defmodule Frenzy.Task.FetchFavicon do require Logger use Task alias Frenzy.{Network, Repo, Feed} def start_link(feed) do Task.start_link(__MODULE__, :run, [feed]) end def run(feed) do Logger.metadata(favicon_task_id: generate_task_id()) site_url = case feed.site_url do url when is_binary(url) -> URI.parse(url) _ -> %URI{URI.parse(feed.feed_url) | path: nil, query: nil, fragment: nil} end if site_url.scheme in ["http", "https"] do Logger.debug("Fetching favicon for #{site_url}") favicon_url = fetch_favicon_url_from_webpage(site_url) || URI.merge(site_url, "/favicon.ico") with true <- is_binary(favicon_url), %Feed{favicon_url: old_url} when old_url != favicon_url <- feed, {:ok, favicon_data} <- fetch_favicon_data(favicon_url) do changeset = Feed.changeset(feed, %{ favicon: favicon_data, favicon_url: to_string(favicon_url) }) {:ok, _feed} = Repo.update(changeset) else _ -> :ok end end end @spec fetch_favicon_url_from_webpage(url :: String.t()) :: String.t() defp fetch_favicon_url_from_webpage(url) when is_binary(url) do case Network.http_get(url) do {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{body: body, status_code: code}} when code in 200..299 -> extract_favicon_url(url, body) {:error, reason} -> Logger.debug("Error fetching webpage for favicon: #{inspect(reason)}") nil end end defp fetch_favicon_url_from_webpage(_), do: {:error, "URL must be a string"} @spec extract_favicon_url(page_url :: String.t(), body :: term()) :: String.t() defp extract_favicon_url(page_url, body) do html_tree = Floki.parse(body) case Floki.find(html_tree, "link[rel=icon]") do [] -> nil links -> links |> Enum.find(fn link -> link |> Floki.attribute("type") |> |> Enum.any?(&(&1 == "image/png")) |> case do false -> link |> Floki.attribute("href") # bad hack for missing type attr |> Enum.any?(&String.contains?(&1, ".png")) true -> true end # todo: support more image types end) |> case do nil -> nil link -> link |> Floki.attribute("href") |> List.first() |> case do href when is_binary(href) -> URI.merge(page_url, href) |> to_string() _ -> nil end end end end @spec fetch_favicon_data(favicon_url :: String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | :error defp fetch_favicon_data(favicon_url) do Logger.debug("Fetching favicon from: '#{favicon_url}'") case Network.http_get(favicon_url) do {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{body: body, status_code: code}} when code in 200..299 -> {:ok, "data:image/png;base64,#{Base.encode64(body)}"} {:error, reason} -> Logger.debug("Error fetching favicon: #{inspect(reason)}") :error end end # from defp generate_task_id() do binary = << System.system_time(:nanosecond)::64, :erlang.phash2({node(), self()}, 16_777_216)::24, :erlang.unique_integer()::32 >> Base.url_encode64(binary) end end