use codemap::Spanned; use peekmore::PeekMore; use crate::{ args::CallArgs, atrule::Function, common::unvendor, error::SassResult, scope::Scopes, utils::{read_until_closing_curly_brace, read_until_semicolon_or_closing_curly_brace}, value::Value, Token, }; use super::{common::ContextFlags, Parser, Stmt}; /// Names that functions are not allowed to have const RESERVED_IDENTIFIERS: [&str; 7] = ["calc", "element", "expression", "url", "and", "or", "not"]; impl<'a> Parser<'a> { pub(super) fn parse_function(&mut self) -> SassResult<()> { self.whitespace_or_comment(); let Spanned { node: name, span } = self.parse_identifier()?; if self.flags.in_mixin() { return Err(("Mixins may not contain function declarations.", span).into()); } if self.flags.in_control_flow() { return Err(("Functions may not be declared in control directives.", span).into()); } if RESERVED_IDENTIFIERS.contains(&unvendor(&name)) { return Err(("Invalid function name.", span).into()); } self.whitespace_or_comment(); let args = match { Some(Token { kind: '(', .. }) => self.parse_func_args()?, Some(Token { pos, .. }) => return Err(("expected \"(\".", pos).into()), None => return Err(("expected \"(\".", span).into()), }; self.whitespace(); let mut body = read_until_closing_curly_brace(self.toks)?; body.push(match { Some(tok) => tok, None => return Err(("expected \"}\".", self.span_before).into()), }); self.whitespace(); let function = Function::new(args, body, self.at_root, span); if self.at_root { self.global_scope.insert_fn(name, function); } else { self.scopes.insert_fn(name.into(), function); } Ok(()) } pub(super) fn parse_return(&mut self) -> SassResult> { let toks = read_until_semicolon_or_closing_curly_brace(self.toks)?; let v = self.parse_value_from_vec(toks)?; if let Some(Token { kind: ';', .. }) = self.toks.peek() {; } Ok(Box::new(v.node)) } pub fn eval_function(&mut self, function: Function, args: CallArgs) -> SassResult { let Function { body, args: fn_args, declared_at_root, .. } = function; let scope = self.eval_args(fn_args, args)?; let mut new_scope = Scopes::new(); let mut entered_scope = false; if declared_at_root { new_scope.enter_scope(scope); } else { entered_scope = true; self.scopes.enter_scope(scope); }; let mut return_value = Parser { toks: &mut body.into_iter().peekmore(), map:, path: self.path, scopes: if declared_at_root { &mut new_scope } else { self.scopes }, global_scope: self.global_scope, super_selectors: self.super_selectors, span_before: self.span_before, content: self.content, flags: self.flags | ContextFlags::IN_FUNCTION, at_root: false, at_root_has_selector: self.at_root_has_selector, extender: self.extender, } .parse()?; if entered_scope { self.scopes.exit_scope(); } debug_assert!(return_value.len() <= 1); match return_value .pop() .ok_or(("Function finished without @return.", self.span_before))? { Stmt::Return(v) => Ok(*v), _ => todo!("should be unreachable"), } } }