#[macro_use] mod macros; test!( basic_mixin, "@mixin a {\n color: red;\n}\n\nb {\n @include a;\n}\n", "b {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!(empty_mixin, "@mixin a {}\n\nb {\n @include a;\n}\n", ""); test!( just_a_comment, "@mixin foo() {\n /* begin foo */\n}\n\na {\n @include foo();\n}\n", "a {\n /* begin foo */\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_two_styles, "@mixin a {\n color: red;\n color: blue;\n}\n\nb {\n @include a;\n}\n", "b {\n color: red;\n color: blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_ruleset, "@mixin a {\n b {\n color: red;\n }\n}\nb {\n @include a;\n}\n", "b b {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_two_rulesets, "@mixin a {\n b {\n color: red;\n }\n c {\n color: blue;\n }\n}\nd {\n @include a;\n}\n", "d b {\n color: red;\n}\nd c {\n color: blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_ruleset_and_style, "@mixin a {\n b {\n color: red;\n }\n color: blue;\n}\nd {\n @include a;\n}\n", "d {\n color: blue;\n}\nd b {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_style_and_ruleset, "@mixin a {\n color: blue;\n b {\n color: red;\n}\n}\nd {\n @include a;\n}\n", "d {\n color: blue;\n}\nd b {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_nested_rulesets, "@mixin a {\n b {\n c {\n color: red;\n}\n}\n}\nd {\n @include a;\n}\n", "d b c {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_removes_empty_ruleset, "@mixin a {\n color: red; b {\n}\n}\nd {\n @include a;\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_variable_scope_one_ruleset, "@mixin a {\n $a: blue;\nb {\n $a: red;\n} color: $a\n}\nd {\n @include a;\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_no_args, "@mixin a {\n color: red;\n}\nd {\n @include a();\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_single_arg, "@mixin a($b) {\n color: $b;\n}\nd {\n @include a(red);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_two_args, "@mixin a($b, $c) {\n color: $b;\n color: $c\n}\nd {\n @include a(red, blue);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n color: blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_arg_trailing_comma, "@mixin a($b, $c,) {\n color: $b;\n color: $c\n}\nd {\n @include a(red, blue);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n color: blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_property_interpolation, "@mixin a($b) {\n #{$b}: red;\n}\nd {\n @include a(color);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_style_interpolation, "@mixin a($b) {\n color: #{$b};\n}\nd {\n @include a(red);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_simple_default_value, "@mixin a($b: red) {\n color: $b;\n}\nd {\n @include a;\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_second_value_default, "@mixin a($a, $b: blue) {\n color: $a $b;\n}\nd {\n @include a(red);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_two_default_values, "@mixin a($a: red, $b: blue) {\n color: $a $b;\n}\nd {\n @include a;\n}\n", "d {\n color: red blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_override_default_value_positionally, "@mixin a($a: red) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a(blue);\n}\n", "d {\n color: blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_keyword_arg, "@mixin a($a) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a($a: blue);\n}\n", "d {\n color: blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_keyword_arg_override_default, "@mixin a($a: red) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a($a: blue);\n}\n", "d {\n color: blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_keyword_applies_to_second_arg, "@mixin a($a: red, $b) {\n color: $a $b;\n}\nd {\n @include a($b: blue);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_two_keywords, "@mixin a($a, $b) {\n color: $a $b;\n}\nd {\n @include a($a: red, $b: blue);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red blue;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_two_keywords_wrong_direction, "@mixin a($a, $b) {\n color: $a $b;\n}\nd {\n @include a($b: blue, $a: red);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red blue;\n}\n" ); test!