re-named variables from snake-case to camel-case throughout functions, except for 'master_ttfs' (which is ugly when camel-cased, and is the lone snake-cased in other functions) and the function names (which follows the precedent set in almost all of the rest of the module).
1089 lines
34 KiB
1089 lines
34 KiB
Module for dealing with 'gvar'-style font variations, also known as run-time
The ideas here are very similar to MutatorMath. There is even code to read
MutatorMath .designspace files in the varLib.designspace module.
For now, if you run this file on a designspace file, it tries to find
ttf-interpolatable files for the masters and build a variable-font from
them. Such ttf-interpolatable and designspace files can be generated from
a Glyphs source, eg., using noto-source as an example:
$ fontmake -o ttf-interpolatable -g NotoSansArabic-MM.glyphs
Then you can make a variable-font this way:
$ fonttools varLib master_ufo/NotoSansArabic.designspace
API *will* change in near future.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import otRound
from fontTools.misc.arrayTools import Vector
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont, newTable, TTLibError
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._n_a_m_e import NameRecord
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._f_v_a_r import Axis, NamedInstance
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._g_l_y_f import GlyphCoordinates
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.ttProgram import Program
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.TupleVariation import TupleVariation
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase import OTTableWriter
from fontTools.varLib import builder, models, varStore
from fontTools.varLib.merger import VariationMerger
from fontTools.varLib.mvar import MVAR_ENTRIES
from fontTools.varLib.iup import iup_delta_optimize
from fontTools.varLib.featureVars import addFeatureVariations
from fontTools.designspaceLib import DesignSpaceDocument, AxisDescriptor
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
import os.path
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from pprint import pformat
log = logging.getLogger("fontTools.varLib")
class VarLibError(Exception):
# Creation routines
def _add_fvar(font, axes, instances):
Add 'fvar' table to font.
axes is an ordered dictionary of DesignspaceAxis objects.
instances is list of dictionary objects with 'location', 'stylename',
and possibly 'postscriptfontname' entries.
assert axes
assert isinstance(axes, OrderedDict)
|"Generating fvar")
fvar = newTable('fvar')
nameTable = font['name']
for a in axes.values():
axis = Axis()
axis.axisTag = Tag(a.tag)
# TODO Skip axes that have no variation.
axis.minValue, axis.defaultValue, axis.maxValue = a.minimum, a.default, a.maximum
axis.axisNameID = nameTable.addMultilingualName(a.labelNames, font)
axis.flags = int(a.hidden)
for instance in instances:
coordinates = instance.location
if "en" not in instance.localisedStyleName:
assert instance.styleName
localisedStyleName = dict(instance.localisedStyleName)
localisedStyleName["en"] = tounicode(instance.styleName)
localisedStyleName = instance.localisedStyleName
psname = instance.postScriptFontName
inst = NamedInstance()
inst.subfamilyNameID = nameTable.addMultilingualName(localisedStyleName)
if psname is not None:
psname = tounicode(psname)
inst.postscriptNameID = nameTable.addName(psname)
inst.coordinates = {axes[k].tag:axes[k].map_backward(v) for k,v in coordinates.items()}
#inst.coordinates = {axes[k].tag:v for k,v in coordinates.items()}
assert "fvar" not in font
font['fvar'] = fvar
return fvar
def _add_avar(font, axes):
Add 'avar' table to font.
axes is an ordered dictionary of AxisDescriptor objects.
