defmodule Frenzy.Pipeline.Extractor.Util do @doc """ WordPress Jetpack uses a 1x1 pixel transparent gif in a srcset to keep browsers from loading images by overriding the src attribute. We want to strip those so the images actually load. """ @spec strip_wp_lazy_loading(Floki.html_tree()) :: Floki.html_tree() def strip_wp_lazy_loading(tree) do, fn {"img", attrs} = el -> class = Enum.find(attrs, fn {k, _} -> k == "class" end) if !is_nil(class) && String.contains?(elem(class, 1), "jetpack-lazy-image") do { "img", Enum.filter(attrs, fn {"srcset", _} -> false _ -> true end) } else el end el -> el end) end end