use peekmore::PeekMore; use codemap::{Span, Spanned}; use crate::{ color::Color, common::{Brackets, ListSeparator, QuoteKind}, error::SassResult, parse::Parser, selector::Selector, unit::{Unit, UNIT_CONVERSION_TABLE}, utils::hex_char_for, {Cow, Token}, }; use css_function::is_special_function; pub(crate) use map::SassMap; pub(crate) use number::Number; pub(crate) use sass_function::SassFunction; pub(crate) mod css_function; mod map; mod number; mod sass_function; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) enum Value { Important, True, False, Null, Dimension(Number, Unit, bool), List(Vec, ListSeparator, Brackets), Color(Box), String(String, QuoteKind), Map(SassMap), ArgList(Vec>), /// Returned by `get-function()` FunctionRef(SassFunction), } impl PartialEq for Value { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { match self { Value::String(s1, ..) => match other { Value::String(s2, ..) => s1 == s2, _ => false, }, Value::Dimension(n, unit, _) => match other { Value::Dimension(n2, unit2, _) => { if !unit.comparable(unit2) { false } else if unit == unit2 { n == n2 } else if unit == &Unit::None || unit2 == &Unit::None { false } else { n == &(n2.clone() * UNIT_CONVERSION_TABLE[unit.to_string().as_str()] [unit2.to_string().as_str()] .clone()) } } _ => false, }, Value::List(list1, sep1, brackets1) => match other { Value::List(list2, sep2, brackets2) => { if sep1 != sep2 || brackets1 != brackets2 || list1.len() != list2.len() { false } else { for (a, b) in list1.iter().zip(list2) { if a != b { return false; } } true } } _ => false, }, Value::Null => matches!(other, Value::Null), Value::True => matches!(other, Value::True), Value::False => matches!(other, Value::False), Value::Important => matches!(other, Value::Important), Value::FunctionRef(fn1) => { if let Value::FunctionRef(fn2) = other { fn1 == fn2 } else { false } } Value::Map(map1) => { if let Value::Map(map2) = other { map1 == map2 } else { false } } Value::Color(color1) => { if let Value::Color(color2) = other { color1 == color2 } else { false } } Value::ArgList(list1) => { if let Value::ArgList(list2) = other { list1 == list2 } else { false } } } } } impl Eq for Value {} fn visit_quoted_string(buf: &mut String, force_double_quote: bool, string: &str) { let mut has_single_quote = false; let mut has_double_quote = false; let mut buffer = String::new(); if force_double_quote { buffer.push('"'); } let mut iter = string.chars().peekable(); while let Some(c) = { match c { '\'' => { if force_double_quote { buffer.push('\''); } else if has_double_quote { return visit_quoted_string(buf, true, string); } else { has_single_quote = true; buffer.push('\''); } } '"' => { if force_double_quote { buffer.push('\\'); buffer.push('"'); } else if has_single_quote { return visit_quoted_string(buf, true, string); } else { has_double_quote = true; buffer.push('"'); } } '\x00'..='\x08' | '\x0A'..='\x1F' => { buffer.push('\\'); if c as u32 > 0xF { buffer.push(hex_char_for(c as u32 >> 4)) } buffer.push(hex_char_for(c as u32 & 0xF)); let next = match iter.peek() { Some(v) => v, None => break, }; if next.is_ascii_hexdigit() || next == &' ' || next == &'\t' { buffer.push(' '); } } '\\' => { buffer.push('\\'); buffer.push('\\'); } _ => buffer.push(c), } } if force_double_quote { buffer.push('"'); } else { let quote = if has_double_quote { '\'' } else { '"' }; buffer = format!("{}{}{}", quote, buffer, quote); } buf.push_str(&buffer); } impl Value { pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool { match self { Value::Null => true, Value::String(i, QuoteKind::None) if i.is_empty() => true, Value::List(v, _, Brackets::Bracketed) if v.is_empty() => false, Value::List(v, ..) => v.iter().map(Value::is_null).all(|f| f), Value::ArgList(v, ..) if v.is_empty() => false, Value::ArgList(v, ..) => v.iter().map(|v| v.node.is_null()).all(|f| f), _ => false, } } pub fn to_css_string(&self, span: Span) -> SassResult> { Ok(match self { Value::Important => Cow::const_str("!important"), Value::Dimension(num, unit, _) => match unit { Unit::Mul(..) | Unit::Div(..) => { return Err((format!