( variable_in_call_args, "@mixin a($a) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n $c: red;\n @include a($c);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( comment_before_positional_call_arg, "@mixin a($a) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a(/*foo*/red);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( comment_after_positional_call_arg, "@mixin a($a) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a(red/*foo*/);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( comment_before_keyword_call_arg_val, "@mixin a($a) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a($a: /*foo*/red);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( comment_after_keyword_call_arg_val, "@mixin a($a) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a($a: red/*foo*/);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( comment_before_keyword_call_arg_name, "@mixin a($a) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a(/*foo*/$a: red);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( comment_after_keyword_call_arg_name, "@mixin a($a) {\n color: $a;\n}\nd {\n @include a($a/*foo*/: red);\n}\n", "d {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( toplevel_include, "@mixin a {\n a {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n\n@include a;\n", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( include_list, "@mixin foo($x) {\n color: $x;\n}\na {\n @include foo(0px 0px 0px 0px #ef8086 inset !important);\n}\n", "a {\n color: 0px 0px 0px 0px #ef8086 inset !important;\n}\n" ); test!( content_without_variable, "@mixin foo {\n @content;\n}\n\na {\n @include foo {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( content_with_variable, "@mixin foo($a) {\n @content;\n}\n\na {\n @include foo(red) {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_style_does_not_end_with_semicolon, "@mixin foo {\n color: red\n}\n\na {\n @include foo;\n}\n", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( args_hyphen_arg_allows_underscore, "@mixin foo($a-b) {\n color: $a-b;\n color: $a_b;\n}\na {\n @include foo($a_b: a);\n @include foo($a-b: a);\n}\n", "a {\n color: a;\n color: a;\n color: a;\n color: a;\n}\n" ); test!( args_underscore_arg_allows_hyphen, "@mixin foo($a_b) {\n color: $a-b;\n color: $a_b;\n}\na {\n @include foo($a_b: a);\n @include foo($a-b: a);\n}\n", "a {\n color: a;\n color: a;\n color: a;\n color: a;\n}\n" ); test!( control_flow_in_content, "@mixin foo {\n @content;\n}\n\na {\n @include foo {@if true {color: red;}}\n}\n", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( content_in_control_flow, "@mixin foo() {\n @if true {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\na {\n @include foo {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( content_inside_unknown_at_rule, "@mixin foo() {\n @foo (max-width: max) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\na {\n @include foo {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n", "@foo (max-width: max) {\n a {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n" ); test!( content_inside_media, "@mixin foo() {\n @media (max-width: max) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\na {\n @include foo {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n", "@media (max-width: max) {\n a {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n" ); error!( function_inside_mixin, "@mixin foo() {\n @function bar() {\n @return foo;\n }\n}\n\na {\n @include foo {\n color: red;\n }\n}\n", "Error: Mixins may not contain function declarations." ); error!( content_inside_control_flow_outside_mixin, "a {\n @if true {\n @content;\n }\n}\n", "Error: @content is only allowed within mixin declarations." ); error!( undefined_mixin, "a {@include foo;}", "Error: Undefined mixin." ); error!( body_missing_closing_curly_brace, "@mixin foo() {", "Error: expected \"}\"." ); test!( include_empty_args_no_semicolon, "@mixin c {}\n\na {\n @include c()\n}\n", "" ); test!( local_variable_declared_before_mixin_is_still_in_scope, "@mixin foo {}\n\na {\n $a: red;\n @include foo;\n color: $a;\n}\n", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( empty_content_args, "@mixin foo { @content() } a { @include foo { color: red; }; }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( empty_content_args_using_empty_args, "@mixin foo { @content() } a { @include foo using () { color: red; }; }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( content_using_one_arg, "@mixin foo { @content(red) } a { @include foo using ($a) { color: $a; } }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( multiple_content_using_different_args, "@mixin foo { @content(1); @content(2); } @mixin bar { @include foo using ($a) { color: $a } } a { @include bar; }", "a {\n color: 1;\n color: 2;\n}\n" ); test!( chained_content, "@mixin foo { @content; } @mixin bar { @include foo { @content; } } a { @include bar { color: red; } }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( content_can_access_local_variables, "@mixin foo { @content; } a { $bar: red; @include foo { color: $bar; } }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); error!( content_using_too_many_args, "@mixin foo { @content(red, blue) } a { @include foo using ($a) { color: $a; } }", "Error: Only 1 argument allowed, but 2 were passed." ); error!( content_using_too_few_args, "@mixin foo { @content() } a { @include foo using ($a) { color: $a; } }", "Error: Missing argument $a." ); test!