//! # Convert from SCSS AST to CSS use std::io::Write; use codemap::CodeMap; use crate::{ atrule::{ keyframes::{Keyframes, KeyframesRuleSet, KeyframesSelector}, media::MediaRule, SupportsRule, UnknownAtRule, }, error::SassResult, parse::Stmt, selector::Selector, style::Style, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct ToplevelUnknownAtRule { name: String, params: String, body: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum Toplevel { RuleSet(Selector, Vec), MultilineComment(String), UnknownAtRule(Box), Keyframes(Box), KeyframesRuleSet(Vec, Vec), Media { query: String, body: Vec }, Supports { params: String, body: Vec }, Newline, // todo: do we actually need a toplevel style variant? Style(Style), Import(String), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum BlockEntry { Style(Style), MultilineComment(String), Import(String), } impl BlockEntry { pub fn to_string(&self) -> SassResult { match self { BlockEntry::Style(s) => s.to_string(), BlockEntry::MultilineComment(s) => Ok(format!("/*{}*/", s)), BlockEntry::Import(s) => Ok(format!("@import {};", s)), } } } impl Toplevel { const fn new_rule(selector: Selector) -> Self { Toplevel::RuleSet(selector, Vec::new()) } fn new_keyframes_rule(selector: Vec) -> Self { Toplevel::KeyframesRuleSet(selector, Vec::new()) } fn push_style(&mut self, s: Style) { if s.value.is_null() { return; } if let Toplevel::RuleSet(_, entries) | Toplevel::KeyframesRuleSet(_, entries) = self { entries.push(BlockEntry::Style(s)); } else { panic!() } } fn push_comment(&mut self, s: String) { if let Toplevel::RuleSet(_, entries) | Toplevel::KeyframesRuleSet(_, entries) = self { entries.push(BlockEntry::MultilineComment(s)); } else { panic!() } } fn push_import(&mut self, s: String) { if let Toplevel::RuleSet(_, entries) | Toplevel::KeyframesRuleSet(_, entries) = self { entries.push(BlockEntry::Import(s)); } else { panic!() } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct Css { blocks: Vec, in_at_rule: bool, } impl Css { pub const fn new(in_at_rule: bool) -> Self { Css { blocks: Vec::new(), in_at_rule, } } pub(crate) fn from_stmts(s: Vec, in_at_rule: bool) -> SassResult { Css::new(in_at_rule).parse_stylesheet(s) } fn parse_stmt(&mut self, stmt: Stmt) -> SassResult> { Ok(match stmt { Stmt::RuleSet { selector, body } => { if body.is_empty() { return Ok(Vec::new()); } let selector = selector.into_selector().remove_placeholders(); if selector.is_empty() { return Ok(Vec::new()); } let mut vals = vec![Toplevel::new_rule(selector)]; for rule in body { match rule { Stmt::RuleSet { .. } => vals.extend(self.parse_stmt(rule)?), Stmt::Style(s) => vals.get_mut(0).unwrap().push_style(s), Stmt::Comment(s) => vals.get_mut(0).unwrap().push_comment(s), Stmt::Media(m) => { let MediaRule { query, body, .. } = *m; vals.push(Toplevel::Media { query, body }) } Stmt::Supports(s) => { let SupportsRule { params, body } = *s; vals.push(Toplevel::Supports { params, body }) } Stmt::UnknownAtRule(u) => { let UnknownAtRule { params, body, name, .. } = *u; vals.push(Toplevel::UnknownAtRule(Box::new(ToplevelUnknownAtRule { params, body, name, }))) } Stmt::Return(..) => unreachable!(), Stmt::AtRoot { body } => { body.into_iter().try_for_each(|r| -> SassResult<()> { vals.append(&mut self.parse_stmt(r)?); Ok(()) })? } Stmt::Keyframes(k) => { let Keyframes { name, body } = *k; vals.push(Toplevel::Keyframes(Box::new(Keyframes { name, body }))) } k @ Stmt::KeyframesRuleSet(..) => { unreachable!("@keyframes ruleset {:?}", k) } Stmt::Import(s) => vals.get_mut(0).unwrap().push_import(s), }; } vals } Stmt::Comment(s) => vec![Toplevel::MultilineComment(s)], Stmt::Import(s) => vec![Toplevel::Import(s)], Stmt::Style(s) => vec![Toplevel::Style(s)], Stmt::Media(m) => { let MediaRule { query, body, .. } = *m; vec![Toplevel::Media { query, body }] } Stmt::Supports(s) => { let SupportsRule { params, body } = *s; vec![Toplevel::Supports { params, body }] } Stmt::UnknownAtRule(u) => { let UnknownAtRule { params, body, name, .. } = *u; vec![Toplevel::UnknownAtRule(Box::new(ToplevelUnknownAtRule { params, name, body, }))] } Stmt::Return(..) => unreachable!("@return: {:?