("{}{} isn't a valid CSS value.", num, unit), span).into()); } _ => Cow::owned(format!("{}{}", num, unit)), }, Value::Map(..) | Value::FunctionRef(..) => { return Err(( format!("{} isn't a valid CSS value.", self.inspect(span)?), span, ) .into()) } Value::List(vals, sep, brackets) => match brackets { Brackets::None => Cow::owned( vals.iter() .filter(|x| !x.is_null()) .map(|x| x.to_css_string(span)) .collect::>>>()? .join(sep.as_str()), ), Brackets::Bracketed => Cow::owned(format!( "[{}]", vals.iter() .filter(|x| !x.is_null()) .map(|x| x.to_css_string(span)) .collect::>>>()? .join(sep.as_str()), )), }, Value::Color(c) => Cow::owned(c.to_string()), Value::String(string, QuoteKind::None) => { let mut after_newline = false; let mut buf = String::with_capacity(string.len()); for c in string.chars() { match c { '\n' => { buf.push(' '); after_newline = true; } ' ' => { if !after_newline { buf.push(' '); } } _ => { buf.push(c); after_newline = false; } } } Cow::owned(buf) } Value::String(string, QuoteKind::Quoted) => { let mut buf = String::with_capacity(string.len()); visit_quoted_string(&mut buf, false, string); Cow::owned(buf) } Value::True => Cow::const_str("true"), Value::False => Cow::const_str("false"), Value::Null => Cow::const_str(""), Value::ArgList(args) if args.is_empty() => { return Err(("() isn't a valid CSS value.", span).into()); } Value::ArgList(args) => Cow::owned( args.iter() .filter(|x| !x.is_null()) .map(|a| Ok(a.node.to_css_string(span)?)) .collect::>>>()? .join(", "), ), }) } pub fn is_true(&self) -> bool { match self { Value::Null | Value::False => false, _ => true, } } pub fn unquote(self) -> Self { match self { Value::String(s1, _) => Value::String(s1, QuoteKind::None), Value::List(v, sep, bracket) => { Value::List(v.into_iter().map(Value::unquote).collect(), sep, bracket) } v => v, } } pub const fn span(self, span: Span) -> Spanned { Spanned { node: self, span } } pub fn kind(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Value::Color(..) => "color", Value::String(..) | Value::Important => "string", Value::Dimension(..) => "number", Value::List(..) => "list", Value::FunctionRef(..) => "function", Value::ArgList(..) => "arglist", Value::True | Value::False => "bool", Value::Null => "null", Value::Map(..) => "map", } } pub fn is_special_function(&self) -> bool { match self { Value::String(s, QuoteKind::None) => is_special_function(s), _ => false, } } pub fn bool(b: bool) -> Self { if b { Value::True } else { Value::False } } pub fn not_equals(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { match self { Value::String(s1, ..) => match other { Value::String(s2, ..) => s1 != s2, _ => true, }, Value::Dimension(n, unit, _) => match other { Value::Dimension(n2, unit2, _) => { if !unit.comparable(unit2) { true } else if unit == unit2 { n != n2 } else if unit == &Unit::None || unit2 == &Unit::None { true } else { n != &(n2.clone() * UNIT_CONVERSION_TABLE[unit.to_string().as_str()] [unit2.to_string().as_str()] .clone()) } } _ => true, }, Value::List(list1, sep1, brackets1) => match other { Value::List(list2, sep2, brackets2) => { if sep1 != sep2 || brackets1 != brackets2 || list1.len() != list2.len() { true } else { for (a, b) in list1.iter().zip(list2) { if a.not_equals(b) { return true; } } false } } _ => true, }, s => s != other, } } // TODO: // pub fn inspect(&self, span: Span) -> SassResult> { Ok(match self { Value::List(v, _, brackets) if v.is_empty() => match brackets { Brackets::None => Cow::const_str("()"), Brackets::Bracketed => Cow::const_str("[]"), }, Value::List(v, sep, brackets) if v.len() == 1 => match brackets { Brackets::None => match sep { ListSeparator::Space => v[0].inspect(span)?, ListSeparator::Comma => Cow::owned(format!