assert axes
assert isinstance(axes, OrderedDict)
|"Generating avar")
avar = newTable('avar')
interesting = False
for axis in axes.values():
# Currently, some rasterizers require that the default value maps
# (-1 to -1, 0 to 0, and 1 to 1) be present for all the segment
# maps, even when the default normalization mapping for the axis
# was not modified.
# TODO(anthrotype) revert this (and 19c4b37) when issue is fixed
curve = avar.segments[axis.tag] = {-1.0: -1.0, 0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 1.0}
if not
items = sorted(
keys = [item[0] for item in items]
vals = [item[1] for item in items]
# Current avar requirements. We don't have to enforce
# these on the designer and can deduce some ourselves,
# but for now just enforce them.
assert axis.minimum == min(keys)
assert axis.maximum == max(keys)
assert axis.default in keys
# No duplicates
assert len(set(keys)) == len(keys)
assert len(set(vals)) == len(vals)
# Ascending values
assert sorted(vals) == vals
keys_triple = (axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum)
vals_triple = tuple(axis.map_forward(v) for v in keys_triple)
keys = [models.normalizeValue(v, keys_triple) for v in keys]
vals = [models.normalizeValue(v, vals_triple) for v in vals]
if all(k == v for k, v in zip(keys, vals)):
interesting = True
curve.update(zip(keys, vals))
assert 0.0 in curve and curve[0.0] == 0.0
assert -1.0 not in curve or curve[-1.0] == -1.0
assert +1.0 not in curve or curve[+1.0] == +1.0
# curve.update({-1.0: -1.0, 0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 1.0})
assert "avar" not in font
if not interesting:
|"No need for avar")
avar = None
font['avar'] = avar
return avar
def _add_stat(font, axes):
# for now we just get the axis tags and nameIDs from the fvar,
# so we can reuse the same nameIDs which were defined in there.
# TODO make use of 'axes' once it adds style attributes info:
if "STAT" in font:
fvarTable = font['fvar']
STAT = font["STAT"] = newTable('STAT')
stat = STAT.table = ot.STAT()
stat.Version = 0x00010001
axisRecords = []
for i, a in enumerate(fvarTable.axes):
axis = ot.AxisRecord()
axis.AxisTag = Tag(a.axisTag)
axis.AxisNameID = a.axisNameID
axis.AxisOrdering = i
axisRecordArray = ot.AxisRecordArray()
axisRecordArray.Axis = axisRecords
# XXX these should not be hard-coded but computed automatically
stat.DesignAxisRecordSize = 8
stat.DesignAxisCount = len(axisRecords)
stat.DesignAxisRecord = axisRecordArray
# for the elided fallback name, we default to the base style name.
# TODO make this user-configurable via designspace document
stat.ElidedFallbackNameID = 2
def _get_phantom_points(font, glyphName, defaultVerticalOrigin=None):
glyf = font["glyf"]
glyph = glyf[glyphName]
horizontalAdvanceWidth, leftSideBearing = font["hmtx"].metrics[glyphName]
if not hasattr(glyph, 'xMin'):
leftSideX = glyph.xMin - leftSideBearing
rightSideX = leftSideX + horizontalAdvanceWidth
if "vmtx" in font:
verticalAdvanceWidth, topSideBearing = font["vmtx"].metrics[glyphName]
topSideY = topSideBearing + glyph.yMax
# without vmtx, use ascent as vertical origin and UPEM as vertical advance
# like HarfBuzz does
verticalAdvanceWidth = font["head"].unitsPerEm
topSideY = font["hhea"].ascent
except KeyError:
# sparse masters may not contain an hhea table; use the ascent
# of the default master as the vertical origin
assert defaultVerticalOrigin is not None
topSideY = defaultVerticalOrigin
bottomSideY = topSideY - verticalAdvanceWidth
return [
(leftSideX, 0),
(rightSideX, 0),
(0, topSideY),
(0, bottomSideY),
# TODO Move to glyf or gvar table proper
def _GetCoordinates(font, glyphName, defaultVerticalOrigin=None):
"""font, glyphName --> glyph coordinates as expected by "gvar" table
The result includes four "phantom points" for the glyph metrics,
as mandated by the "gvar" spec.
