#[macro_use] mod macros; test!( uppercase_ident, "a {\n color: to-upper-case(aBc123);\n}\n", "a {\n color: ABC123;\n}\n" ); test!( lowercase_ident, "a {\n color: to-lower-case(AbC123);\n}\n", "a {\n color: abc123;\n}\n" ); error!( uppercase_non_ident, "a {\n color: to-upper-case(123);\n}\n", "Error: $string: 123 is not a string." ); error!( lowercase_non_ident, "a {\n color: to-lower-case(123);\n}\n", "Error: $string: 123 is not a string." ); test!( uppercase_named_arg, "a {\n color: to-upper-case($string: aBc123);\n}\n", "a {\n color: ABC123;\n}\n" ); test!( lowercase_named_arg, "a {\n color: to-lower-case($string: AbC123);\n}\n", "a {\n color: abc123;\n}\n" ); test!( length_ident, "a {\n color: str-length(AbC123);\n}\n", "a {\n color: 6;\n}\n" ); test!( length_named_arg, "a {\n color: str-length($string: aBc123);\n}\n", "a {\n color: 6;\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_dbl_quote, "a {\n color: str-slice(\"abcd\", 2, 3);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"bc\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_sgl_quote, "a {\n color: str-slice('abcd', 2, 3);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"bc\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_no_quote, "a {\n color: str-slice(abcd, 2, 3);\n}\n", "a {\n color: bc;\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_no_end, "a {\n color: str-slice(abcd, 2);\n}\n", "a {\n color: bcd;\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_negative_start_negative_end, "a {\n color: str-slice(abcd, -3, -2);\n}\n", "a {\n color: bc;\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_negative_end, "a {\n color: str-slice(abcd, 2, -2);\n}\n", "a {\n color: bc;\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_start_0, "a {\n color: str-slice(cde, 0);\n}\n", "a {\n color: cde;\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_start_below_negative_str_len, "a {\n color: str-slice(cde, -100);\n}\n", "a {\n color: cde;\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_end_below_negative_str_len, "a {\n color: str-slice(\"cde\", 0, -100);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_end_0, "a {\n color: str-slice(\"cde\", 1, 0);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_bigger_than_usize_max, "a {\n color: str-slice($string: \"foo\", $start-at: -99999999999999999999, $end-at: 99999999999999999999);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"foo\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_positive_index_bigger_than_usize_max, "a {\n color: str-slice($string: \"foo\", $start-at: 99999999999999999999, $end-at: -99999999999999999999);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_slice_start_end_equal, "a {\n color: str-slice(\"cde\", 1, 1);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"c\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_len_dbl_quotes, "a {\n color: str-length(\"cde\");\n}\n", "a {\n color: 3;\n}\n" ); test!( str_len_unquoted, "a {\n color: str-length(cde);\n}\n", "a {\n color: 3;\n}\n" ); test!( unquote_empty_string_is_null, "a {\n color: unquote('');\n}\n", "" ); test!( str_len_space, "a {\n color: str-length(\"foo bar\");\n}\n", "a {\n color: 7;\n}\n" ); test!( str_len_double_wide, "a {\n color: str-length(\"ðŸ‘\");\n}\n", "a {\n color: 1;\n}\n" ); test!( str_len_combining, "a {\n color: str-length(\"c\\0308\");\n}\n", "a {\n color: 2;\n}\n" ); test!( str_index_char, "a {\n color: str-index(abcd, a);\n}\n", "a {\n color: 1;\n}\n" ); test!( str_index_str, "a {\n color: str-index(abcd, ab);\n}\n", "a {\n color: 1;\n}\n" ); test!(str_index_null, "a {\n color: str-index(abcd, X);\n}\n", ""); test!( str_insert_start, "a {\n color: str-insert(\"abcd\", \"X\", 1);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"Xabcd\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_middle, "a {\n color: str-insert(\"abcd\", \"X\", 4);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"abcXd\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_end, "a {\n color: str-insert(\"abcd\", \"X\", 5);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"abcdX\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_sgl_quotes, "a {\n color: str-insert('abcd', \"X\", 4);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"abcXd\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_no_quotes, "a {\n color: str-insert(abcd, \"X\", 4);\n}\n", "a {\n color: abcXd;\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_empty_string, "a {\n color: str-insert(\"\", \"abcd\", 4);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"abcd\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_empty_substring, "a {\n color: str-insert(abcd, \"\", 4);\n}\n", "a {\n color: abcd;\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_idx_0, "a {\n color: str-insert(abcd, \"X\", 0);\n}\n", "a {\n color: Xabcd;\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_negative_1, "a {\n color: str-insert(abc, \"X\", -1);\n}\n", "a {\n color: abcX;\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_negative_2, "a {\n color: str-insert(abc, \"X\", -2);\n}\n", "a {\n color: abXc;\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_negative_3, "a {\n color: str-insert(abc, \"X\", -3);\n}\n", "a {\n color: aXbc;\n}\n" ); error!( str_insert_float_idx, "a {\n color: str-insert(abcd, \"X\", .5);\n}\n", "Error: $index: 0.5 is not an int." ); error!( str_insert_idx_with_units, "a {\n color: str-insert(abcd, \"X\", 5px);\n}\n", "Error: $index: Expected 5px to have no units." ); test!( str_insert_idx_larger_than_string, "a {\n color: str-insert(abcd, \"X\", 20);\n}\n", "a {\n color: abcdX;\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_idx_larger_than_string_negative, "a {\n color: str-insert(abcd, \"X\", -20);\n}\n", "a {\n color: Xabcd;\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_double_width_char, "a {\n color: str-insert(\"ðŸ‘\", \"c\", 2);\n}\n", "@charset \"UTF-8\";\na {\n color: \"ðŸ‘c\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_positive_index_bigger_than_usize_max, "a {\n color: str-insert($string: \"foo\", $insert: \"X\", $index: 99999999999999999999);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"fooX\";\n}\n" ); test!( str_insert_negative_index_bigger_than_usize_max, "a {\n color: str-insert($string: \"foo\", $insert: \"X\", $index: -99999999999999999999);\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"Xfoo\";\n}\n" ); test!( hash_in_string, "a {\n color: \"#foo\";\n}\n", "a {\n color: \"#foo\";\n}\n" );