("({},)", v[0].inspect(span)?)), }, Brackets::Bracketed => match sep { ListSeparator::Space => Cow::owned(format!("[{}]", v[0].inspect(span)?)), ListSeparator::Comma => Cow::owned(format!("[{},]", v[0].inspect(span)?)), }, }, Value::List(vals, sep, brackets) => Cow::owned(match brackets { Brackets::None => vals .iter() .map(|x| x.inspect(span)) .collect::>>>()? .join(sep.as_str()), Brackets::Bracketed => format!( "[{}]", vals.iter() .map(|x| x.inspect(span)) .collect::>>>()? .join(sep.as_str()), ), }), Value::FunctionRef(f) => Cow::owned(format!("get-function(\"{}\")",, Value::Null => Cow::const_str("null"), Value::Map(map) => Cow::owned(format!( "({})", map.iter() .map(|(k, v)| Ok(format!("{}: {}", k.inspect(span)?, v.inspect(span)?))) .collect::>>()? .join(", ") )), Value::Dimension(num, unit, _) => Cow::owned(format!("{}{}", num, unit)), Value::ArgList(args) if args.is_empty() => Cow::const_str("()"), Value::ArgList(args) if args.len() == 1 => Cow::owned(format!( "({},)", args.iter() .filter(|x| !x.is_null()) .map(|a| Ok(a.node.inspect(span)?)) .collect::>>>()? .join(", "), )), Value::ArgList(args) => Cow::owned( args.iter() .filter(|x| !x.is_null()) .map(|a| Ok(a.node.inspect(span)?)) .collect::>>>()? .join(", "), ), Value::Important | Value::True | Value::False | Value::Color(..) | Value::String(..) => self.to_css_string(span)?, }) } pub fn as_list(self) -> Vec { match self { Value::List(v, ..) => v, Value::Map(m) => m.as_list(), Value::ArgList(v) => v.into_iter().map(|val| val.node).collect(), v => vec![v], } } /// Parses `self` as a selector list, in the same manner as the /// `selector-parse()` function. /// /// Returns a `SassError` if `self` isn't a type that can be parsed as a /// selector, or if parsing fails. If `allow_parent` is `true`, this allows /// parent selectors. Otherwise, they're considered parse errors. /// /// `name` is the argument name. It's used for error reporting. pub fn to_selector( self, parser: &mut Parser<'_>, name: &str, allows_parent: bool, ) -> SassResult { let string = match self.clone().selector_string(parser.span_before)? { Some(v) => v, None => return Err((format!("${}: {} is not a valid selector: it must be a string, a list of strings, or a list of lists of strings.", name, self.inspect(parser.span_before)?), parser.span_before).into()), }; Parser { toks: &mut string .chars() .map(|c| Token::new(parser.span_before, c)) .collect::>() .into_iter() .peekmore(), map:, path: parser.path, scopes: parser.scopes, global_scope: parser.global_scope, super_selectors: parser.super_selectors, span_before: parser.span_before, content: parser.content, flags: parser.flags, at_root: parser.at_root, at_root_has_selector: parser.at_root_has_selector, extender: parser.extender, content_scopes: parser.content_scopes, } .parse_selector(allows_parent, true, String::new()) } fn selector_string(self, span: Span) -> SassResult> { Ok(Some(match self { Value::String(text, ..) => text, Value::List(list, sep, ..) if !list.is_empty() => { let mut result = Vec::new(); match sep { ListSeparator::Comma => { for complex in list { if let Value::String(text, ..) = complex { result.push(text); } else if let Value::List(_, ListSeparator::Space, ..) = complex { result.push(match complex.selector_string(span)? { Some(v) => v, None => return Ok(None), }); } else { return Ok(None); } } } ListSeparator::Space => { for compound in list { if let Value::String(text, ..) = compound { result.push(text); } else { return Ok(None); } } } } result.join(sep.as_str()) } _ => return Ok(None), })) } }