glyf = font["glyf"]
if glyphName not in glyf.glyphs: return None
glyph = glyf[glyphName]
if glyph.isComposite():
coord = GlyphCoordinates([(getattr(c, 'x', 0),getattr(c, 'y', 0)) for c in glyph.components])
control = (glyph.numberOfContours,[c.glyphName for c in glyph.components])
allData = glyph.getCoordinates(glyf)
coord = allData[0]
control = (glyph.numberOfContours,)+allData[1:]
# Add phantom points for (left, right, top, bottom) positions.
phantomPoints = _get_phantom_points(font, glyphName, defaultVerticalOrigin)
coord = coord.copy()
return coord, control
# TODO Move to glyf or gvar table proper
def _SetCoordinates(font, glyphName, coord):
glyf = font["glyf"]
assert glyphName in glyf.glyphs
glyph = glyf[glyphName]
# Handle phantom points for (left, right, top, bottom) positions.
assert len(coord) >= 4
if not hasattr(glyph, 'xMin'):
leftSideX = coord[-4][0]
rightSideX = coord[-3][0]
topSideY = coord[-2][1]
bottomSideY = coord[-1][1]
for _ in range(4):
del coord[-1]
if glyph.isComposite():
assert len(coord) == len(glyph.components)
for p,comp in zip(coord, glyph.components):
if hasattr(comp, 'x'):
comp.x,comp.y = p
elif glyph.numberOfContours is 0:
assert len(coord) == 0
assert len(coord) == len(glyph.coordinates)
glyph.coordinates = coord
horizontalAdvanceWidth = otRound(rightSideX - leftSideX)
if horizontalAdvanceWidth < 0:
# unlikely, but it can happen, see:
horizontalAdvanceWidth = 0
leftSideBearing = otRound(glyph.xMin - leftSideX)
# XXX Handle vertical
font["hmtx"].metrics[glyphName] = horizontalAdvanceWidth, leftSideBearing
def _add_gvar(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5, optimize=True):
assert tolerance >= 0
|"Generating gvar")
assert "gvar" not in font
gvar = font["gvar"] = newTable('gvar')
gvar.version = 1
gvar.reserved = 0
gvar.variations = {}
glyf = font['glyf']
# use hhea.ascent of base master as default vertical origin when vmtx is missing
defaultVerticalOrigin = font['hhea'].ascent
for glyph in font.getGlyphOrder():
isComposite = glyf[glyph].isComposite()
allData = [
_GetCoordinates(m, glyph, defaultVerticalOrigin=defaultVerticalOrigin)
for m in master_ttfs
model, allData = masterModel.getSubModel(allData)
allCoords = [d[0] for d in allData]
allControls = [d[1] for d in allData]
control = allControls[0]
if not models.allEqual(allControls):
log.warning("glyph %s has incompatible masters; skipping" % glyph)
del allControls
# Update gvar
gvar.variations[glyph] = []
deltas = model.getDeltas(allCoords)
supports = model.supports
assert len(deltas) == len(supports)
# Prepare for IUP optimization
origCoords = deltas[0]
endPts = control[1] if control[0] >= 1 else list(range(len(control[1])))
for i,(delta,support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])):
if all(abs(v) <= tolerance for v in delta.array) and not isComposite:
var = TupleVariation(support, delta)
if optimize:
delta_opt = iup_delta_optimize(delta, origCoords, endPts, tolerance=tolerance)
if None in delta_opt:
"""In composite glyphs, there should be one 0 entry
to make sure the gvar entry is written to the font.
This is to work around an issue with macOS 10.14 and can be
removed once the behaviour of macOS is changed.
if all(d is None for d in delta_opt):
delta_opt = [(0, 0)] + [None] * (len(delta_opt) - 1)
# Use "optimized" version only if smaller...
var_opt = TupleVariation(support, delta_opt)
axis_tags = sorted(support.keys()) # Shouldn't matter that this is different from fvar...?
