', 'MarkAttachClassDef'),
'Anchor': ('EntryAnchor', 'ExitAnchor', 'BaseAnchor', 'LigatureAnchor',
'Mark2Anchor', 'MarkAnchor'),
'Device': ('XPlaDevice', 'YPlaDevice', 'XAdvDevice', 'YAdvDevice',
'XDeviceTable', 'YDeviceTable', 'DeviceTable'),
'Axis': ('HorizAxis', 'VertAxis',),
'MinMax': ('DefaultMinMax',),
'BaseCoord': ('MinCoord', 'MaxCoord',),
'JstfLangSys': ('DefJstfLangSys',),
'JstfGSUBModList': ('ShrinkageEnableGSUB', 'ShrinkageDisableGSUB', 'ExtensionEnableGSUB',
'JstfGPOSModList': ('ShrinkageEnableGPOS', 'ShrinkageDisableGPOS', 'ExtensionEnableGPOS',
'JstfMax': ('ShrinkageJstfMax', 'ExtensionJstfMax',),
'MathKern': ('TopRightMathKern', 'TopLeftMathKern', 'BottomRightMathKern',
'MathGlyphConstruction': ('VertGlyphConstruction', 'HorizGlyphConstruction'),
# OverFlow logic, to automatically create ExtensionLookups
# XXX This should probably move to
def fixLookupOverFlows(ttf, overflowRecord):
""" Either the offset from the LookupList to a lookup overflowed, or
an offset from a lookup to a subtable overflowed.
The table layout is:
Script List
Feature List
Lookup[0] and contents
SubTable offset list
SubTable[0] and contents
SubTable[n] and contents
Lookup[n] and contents
SubTable offset list
SubTable[0] and contents
SubTable[n] and contents
If the offset to a lookup overflowed (SubTableIndex is None)
we must promote the *previous* lookup to an Extension type.
If the offset from a lookup to subtable overflowed, then we must promote it
to an Extension Lookup type.
ok = 0
lookupIndex = overflowRecord.LookupListIndex
if (overflowRecord.SubTableIndex is None):
lookupIndex = lookupIndex - 1
if lookupIndex < 0:
return ok
if overflowRecord.tableType == 'GSUB':
extType = 7
elif overflowRecord.tableType == 'GPOS':
extType = 9
lookups = ttf[overflowRecord.tableType].table.LookupList.Lookup
lookup = lookups[lookupIndex]
# If the previous lookup is an extType, look further back. Very unlikely, but possible.
while lookup.LookupType == extType:
lookupIndex = lookupIndex -1
if lookupIndex < 0:
return ok
lookup = lookups[lookupIndex]
for si in range(len(lookup.SubTable)):
subTable = lookup.SubTable[si]
extSubTableClass = lookupTypes[overflowRecord.tableType][extType]
extSubTable = extSubTableClass()
extSubTable.Format = 1
extSubTable.ExtensionLookupType = lookup.LookupType
extSubTable.ExtSubTable = subTable
lookup.SubTable[si] = extSubTable
lookup.LookupType = extType
ok = 1
return ok
def splitAlternateSubst(oldSubTable, newSubTable, overflowRecord):
ok = 1
newSubTable.Format = oldSubTable.Format
if hasattr(oldSubTable, 'sortCoverageLast'):
newSubTable.sortCoverageLast = oldSubTable.sortCoverageLast
oldAlts = sorted(oldSubTable.alternates.items())
oldLen = len(oldAlts)
if overflowRecord.itemName in [ 'Coverage', 'RangeRecord']:
# Coverage table is written last. overflow is to or within the
# the coverage table. We will just cut the subtable in half.
newLen = oldLen//2
elif overflowRecord.itemName == 'AlternateSet':
# We just need to back up by two items
# from the overflowed AlternateSet index to make sure the offset
# to the Coverage table doesn't overflow.
newLen = overflowRecord.itemIndex - 1
newSubTable.alternates = {}
for i in range(newLen, oldLen):
item = oldAlts[i]
key = item[0]
newSubTable.alternates[key] = item[1]
del oldSubTable.alternates[key]
return ok
def splitLigatureSubst(oldSubTable, newSubTable, overflowRecord):
ok = 1
newSubTable.Format = oldSubTable.Format
oldLigs = sorted(oldSubTable.ligatures.items())
oldLen = len(oldLigs)
if overflowRecord.itemName in [ 'Coverage', 'RangeRecord']:
# Coverage table is written last. overflow is to or within the
# the coverage table. We will just cut the subtable in half.
newLen = oldLen//2
elif overflowRecord.itemName == 'LigatureSet':