}", stmt), Stmt::AtRoot { .. } => unreachable!("@at-root: {:?}", stmt), Stmt::Keyframes(k) => vec![Toplevel::Keyframes(k)], Stmt::KeyframesRuleSet(k) => { let KeyframesRuleSet { body, selector } = *k; if body.is_empty() { return Ok(Vec::new()); } let mut vals = vec![Toplevel::new_keyframes_rule(selector)]; for rule in body { match rule { Stmt::Style(s) => vals.get_mut(0).unwrap().push_style(s), Stmt::KeyframesRuleSet(..) => vals.extend(self.parse_stmt(rule)?), _ => todo!(), } } vals } }) } fn parse_stylesheet(mut self, stmts: Vec) -> SassResult { let mut is_first = true; for stmt in stmts { let v = self.parse_stmt(stmt)?; // this is how we print newlines between unrelated styles // it could probably be refactored if !v.is_empty() { if let Some(Toplevel::MultilineComment(..)) = v.get(0) { } else if is_first { is_first = false; } else { self.blocks.push(Toplevel::Newline); } self.blocks.extend(v); } } Ok(self) } pub fn pretty_print(self, map: &CodeMap) -> SassResult { let mut string = Vec::new(); self._inner_pretty_print(&mut string, map, 0)?; if string.iter().any(|s| !s.is_ascii()) { return Ok(format!("@charset \"UTF-8\";\n{}", unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(string) })); } Ok(unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(string) }) } fn _inner_pretty_print( self, buf: &mut Vec, map: &CodeMap, nesting: usize, ) -> SassResult<()> { let mut has_written = false; let padding = vec![' '; nesting * 2].iter().collect::(); let mut should_emit_newline = false; for block in self.blocks { match block { Toplevel::RuleSet(selector, styles) => { if styles.is_empty() { continue; } has_written = true; if should_emit_newline && !self.in_at_rule { should_emit_newline = false; writeln!(buf)?; } writeln!(buf, "{}{} {{", padding, selector)?; for style in styles { writeln!(buf, "{} {}", padding, style.to_string()?)?; } writeln!(buf, "{}}}", padding)?; } Toplevel::KeyframesRuleSet(selector, body) => { if body.is_empty() { continue; } has_written = true; writeln!( buf, "{}{} {{", padding, selector .into_iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::>() .join(", ") )?; for style in body { writeln!(buf, "{} {}", padding, style.to_string()?)?; } writeln!(buf, "{}}}", padding)?; } Toplevel::MultilineComment(s) => { has_written = true; writeln!(buf, "{}/*{}*/", padding, s)?; } Toplevel::Import(s) => { has_written = true; writeln!(buf, "{}@import {};", padding, s)?; } Toplevel::UnknownAtRule(u) => { let ToplevelUnknownAtRule { params, name, body } = *u; if should_emit_newline { should_emit_newline = false; writeln!(buf)?; } if params.is_empty() { write!(buf, "{}@{}", padding, name)?; } else { write!(buf, "{}@{} {}", padding, name, params)?; } if body.is_empty() { writeln!(buf, ";")?; continue; } else { writeln!(buf, " {{")?; } Css::from_stmts(body, true)?._inner_pretty_print(buf, map, nesting + 1)?; writeln!(buf, "{}}}", padding)?; } Toplevel::Keyframes(k) => { let Keyframes { name, body } = *k; if should_emit_newline { should_emit_newline = false; writeln!(buf)?; } write!(buf, "{}@keyframes", padding)?; if !name.is_empty() { write!(buf, " {}", name)?; } if body.is_empty() { writeln!(buf, " {{}}")?; continue; } else { writeln!(buf, " {{")?; } Css::from_stmts(body, true)?._inner_pretty_print(buf, map, nesting + 1)?; writeln!(buf, "{}}}", padding)?; } Toplevel::Supports { params, body } => { if should_emit_newline { should_emit_newline = false; writeln!(buf)?; } if params.is_empty() { write!(buf, "{}@supports", padding)?; } else { write!(buf, "{}@supports {}", padding, params)?; } if body.is_empty() { writeln!(buf, ";")?; continue; } else { writeln!(buf, " {{")?; } Css::from_stmts(body, true)?._inner_pretty_print(buf, map, nesting + 1)?; writeln!(buf, "{}}}", padding)?; } Toplevel::Media { query, body } => { if body.is_empty() { continue; } writeln!(buf, "{}@media {} {{", padding, query)?; Css::from_stmts(body, true)?._inner_pretty_print(buf, map, nesting + 1)?; writeln!(buf, "{}}}", padding)?; } Toplevel::Style(s) => { writeln!(buf, "{}{}", padding, s.to_string()?)?; } Toplevel::Newline => { if has_written { should_emit_newline = true; } continue; } } } Ok(()) } }