tupleData, auxData, _ = var.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
unoptimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)
tupleData, auxData, _ = var_opt.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
optimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)
if optimized_len < unoptimized_len:
var = var_opt
def _remove_TTHinting(font):
for tag in ("cvar", "cvt ", "fpgm", "prep"):
if tag in font:
del font[tag]
for attr in ("maxTwilightPoints", "maxStorage", "maxFunctionDefs", "maxInstructionDefs", "maxStackElements", "maxSizeOfInstructions"):
setattr(font["maxp"], attr, 0)
font["maxp"].maxZones = 1
# TODO: Modify gasp table to deactivate gridfitting for all ranges?
def _merge_TTHinting(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5):
|"Merging TT hinting")
assert "cvar" not in font
# Check that the existing hinting is compatible
# fpgm and prep table
for tag in ("fpgm", "prep"):
all_pgms = [m[tag].program for m in master_ttfs if tag in m]
if len(all_pgms) == 0:
if tag in font:
font_pgm = font[tag].program
font_pgm = Program()
if any(pgm != font_pgm for pgm in all_pgms):
log.warning("Masters have incompatible %s tables, hinting is discarded." % tag)
# glyf table
for name, glyph in font["glyf"].glyphs.items():
all_pgms = [
for m in master_ttfs
if name in m['glyf'] and hasattr(m["glyf"][name], "program")
if not any(all_pgms):
if hasattr(glyph, "program"):
font_pgm = glyph.program
font_pgm = Program()
if any(pgm != font_pgm for pgm in all_pgms if pgm):
log.warning("Masters have incompatible glyph programs in glyph '%s', hinting is discarded." % name)
# TODO Only drop hinting from this glyph.
# cvt table
all_cvs = [Vector(m["cvt "].values) if 'cvt ' in m else None
for m in master_ttfs]
nonNone_cvs = models.nonNone(all_cvs)
if not nonNone_cvs:
# There is no cvt table to make a cvar table from, we're done here.
if not models.allEqual(len(c) for c in nonNone_cvs):
log.warning("Masters have incompatible cvt tables, hinting is discarded.")
# We can build the cvar table now.
cvar = font["cvar"] = newTable('cvar')
cvar.version = 1
cvar.variations = []
deltas, supports = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(all_cvs)
for i,(delta,support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])):
delta = [otRound(d) for d in delta]
if all(abs(v) <= tolerance for v in delta):
var = TupleVariation(support, delta)
MetricsFields = namedtuple('MetricsFields',
['tableTag', 'metricsTag', 'sb1', 'sb2', 'advMapping', 'vOrigMapping'])
hvarFields = MetricsFields(tableTag='HVAR', metricsTag='hmtx', sb1='LsbMap',
sb2='RsbMap', advMapping='AdvWidthMap', vOrigMapping=None)
vvarFields = MetricsFields(tableTag='VVAR', metricsTag='vmtx', sb1='TsbMap',
sb2='BsbMap', advMapping='AdvHeightMap', vOrigMapping='VOrgMap')
def _add_HVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags):
_add_VHVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags, hvarFields)
def _add_VVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags):
_add_VHVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags, vvarFields)
def _add_VHVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags, tableFields):
tableTag = tableFields.tableTag
assert tableTag not in font
|"Generating " + tableTag)
VHVAR = newTable(tableTag)
table_class = getattr(ot, tableTag)
vhvar = VHVAR.table = table_class()
vhvar.Version = 0x00010000
glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()
# Build list of source font advance widths for each glyph
metricsTag = tableFields.metricsTag
advMetricses = [m[metricsTag].metrics for m in master_ttfs]
# Build list of source font vertical origin coords for each glyph
if tableTag == 'VVAR' and 'VORG' in master_ttfs[0]:
vOrigMetricses = [m['VORG'].VOriginRecords for m in master_ttfs]
defaultYOrigs = [m['VORG'].defaultVertOriginY for m in master_ttfs]
vOrigMetricses = list(zip(vOrigMetricses, defaultYOrigs))
vOrigMetricses = None
metricsStore, advanceMapping, vOrigMapping = _get_advance_metrics(font,
masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags, glyphOrder, advMetricses,
vhvar.VarStore = metricsStore
if advanceMapping is None:
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.advMapping, None)
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.advMapping, advanceMapping)
if vOrigMapping is not None:
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.vOrigMapping, vOrigMapping)
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.sb1, None)
setattr(vhvar, tableFields.sb2, None)
font[tableTag] = VHVAR
def _get_advance_metrics(font, masterModel, master_ttfs,
axisTags, glyphOrder, advMetricses, vOrigMetricses=None):
vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports = {}
vOrigDeltasAndSupports = {}
for glyph in glyphOrder:
vhAdvances = [metrics[glyph][0] if glyph in metrics else None for metrics in advMetricses]
vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(vhAdvances)
singleModel = models.allEqual(id(v[1]) for v in vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values())
if vOrigMetricses:
singleModel = False
for glyph in glyphOrder:
# We need to supply a vOrigs tuple with non-None default values
# for each glyph. vOrigMetricses contains values only for those
# glyphs which have a non-default vOrig.
vOrigs = [metrics[glyph] if glyph in metrics else defaultVOrig
for metrics, defaultVOrig in vOrigMetricses]
vOrigDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(vOrigs)
directStore = None
if singleModel:
# Build direct mapping
supports = next(iter(vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values()))[1][1:]
varTupleList = builder.buildVarRegionList(supports, axisTags)
varTupleIndexes = list(range(len(supports)))
varData = builder.buildVarData(varTupleIndexes, [], optimize=False)
for glyphName in glyphOrder:
directStore = builder.buildVarStore(varTupleList, [varData])
# Build optimized indirect mapping
storeBuilder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)
advMapping = {}
for glyphName in glyphOrder:
deltas, supports = vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyphName]
advMapping[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas)
if vOrigMetricses:
vOrigMap = {}
for glyphName in glyphOrder:
deltas, supports = vOrigDeltasAndSupports[glyphName]
vOrigMap[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas)
indirectStore = storeBuilder.finish()
mapping2 = indirectStore.optimize()
advMapping = [mapping2[advMapping[g]] for g in glyphOrder]
advanceMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(advMapping, glyphOrder)
if vOrigMetricses:
vOrigMap = [mapping2[vOrigMap[g]] for g in glyphOrder]
useDirect = False
vOrigMapping = None
if directStore:
# Compile both, see which is more compact
writer = OTTableWriter()
directStore.compile(writer, font)
directSize = len(writer.getAllData())
writer = OTTableWriter()
indirectStore.compile(writer, font)
advanceMapping.compile(writer, font)
indirectSize = len(writer.getAllData())
useDirect = directSize < indirectSize
if useDirect:
metricsStore = directStore
advanceMapping = None
metricsStore = indirectStore
if vOrigMetricses:
vOrigMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(vOrigMap, glyphOrder)
return metricsStore, advanceMapping, vOrigMapping
def _add_MVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags):
|"Generating MVAR")
store_builder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)
records = []
lastTableTag = None
fontTable = None
tables = None
# HACK: we need to special-case post.underlineThickness and .underlinePosition
# and unilaterally/arbitrarily define a sentinel value to distinguish the case
# when a post table is present in a given master simply because that's where
# the glyph names in TrueType must be stored, but the underline values are not
# meant to be used for building MVAR's deltas. The value of -0x8000 (-36768)
# the minimum FWord (int16) value, was chosen for its unlikelyhood to appear
# in real-world underline position/thickness values.
specialTags = {"unds": -0x8000, "undo": -0x8000}
for tag, (tableTag, itemName) in sorted(MVAR_ENTRIES.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]):
# For each tag, fetch the associated table from all fonts (or not when we are
# still looking at a tag from the same tables) and set up the variation model
# for them.
if tableTag != lastTableTag:
tables = fontTable = None
if tableTag in font:
fontTable = font[tableTag]
tables = []
for master in master_ttfs:
if tableTag not in master or (
tag in specialTags
and getattr(master[tableTag], itemName) == specialTags[tag]
model, tables = masterModel.getSubModel(tables)
lastTableTag = tableTag
if tables is None: # Tag not applicable to the master font.
