use std::iter::{Iterator, Peekable}; use codemap::{Span, Spanned}; use crate::common::QuoteKind; use crate::error::SassResult; use crate::selector::Selector; use crate::value::Value; use crate::{Scope, Token}; pub(crate) trait IsWhitespace { fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool; } impl IsWhitespace for char { fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool { self.is_ascii_whitespace() } } pub(crate) fn devour_whitespace, W: IsWhitespace>( s: &mut Peekable, ) -> bool { let mut found_whitespace = false; while let Some(w) = s.peek() { if !w.is_whitespace() { break; } found_whitespace = true;; } found_whitespace } pub(crate) trait IsComment { fn is_comment(&self) -> bool; } pub(crate) fn devour_whitespace_or_comment>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> SassResult { let mut found_whitespace = false; while let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { if tok.kind == '/' { let pos =; match toks.peek().unwrap().kind { '*' => { eat_comment(toks, &Scope::new(), &Selector::new())?; } '/' => read_until_newline(toks), _ => return Err(("Expected expression.", pos).into()), }; found_whitespace = true; continue; } if !tok.is_whitespace() { break; } found_whitespace = true;; } Ok(found_whitespace) } pub(crate) fn parse_interpolation>( toks: &mut Peekable, scope: &Scope, super_selector: &Selector, ) -> SassResult> { let val = Value::from_vec(read_until_closing_curly_brace(toks), scope, super_selector)?;; Ok(Spanned { node: val.node.eval(val.span)?.node.unquote(), span: val.span, }) } pub(crate) struct VariableDecl { pub val: Spanned, pub default: bool, pub global: bool, } impl VariableDecl { pub const fn new(val: Spanned, default: bool, global: bool) -> VariableDecl { VariableDecl { val, default, global, } } } // Eat tokens until an open curly brace // // Does not consume the open curly brace pub(crate) fn read_until_open_curly_brace>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> Vec { let mut val = Vec::new(); let mut n = 0; while let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { match tok.kind { '{' => n += 1, '}' => n -= 1, '/' => { let next =; match toks.peek().unwrap().kind { '/' => read_until_newline(toks), _ => val.push(next), }; continue; } _ => {} } if n == 1 { break; } val.push(; } val } pub(crate) fn read_until_closing_curly_brace>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> Vec { let mut t = Vec::new(); let mut nesting = 0; while let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { match tok.kind { q @ '"' | q @ '\'' => { t.push(; t.extend(read_until_closing_quote(toks, q)); } '{' => { nesting += 1; t.push(; } '}' => { if nesting == 0 { break; } else { nesting -= 1; t.push(; } } '/' => { let next =; match toks.peek().unwrap().kind { '/' => read_until_newline(toks), _ => t.push(next), }; continue; } _ => t.push(, } } devour_whitespace(toks); t } pub(crate) fn read_until_closing_quote>( toks: &mut Peekable, q: char, ) -> Vec { let mut is_escaped = false; let mut t = Vec::new(); for tok in toks { match tok.kind { '"' if !is_escaped && q == '"' => { t.push(tok); break; } '"' if is_escaped => { t.push(tok); is_escaped = false; continue; } '\'' if !is_escaped && q == '\'' => { t.push(tok); break; } '\'' if is_escaped => { t.push(tok); is_escaped = false; continue; } '\\' if !is_escaped => { t.push(tok); is_escaped = true } '\\' => { is_escaped = false; t.push(tok); continue; } _ if is_escaped => { is_escaped = false; t.push(tok); } _ => t.push(tok), } } t } pub(crate) fn read_until_semicolon_or_closing_curly_brace>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> Vec { let mut t = Vec::new(); let mut nesting = 0; while let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { match tok.kind { ';' => { break; } '\\' => { t.push(; t.push(; } '"' | '\'' => { let quote =; t.push(quote.clone()); t.extend(read_until_closing_quote(toks, quote.kind)); } '{' => { nesting += 1; t.push(; } '}' => { if nesting == 0 { break; } else { nesting -= 1; t.push(; } } '/' => { let next =; match toks.peek().unwrap().kind { '/' => read_until_newline(toks), _ => t.push(next), }; continue; } _ => t.push(, } } devour_whitespace(toks); t } pub(crate) fn read_until_semicolon_or_open_or_closing_curly_brace>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> Vec { let mut t = Vec::new(); let mut nesting = 0; while let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { match tok.kind { ';' => { break; } '\\' => { t.push(; t.push(; } '"' | '\'' => { let quote =; t.push(quote.clone()); t.extend(read_until_closing_quote(toks, quote.kind)); } '#' => { t.push(; match toks.peek().unwrap().kind { '{' => nesting += 1, ';' => break, '}' => { if nesting == 0 { break; } else { nesting -= 1; } } _ => {} } t.push(; } '{' => break, '}' => { if nesting == 0 { break; } else { nesting -= 1; t.push(; } } '/' => { let next =; match toks.peek().unwrap().kind { '/' => read_until_newline(toks), _ => t.push(next), }; continue; } _ => t.push(, } } devour_whitespace(toks); t } pub(crate) fn eat_variable_value>( toks: &mut Peekable, scope: &Scope, super_selector: &Selector, ) -> SassResult { devour_whitespace(toks); let mut default = false; let mut global = false; let mut raw = read_until_semicolon_or_closing_curly_brace(toks) .into_iter() .peekable(); if toks.peek().is_some() && toks.peek().unwrap().kind == ';' {; } let mut val_toks = Vec::new(); while let Some(tok) = { match tok.kind { '!' => { let next =; match next.kind { 'i' => todo!("!important"), 'g' => { let s = eat_ident(&mut raw, scope, super_selector)?; if s.node.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str() == "lobal" { global = true; } else { return Err(("Invalid flag name.", s.span).into()); } } 'd' => { let s = eat_ident(&mut raw, scope, super_selector)?; if s.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str() == "efault" { default = true; } else { return Err(("Invalid flag name.", s.span).into()); } } _ => return Err(("Invalid flag name.", next.pos()).into()), } } _ => val_toks.push(tok), } } devour_whitespace(toks); let val = Value::from_vec(val_toks, scope, super_selector)?; Ok(VariableDecl::new(val, default, global)) } fn ident_body>( toks: &mut Peekable, unit: bool, mut span: Span, ) -> SassResult> { let mut text = String::new(); while let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { span = span.merge(tok.pos()); if unit && tok.kind == '-' { todo!() // Disallow `-` followed by a dot or a digit digit in units. // var second = scanner.peekChar(1); // if (second != null && (second == $dot || isDigit(second))) break; // text.writeCharCode(scanner.readChar()); } else if is_name(tok.kind) { text.push(; } else if tok.kind == '\\' {; text.push_str(&escape(toks, false)?); } else { break; } } Ok(Spanned { node: text, span }) } fn interpolated_ident_body>( toks: &mut Peekable, scope: &Scope, super_selector: &Selector, mut span: Span, ) -> SassResult> { let mut buf = String::new(); while let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { if tok.kind == '_' || tok.kind.is_alphanumeric() || tok.kind == '-' || tok.kind as u32 >= 0x0080 { span = span.merge(tok.pos()); buf.push(; } else if tok.kind == '\\' {; buf.push_str(&escape(toks, false)?); } else if tok.kind == '#' {; let next =; if next.kind == '{' { let interpolation = parse_interpolation(toks, scope, super_selector)?; buf.push_str(&interpolation.node.to_css_string(interpolation.span)?); } } else { break; } } Ok(Spanned { node: buf, span }) } fn is_name(c: char) -> bool { is_name_start(c) || c.is_digit(10) || c == '-' } fn is_name_start(c: char) -> bool { // NOTE: in the dart-sass implementation, identifiers cannot start // with numbers. We explicitly differentiate from the reference // implementation here in order to support selectors beginning with numbers. // This can be considered a hack and in the future it would be nice to refactor // how this is handled. c == '_' || c.is_alphanumeric() || c as u32 >= 0x0080 } fn escape>( toks: &mut Peekable, identifier_start: bool, ) -> SassResult { let mut value = 0; let first = match toks.peek() { Some(t) => t, None => return Ok(String::new()), }; if first.kind == '\n' { return Err(("Expected escape sequence.", first.pos()).into()); } else if first.kind.is_ascii_hexdigit() { for _ in 0..6 { let next = match toks.peek() { Some(t) => t, None => break, }; if !next.kind.is_ascii_hexdigit() { break; } value *= 16; value += as_hex( as u32) } if toks.peek().is_some() && toks.peek().unwrap().kind.is_whitespace() {; } } else { value = as u32; } // tabs are emitted literally // TODO: figure out where this check is done // in the source dart if value == 0x9 { return Ok("\\\t".to_string()); } let c = std::char::from_u32(value).unwrap(); if (identifier_start && is_name_start(c) && !c.is_digit(10)) || (!identifier_start && is_name(c)) { Ok(c.to_string()) } else if value <= 0x1F || value == 0x7F || (identifier_start && c.is_digit(10)) { let mut buf = String::with_capacity(4); buf.push('\\'); if value > 0xF { buf.push(hex_char_for(value >> 4)); } buf.push(hex_char_for(value & 0xF)); buf.push(' '); Ok(buf) } else { Ok(format!("\\{}", c)) } } pub(crate) fn eat_ident>( toks: &mut Peekable, scope: &Scope, super_selector: &Selector, ) -> SassResult> { // TODO: take span as param because we use unwrap here let mut span = toks.peek().unwrap().pos(); let mut text = String::new(); if toks.peek().unwrap().kind == '-' {; text.push('-'); if toks.peek().unwrap().kind == '-' {; text.push('-'); text.push_str(&interpolated_ident_body(toks, scope, super_selector, span)?.node); return Ok(Spanned { node: text, span }); } } let Token { kind: first, pos } = match toks.peek() { Some(v) => *v, None => return Err(("Expected identifier.", span).into()), }; if is_name_start(first) { text.push(; } else if first == '\\' {; text.push_str(&escape(toks, true)?); // TODO: peekmore // (first == '#' && scanner.peekChar(1) == $lbrace) } else if first == '#' {; if toks.peek().is_none() { return Err(("Expected identifier.", pos).into()); } let Token { kind, pos } = toks.peek().unwrap(); if kind == &'{' {; text.push_str( &parse_interpolation(toks, scope, super_selector)? .node .to_css_string(span)?, ); } else { return Err(("Expected identifier.", *pos).into()); } } else { return Err(("Expected identifier.", pos).into()); } let body = interpolated_ident_body(toks, scope, super_selector, pos)?; span = span.merge(body.span); text.push_str(&body.node); Ok(Spanned { node: text, span }) } pub(crate) fn eat_ident_no_interpolation>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> SassResult> { let mut span = toks.peek().unwrap().pos(); let mut text = String::new(); if toks.peek().unwrap().kind == '-' {; text.push('-'); if toks.peek().unwrap().kind == '-' {; text.push('-'); text.push_str(&ident_body(toks, false, span)?.node); return Ok(Spanned { node: text, span }); } } let first = match toks.peek() { Some(v) => v, None => return Err(("Expected identifier.", span).into()), }; if is_name_start(first.kind) { text.push(; } else if first.kind == '\\' {; text.push_str(&escape(toks, true)?); } else { return Err(("Expected identifier.", first.pos()).into()); } let body = ident_body(toks, false, span)?; span = span.merge(body.span); text.push_str(&body.node); Ok(Spanned { node: text, span }) } pub(crate) fn eat_number>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> SassResult> { let mut whole = String::new(); let mut span = if let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { tok.pos() } else { todo!() }; while let Some(c) = toks.peek() { if !c.kind.is_numeric() { break; } let tok =; span = span.merge(tok.pos()); whole.push(tok.kind); } if toks.peek().is_none() { return Ok(Spanned { node: whole, span }); } let mut dec = String::new(); let next_tok = toks.peek().unwrap().clone(); if next_tok.kind == '.' {; dec.push('.'); while let Some(c) = toks.peek() { if !c.kind.is_numeric() { break; } let tok =; span = span.merge(tok.pos()); dec.push(tok.kind); } } if dec.len() == 1 { return Err(("Expected digit.", next_tok.pos()).into()); } whole.push_str(&dec); Ok(Spanned { node: whole, span }) } /// Eat tokens until a newline /// /// This exists largely to eat silent comments, "//" /// We only have to check