# We just need to back up by two items
# from the overflowed AlternateSet index to make sure the offset
# to the Coverage table doesn't overflow.
newLen = overflowRecord.itemIndex - 1
newSubTable.ligatures = {}
for i in range(newLen, oldLen):
item = oldLigs[i]
key = item[0]
newSubTable.ligatures[key] = item[1]
del oldSubTable.ligatures[key]
return ok
splitTable = { 'GSUB': {
# 1: splitSingleSubst,
# 2: splitMultipleSubst,
3: splitAlternateSubst,
4: splitLigatureSubst,
# 5: splitContextSubst,
# 6: splitChainContextSubst,
# 7: splitExtensionSubst,
# 8: splitReverseChainSingleSubst,
'GPOS': {
# 1: splitSinglePos,
# 2: splitPairPos,
# 3: splitCursivePos,
# 4: splitMarkBasePos,
# 5: splitMarkLigPos,
# 6: splitMarkMarkPos,
# 7: splitContextPos,
# 8: splitChainContextPos,
# 9: splitExtensionPos,
def fixSubTableOverFlows(ttf, overflowRecord):
An offset has overflowed within a sub-table. We need to divide this subtable into smaller parts.
ok = 0
table = ttf[overflowRecord.tableType].table
lookup = table.LookupList.Lookup[overflowRecord.LookupListIndex]
subIndex = overflowRecord.SubTableIndex
subtable = lookup.SubTable[subIndex]
if hasattr(subtable, 'ExtSubTable'):
# We split the subtable of the Extension table, and add a new Extension table
# to contain the new subtable.
subTableType = subtable.ExtensionLookupType
extSubTable = subtable
subtable = extSubTable.ExtSubTable
newExtSubTableClass = lookupTypes[overflowRecord.tableType][lookup.LookupType]
newExtSubTable = newExtSubTableClass()
newExtSubTable.Format = extSubTable.Format
newExtSubTable.ExtensionLookupType = extSubTable.ExtensionLookupType
lookup.SubTable.insert(subIndex + 1, newExtSubTable)
newSubTableClass = lookupTypes[overflowRecord.tableType][subTableType]
newSubTable = newSubTableClass()
newExtSubTable.ExtSubTable = newSubTable
subTableType = lookup.LookupType
newSubTableClass = lookupTypes[overflowRecord.tableType][subTableType]
newSubTable = newSubTableClass()
lookup.SubTable.insert(subIndex + 1, newSubTable)
if hasattr(lookup, 'SubTableCount'): # may not be defined yet.
lookup.SubTableCount = lookup.SubTableCount + 1
splitFunc = splitTable[overflowRecord.tableType][subTableType]
except KeyError:
return ok
ok = splitFunc(subtable, newSubTable, overflowRecord)
return ok
# End of OverFlow logic
def _buildClasses():
import re
from .otData import otData
formatPat = re.compile("([A-Za-z0-9]+)Format(\d+)$")
namespace = globals()
# populate module with classes
for name, table in otData:
baseClass = BaseTable
m = formatPat.match(name)
if m:
# XxxFormatN subtable, we only add the "base" table
name =
baseClass = FormatSwitchingBaseTable
if name not in namespace:
# the class doesn't exist yet, so the base implementation is used.
cls = type(name, (baseClass,), {})
namespace[name] = cls
for base, alts in _equivalents.items():
base = namespace[base]
for alt in alts:
namespace[alt] = type(alt, (base,), {})
global lookupTypes
lookupTypes = {
'GSUB': {
1: SingleSubst,
2: MultipleSubst,
3: AlternateSubst,
4: LigatureSubst,
5: ContextSubst,
6: ChainContextSubst,
7: ExtensionSubst,
8: ReverseChainSingleSubst,
'GPOS': {
1: SinglePos,
2: PairPos,
3: CursivePos,
4: MarkBasePos,
5: MarkLigPos,
6: MarkMarkPos,
7: ContextPos,
8: ChainContextPos,
9: ExtensionPos,
lookupTypes['JSTF'] = lookupTypes['GPOS'] # JSTF contains GPOS
for lookupEnum in lookupTypes.values():
for enum, cls in lookupEnum.items():
cls.LookupType = enum
global featureParamTypes
featureParamTypes = {
'size': FeatureParamsSize,
for i in range(1, 20+1):
featureParamTypes['ss%02d' % i] = FeatureParamsStylisticSet
for i in range(1, 99+1):
featureParamTypes['cv%02d' % i] = FeatureParamsCharacterVariants
# add converters to classes
from .otConverters import buildConverters
for name, table in otData:
m = formatPat.match(name)
if m:
# XxxFormatN subtable, add converter to "base" table
name, format = m.groups()
format = int(format)
cls = namespace[name]
if not hasattr(cls, "converters"):
cls.converters = {}
cls.convertersByName = {}
converters, convertersByName = buildConverters(table[1:], namespace)
cls.converters[format] = converters
cls.convertersByName[format] = convertersByName
cls = namespace[name]
cls.converters, cls.convertersByName = buildConverters(table, namespace)
def _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(coverage):
if coverage is None:
# empty coverage table
return []
return coverage.glyphs