# TODO support gasp entries
master_values = [getattr(table, itemName) for table in tables]
if models.allEqual(master_values):
base, varIdx = master_values[0], None
base, varIdx = store_builder.storeMasters(master_values)
setattr(fontTable, itemName, base)
if varIdx is None:
|' %s: %s.%s %s', tag, tableTag, itemName, master_values)
rec = ot.MetricsValueRecord()
rec.ValueTag = tag
rec.VarIdx = varIdx
assert "MVAR" not in font
if records:
store = store_builder.finish()
# Optimize
mapping = store.optimize()
for rec in records:
rec.VarIdx = mapping[rec.VarIdx]
MVAR = font["MVAR"] = newTable('MVAR')
mvar = MVAR.table = ot.MVAR()
mvar.Version = 0x00010000
mvar.Reserved = 0
mvar.VarStore = store
# XXX these should not be hard-coded but computed automatically
mvar.ValueRecordSize = 8
mvar.ValueRecordCount = len(records)
mvar.ValueRecord = sorted(records, key=lambda r: r.ValueTag)
def _merge_OTL(font, model, master_fonts, axisTags):
|"Merging OpenType Layout tables")
merger = VariationMerger(model, axisTags, font)
merger.mergeTables(font, master_fonts, ['GSUB', 'GDEF', 'GPOS'])
store = merger.store_builder.finish()
if not store.VarData:
GDEF = font['GDEF'].table
assert GDEF.Version <= 0x00010002
except KeyError:
font['GDEF']= newTable('GDEF')
GDEFTable = font["GDEF"] = newTable('GDEF')
GDEF = GDEFTable.table = ot.GDEF()
GDEF.Version = 0x00010003
GDEF.VarStore = store
# Optimize
varidx_map = store.optimize()
if 'GPOS' in font:
def _add_GSUB_feature_variations(font, axes, internal_axis_supports, rules):
def normalize(name, value):
return models.normalizeLocation(
{name: value}, internal_axis_supports
|"Generating GSUB FeatureVariations")
axis_tags = {name: axis.tag for name, axis in axes.items()}
conditional_subs = []
for rule in rules:
region = []
for conditions in rule.conditionSets:
space = {}
for condition in conditions:
axis_name = condition["name"]
if condition["minimum"] is not None:
minimum = normalize(axis_name, condition["minimum"])
minimum = -1.0
if condition["maximum"] is not None:
maximum = normalize(axis_name, condition["maximum"])
maximum = 1.0
tag = axis_tags[axis_name]
space[tag] = (minimum, maximum)
subs = {k: v for k, v in rule.subs}
conditional_subs.append((region, subs))
addFeatureVariations(font, conditional_subs)
_DesignSpaceData = namedtuple(
def _add_CFF2(varFont, model, master_fonts):
from .cff import (convertCFFtoCFF2, addCFFVarStore, merge_region_fonts)
glyphOrder = varFont.getGlyphOrder()
ordered_fonts_list = model.reorderMasters(master_fonts, model.reverseMapping)
# re-ordering the master list simplifies building the CFF2 data item lists.
addCFFVarStore(varFont, model) # Add VarStore to the CFF2 font.