( inner_mixin_can_have_scope_modified, "a { $a: red; @mixin foo { color: $a; } $a: green; @include foo; }", "a {\n color: green;\n}\n" ); test!( redeclaration_in_inner_scope, "@mixin foo { color: foo; } a { @include foo(); @mixin foo { color: bar; } a { @mixin foo { color: baz; } } @include foo(); }", "a {\n color: foo;\n color: bar;\n}\n" ); test!( three_depth_of_content, "@mixin foo($arg) { @include bar { color: $arg; } } @mixin bar { @include baz { @content; } } @mixin baz { @content; } @mixin font-size($value) { @include foo($value); } a { @include font-size(1rem); }", "a {\n color: 1rem;\n}\n" ); test!( can_access_global_variables_set_after_other_include, "$x: true; @mixin foobar() { @if $x { $x: false !global; color: foo; } @else { $x: true !global; color: bar; } } a { @include foobar(); $x: true !global; @include foobar(); }", "a {\n color: foo;\n color: foo;\n}\n" ); test!( can_access_variables_declared_before_content, "@mixin foo { $a: red; @content; color: $a; } a { @include foo; }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( content_contains_variable_declared_in_outer_scope_not_declared_at_root, "a { $a: red; @mixin foo { @content; } @include foo { color: $a; } }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( content_contains_variable_declared_in_outer_scope_declared_at_root, "@mixin foo { @content; } a { $a: red; @include foo { color: $a; } }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( content_contains_variable_declared_in_outer_scope_not_declared_at_root_and_modified, "a { $a: wrong; @mixin foo { $a: correct; @content; } @include foo { color: $a; } }", "a {\n color: correct;\n}\n" ); test!( content_contains_variable_declared_in_outer_scope_declared_at_root_and_modified, "@mixin foo { $a: wrong; @content; } a { $a: correct; @include foo { color: $a; } }", "a {\n color: correct;\n}\n" ); test!( content_default_arg_value_no_parens, "a { @mixin foo { @content; } @include foo using ($a: red) { color: $a; } }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( space_between_content_and_args, "space-after-content { @mixin mixin { @content /**/ (value1, value2); } @include mixin using ($arg1, $arg2) { arg1: $arg1; arg2: $arg2; } }", "space-after-content {\n arg1: value1;\n arg2: value2;\n}\n" ); test!( space_between_mixin_and_args, "@mixin foo /**/ () /**/ { color: red; } a { @include foo; }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_cant_affect_scope_in_which_it_was_included, "@mixin test { $a: wrong; } a { $a: correct; @include test; color: $a; }", "a {\n color: correct;\n}\n" ); test!( content_block_has_two_rulesets, "@mixin foo() { @content; } @include foo { a { color: red; } b { color: red; } }", "a {\n color: red;\n}\n\nb {\n color: red;\n}\n" ); test!( mixin_has_two_rulesets, "@mixin foo() { a { display: none; } b { display: block; } } @include foo();", "a {\n display: none;\n}\n\nb {\n display: block;\n}\n" ); test!( sass_spec__188_test_mixin_content, "$color: blue; @mixin context($class, $color: red) { .#{$class} { background-color: $color; @content; border-color: $color; } } @include context(parent) { @include context(child, $color: yellow) { color: $color; } }", ".parent {\n background-color: red;\n border-color: red;\n}\n.parent .child {\n background-color: yellow;\n color: blue;\n border-color: yellow;\n}\n" ); test!( sass_spec__mixin_environment_locality, r#"// The "$var" variable should only be set locally, despite being in the same // mixin each time. @mixin with-local-variable($recurse) { $var: before; @if ($recurse) { @include with-local-variable($recurse: false); } var: $var; $var: after; } .environment-locality { @include with-local-variable($recurse: true); }"#, ".environment-locality {\n var: before;\n var: before;\n}\n" ); error!( mixin_in_function, "@function foo() { @mixin bar {} } a { color: foo(); } ", "Error: This at-rule is not allowed here." ); error!( mixin_in_mixin, "@mixin foo { @mixin bar {} } a { @include foo; } ", "Error: Mixins may not contain mixin declarations." ); error!( mixin_in_control_directives, "@if true { @mixin bar {} }", "Error: Mixins may not be declared in control directives." ); error!( does_not_allow_interpolation_in_name_of_declaration, "@mixin n#{a}me { color: red; } a { @include name; }", "Error: expected \"{\"." ); error!( disallows_content_block_when_mixin_has_no_content_block, "@mixin foo () {} @include foo {} ", "Error: Mixin doesn't accept a content block." ); error!( disallows_content_block_to_builtin_mixin, r#"@use "sass:meta"; @include meta.load-css("") {}"#, "Error: Mixin doesn't accept a content block." ); error!( disallows_interpolation_in_include_name, r#"@mixin foo {} @include f#{o}o;"#, "Error: expected \";\"." );