for \n as the lexing step normalizes all newline characters /// /// The newline is consumed pub(crate) fn read_until_newline>(toks: &mut Peekable) { for tok in toks { if tok.kind == '\n' { break; } } } /// Eat and return the contents of a comment. /// /// This function assumes that the starting "/*" has already been consumed /// The entirety of the comment, including the ending "*/" is consumed. /// Note that the ending "*/" is not included in the output. pub(crate) fn eat_comment>( toks: &mut Peekable, scope: &Scope, super_selector: &Selector, ) -> SassResult> { let mut comment = String::new(); let mut span = if let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { tok.pos() } else { todo!() }; while let Some(tok) = { span = span.merge(tok.pos()); if tok.kind == '*' && toks.peek().unwrap().kind == '/' {; break; } else if tok.kind == '#' && toks.peek().unwrap().kind == '{' {; comment .push_str(&parse_interpolation(toks, scope, super_selector)?.to_css_string(span)?); continue; } comment.push(tok.kind); } devour_whitespace(toks); Ok(Spanned { node: comment, span, }) } fn as_hex(c: u32) -> u32 { if c <= '9' as u32 { c - '0' as u32 } else if c <= 'F' as u32 { 10 + c - 'A' as u32 } else { 10 + c - 'a' as u32 } } pub(crate) fn parse_quoted_string>( toks: &mut Peekable, scope: &Scope, q: char, super_selector: &Selector, ) -> SassResult> { let mut s = String::new(); let mut span = if let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { tok.pos() } else { todo!() }; while let Some(tok) = { span = span.merge(tok.pos()); match tok.kind { '"' if q == '"' => break, '\'' if q == '\'' => break, '#' => { if toks.peek().unwrap().kind == '{' {; let interpolation = parse_interpolation(toks, scope, super_selector)?; s.push_str(&interpolation.node.to_css_string(interpolation.span)?); continue; } else { s.push('#'); continue; } } '\n' => return Err(("Expected \".", tok.pos()).into()), '\\' => { let first = match toks.peek() { Some(c) => c, None => { s.push('\u{FFFD}'); continue; } }; if first.kind == '\n' { return Err(("Expected escape sequence.", first.pos()).into()); } if first.kind.is_ascii_hexdigit() { let mut value = 0; for _ in 0..6 { let next = match toks.peek() { Some(c) => c, None => break, }; if !next.kind.is_ascii_hexdigit() { break; } value = (value << 4) + as_hex( as u32); } if toks.peek().is_some() && toks.peek().unwrap().kind.is_ascii_whitespace() {; } if value == 0 || (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDFFF) || value >= 0x10FFFF { s.push('\u{FFFD}'); } else { s.push(std::char::from_u32(value).unwrap()); } } else { s.push(; } } _ => s.push(tok.kind), } } Ok(Spanned { node: Value::Ident(s, QuoteKind::Quoted), span, }) } pub(crate) fn read_until_closing_paren>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> Vec { let mut v = Vec::new(); let mut scope = 0; while let Some(tok) = { match tok.kind { ')' => { if scope < 1 { v.push(tok); return v; } else { scope -= 1; } } '(' => scope += 1, '"' | '\'' => { v.push(tok.clone()); v.extend(read_until_closing_quote(toks, tok.kind)); continue; } _ => {} } v.push(tok) } v } pub(crate) fn read_until_closing_square_brace>( toks: &mut Peekable, ) -> Vec { let mut v = Vec::new(); let mut scope = 0; while let Some(tok) = { match tok.kind { ']' => { if scope < 1 { v.push(tok); return v; } else { scope -= 1; } } '[' => scope += 1, '"' | '\'' => { v.push(tok.clone()); v.extend(read_until_closing_quote(toks, tok.kind)); continue; } _ => {} } v.push(tok) } v } pub(crate) fn read_until_char>( toks: &mut Peekable, c: char, ) -> Vec { let mut v = Vec::new(); while let Some(tok) = { match tok.kind { '"' | '\'' => { v.push(tok.clone()); v.extend(read_until_closing_quote(toks, tok.kind)); continue; } t if t == c => break, _ => {} } v.push(tok) } v } pub(crate) fn is_ident_char(c: char) -> bool { c.is_ascii_alphabetic() || c == '_' || c == '\\' || (!c.is_ascii() && !c.is_control()) } pub(crate) fn hex_char_for(number: u32) -> char { assert!(number < 0x10); std::char::from_u32(if number < 0xA { 0x30 + number } else { 0x61 - 0xA + number }) .unwrap() }