merge_region_fonts(varFont, model, ordered_fonts_list, glyphOrder)
def load_designspace(designspace):
# TODO: remove this and always assume 'designspace' is a DesignSpaceDocument,
# never a file path, as that's already handled by caller
if hasattr(designspace, "sources"): # Assume a DesignspaceDocument
ds = designspace
else: # Assume a file path
ds = DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(designspace)
masters = ds.sources
if not masters:
raise VarLibError("no sources found in .designspace")
instances = ds.instances
standard_axis_map = OrderedDict([
('weight', ('wght', {'en': u'Weight'})),
('width', ('wdth', {'en': u'Width'})),
('slant', ('slnt', {'en': u'Slant'})),
('optical', ('opsz', {'en': u'Optical Size'})),
('italic', ('ital', {'en': u'Italic'})),
# Setup axes
axes = OrderedDict()
for axis in ds.axes:
axis_name =
if not axis_name:
assert axis.tag is not None
axis_name = = axis.tag
if axis_name in standard_axis_map:
if axis.tag is None:
axis.tag = standard_axis_map[axis_name][0]
if not axis.labelNames:
assert axis.tag is not None
if not axis.labelNames:
axis.labelNames["en"] = tounicode(axis_name)
axes[axis_name] = axis
|"Axes:\n%s", pformat([axis.asdict() for axis in axes.values()]))
# Check all master and instance locations are valid and fill in defaults
for obj in masters+instances:
obj_name = or obj.styleName or ''
loc = obj.location
for axis_name in loc.keys():
assert axis_name in axes, "Location axis '%s' unknown for '%s'." % (axis_name, obj_name)
for axis_name,axis in axes.items():
if axis_name not in loc:
loc[axis_name] = axis.default
v = axis.map_backward(loc[axis_name])
assert axis.minimum <= v <= axis.maximum, "Location for axis '%s' (mapped to %s) out of range for '%s' [%s..%s]" % (axis_name, v, obj_name, axis.minimum, axis.maximum)
# Normalize master locations
internal_master_locs = [o.location for o in masters]
|"Internal master locations:\n%s", pformat(internal_master_locs))
# TODO This mapping should ideally be moved closer to logic in _add_fvar/avar
internal_axis_supports = {}
for axis in axes.values():
triple = (axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum)
internal_axis_supports[] = [axis.map_forward(v) for v in triple]
|"Internal axis supports:\n%s", pformat(internal_axis_supports))
normalized_master_locs = [models.normalizeLocation(m, internal_axis_supports) for m in internal_master_locs]
|"Normalized master locations:\n%s", pformat(normalized_master_locs))
# Find base master
base_idx = None
for i,m in enumerate(normalized_master_locs):
if all(v == 0 for v in m.values()):
assert base_idx is None
base_idx = i
assert base_idx is not None, "Base master not found; no master at default location?"
|"Index of base master: %s", base_idx)
return _DesignSpaceData(
def build(designspace, master_finder=lambda s:s, exclude=[], optimize=True):
Build variation font from a designspace file.
If master_finder is set, it should be a callable that takes master
filename as found in designspace file and map it to master font
binary as to be opened (eg. .ttf or .otf).
if hasattr(designspace, "sources"): # Assume a DesignspaceDocument
else: # Assume a file path
designspace = DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(designspace)
ds = load_designspace(designspace)
|"Building variable font")
|"Loading master fonts")
master_fonts = load_masters(designspace, master_finder)
# TODO: 'master_ttfs' is unused except for return value, remove later
master_ttfs = []
for master in master_fonts:
except AttributeError:
master_ttfs.append(None) # in-memory fonts have no path
# Copy the base master to work from it
vf = deepcopy(master_fonts[ds.base_idx])
# TODO append masters as named-instances as well; needs .designspace change.
fvar = _add_fvar(vf, ds.axes, ds.instances)
if 'STAT' not in exclude:
_add_stat(vf, ds.axes)
if 'avar' not in exclude:
_add_avar(vf, ds.axes)
# Map from axis names to axis tags...
normalized_master_locs = [
{ds.axes[k].tag: v for k,v in loc.items()} for loc in ds.normalized_master_locs
# From here on, we use fvar axes only
axisTags = [axis.axisTag for axis in fvar.axes]
