defmodule Frenzy.Repo.Migrations.FeedsConvertPipelineStagesToPipelines do use Ecto.Migration alias Frenzy.Repo import Ecto.Query def up do pipeline_entries = Repo.all( from(stage in "pipeline_stages", join: feed in "feeds", on: stage.feed_id ==, join: group in "groups", on: feed.group_id ==, select: %{ index: stage.index, module_name: stage.module_name, options: stage.options, feed_id:, feed_title: feed.title, user_id: group.user_id } ) ) |> Enum.group_by(fn data -> data.feed_id end) |> {feed_id, [first | _] = pipeline_data} -> feed_title = first.feed_title user_id = first.user_id stages = pipeline_data |> Enum.sort_by(& &1.index) |> data -> %{ module_name: data.module_name, options: data.options } end) {feed_id, [ name: if(feed_title, do: "#{feed_title} Pipeline", else: "Unknown Feed Pipeline (feed ID #{feed_id})" ), stages: stages, user_id: user_id, inserted_at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), updated_at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now() ]} end) |> Enum.each(fn {feed_id, pipeline_entry} -> {_, [%{id: pipeline_id}]} = Repo.insert_all("pipelines", [pipeline_entry], returning: [:id]) feed_query = from(f in "feeds", where: == ^feed_id) Repo.update_all(feed_query, set: [pipeline_id: pipeline_id]) end) end def down do # we don't have a down migration for this, since we're not modifying any schemas, we're just converting the existing data from the pipeline_stages table to the new pipelines table and updating the corresponding feeds end end