# Assume single-model for now.
model = models.VariationModel(normalized_master_locs, axisOrder=axisTags)
assert 0 == model.mapping[ds.base_idx]
|"Building variations tables")
if 'MVAR' not in exclude:
_add_MVAR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags)
if 'HVAR' not in exclude:
_add_HVAR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags)
if 'VVAR' not in exclude and 'vmtx' in vf:
_add_VVAR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags)
if 'GDEF' not in exclude or 'GPOS' not in exclude:
_merge_OTL(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags)
if 'gvar' not in exclude and 'glyf' in vf:
_add_gvar(vf, model, master_fonts, optimize=optimize)
if 'cvar' not in exclude and 'glyf' in vf:
_merge_TTHinting(vf, model, master_fonts)
if 'GSUB' not in exclude and ds.rules:
_add_GSUB_feature_variations(vf, ds.axes, ds.internal_axis_supports, ds.rules)
if 'CFF2' not in exclude and 'CFF ' in vf:
_add_CFF2(vf, model, master_fonts)
for tag in exclude:
if tag in vf:
del vf[tag]
# TODO: Only return vf for 4.0+, the rest is unused.
return vf, model, master_ttfs
def _open_font(path, master_finder):
# load TTFont masters from given 'path': this can be either a .TTX or an
# OpenType binary font; or if neither of these, try use the 'master_finder'
# callable to resolve the path to a valid .TTX or OpenType font binary.
from fontTools.ttx import guessFileType
master_path = os.path.normpath(path)
tp = guessFileType(master_path)
if tp is None:
# not an OpenType binary/ttx, fall back to the master finder.
master_path = master_finder(master_path)
tp = guessFileType(master_path)
if tp in ("TTX", "OTX"):
font = TTFont()
elif tp in ("TTF", "OTF", "WOFF", "WOFF2"):
font = TTFont(master_path)
raise VarLibError("Invalid master path: %r" % master_path)
return font
def load_masters(designspace, master_finder=lambda s: s):
"""Ensure that all SourceDescriptor.font attributes have an appropriate TTFont
object loaded, or else open TTFont objects from the SourceDescriptor.path
The paths can point to either an OpenType font, a TTX file, or a UFO. In the
latter case, use the provided master_finder callable to map from UFO paths to
the respective master font binaries (e.g. .ttf, .otf or .ttx).
Return list of master TTFont objects in the same order they are listed in the
master_fonts = []
for master in designspace.sources:
# 1. If the caller already supplies a TTFont for a source, just take it.
if master.font:
font = master.font
# If a SourceDescriptor has a layer name, demand that the compiled TTFont
# be supplied by the caller. This spares us from modifying MasterFinder.
if master.layerName:
raise AttributeError(
"Designspace source '%s' specified a layer name but lacks the "
"required TTFont object in the 'font' attribute."
% ( or "<Unknown>")
if master.path is None:
raise AttributeError(
"Designspace source '%s' has neither 'font' nor 'path' "
"attributes" % ( or "<Unknown>")
# 2. A SourceDescriptor's path might point an OpenType binary, a
# TTX file, or another source file (e.g. UFO), in which case we
# resolve the path using 'master_finder' function
master.font = font = _open_font(master.path, master_finder)
return master_fonts
class MasterFinder(object):
def __init__(self, template):
self.template = template
def __call__(self, src_path):
fullname = os.path.abspath(src_path)
dirname, basename = os.path.split(fullname)
stem, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
path = self.template.format(
return os.path.normpath(path)
def main(args=None):
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from fontTools import configLogger
parser = ArgumentParser(prog='varLib')
help='output file'
help='exclude table'
help='do not perform IUP optimization'
'templated string used for finding binary font '
'files given the source file names defined in the '
'designspace document. The following special strings '
'are defined: {fullname} is the absolute source file '
'name; {basename} is the file name without its '
'directory; {stem} is the basename without the file '
'extension; {ext} is the source file extension; '
'{dirname} is the directory of the absolute file '
'name. The default value is "%(default)s".'
options = parser.parse_args(args)
# TODO: allow user to configure logging via command-line options
designspace_filename = options.designspace
finder = MasterFinder(options.master_finder)
outfile = options.outfile
if outfile is None:
outfile = os.path.splitext(designspace_filename)[0] + '-VF.ttf'
vf, _, _ = build(
|"Saving variation font %s", outfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
import doctest