use crate::common::{Scope, Symbol}; use crate::utils::{ devour_whitespace, devour_whitespace_or_comment, parse_interpolation, IsWhitespace, }; use crate::{Token, TokenKind}; use std::fmt::{self, Display}; use std::iter::Peekable; use std::string::ToString; use std::vec::IntoIter; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct Selector(pub Vec); impl Display for Selector { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let mut iter = self.0.iter().peekable(); while let Some(s) = { match s { SelectorKind::Whitespace => continue, SelectorKind::Attribute(_) | SelectorKind::Pseudo(_) | SelectorKind::PseudoParen(..) | SelectorKind::Class | SelectorKind::Id | SelectorKind::Universal | SelectorKind::InterpolatedSuper | SelectorKind::Element(_) => { write!(f, "{}", s)?; if devour_whitespace(&mut iter) { match iter.peek() { Some(SelectorKind::Attribute(_)) | Some(SelectorKind::Pseudo(_)) | Some(SelectorKind::PseudoParen(..)) | Some(SelectorKind::Class) | Some(SelectorKind::Id) | Some(SelectorKind::Universal) | Some(SelectorKind::InterpolatedSuper) | Some(SelectorKind::Element(_)) => { write!(f, " ")?; } _ => {} } } } SelectorKind::Multiple => { devour_whitespace(&mut iter); while let Some(sel) = iter.peek() { if sel != &&SelectorKind::Multiple { write!(f, ", ")?; break; }; devour_whitespace(&mut iter); } } _ => write!(f, "{}", s)?, } } write!(f, "") } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub(crate) enum SelectorKind { /// An element selector: `button` Element(String), /// An id selector: `#footer` Id, /// A single class selector: `.button-active` Class, /// A universal selector: `*` Universal, /// Multiple unrelated selectors: `button, .active` Multiple, /// Select all immediate children: `ul > li` ImmediateChild, /// Select all elements immediately following: `div + p` Following, /// Select elements preceeded by: `p ~ ul` Preceding, /// Select elements with attribute: `html[lang|=en]` Attribute(Attribute), /// Pseudo selector: `:hover` Pseudo(String), /// Pseudo selector with additional parens: `:any(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)` PseudoParen(String, Vec), /// Use the super selector: `&.red` Super, /// Super selector in an interpolated context: `a #{&}` InterpolatedSuper, /// Placeholder selector: `%alert` Placeholder, /// Used to signify no selector (when there is no super_selector of a rule) None, Whitespace, } impl IsWhitespace for SelectorKind { fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool { self == &Self::Whitespace } } impl IsWhitespace for &SelectorKind { fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool { self == &&SelectorKind::Whitespace } } impl Display for SelectorKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { SelectorKind::Element(s) => write!(f, "{}", s), SelectorKind::Id => write!(f, "#"), SelectorKind::Class => write!(f, "."), SelectorKind::Universal => write!(f, "*"), SelectorKind::Whitespace => write!(f, " "), SelectorKind::Multiple => write!(f, ", "), SelectorKind::ImmediateChild => write!(f, " > "), SelectorKind::Following => write!(f, " + "), SelectorKind::Preceding => write!(f, " ~ "), SelectorKind::Attribute(attr) => write!(f, "{}", attr), SelectorKind::Pseudo(s) => write!(f, ":{}", s), SelectorKind::PseudoParen(s, toks) => write!( f, ":{}({})", s, toks.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect::() ), SelectorKind::Super | SelectorKind::None | SelectorKind::InterpolatedSuper => { write!(f, "") } SelectorKind::Placeholder => write!(f, "%"), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_selector_display { use super::*; use SelectorKind::*; macro_rules! test_selector_display { ($func:ident, Selector($tok:tt), $output:literal) => { #[test] fn $func() { assert_eq!(format!("{}", Selector(vec!$tok)), $output); } } } test_selector_display!(el, Selector((Element("a".to_string()))), "a"); test_selector_display!( keeps_one_whitespace, Selector(( Element("a".to_string()), Whitespace, Element("b".to_string()), )), "a b" ); test_selector_display!( keeps_one_whitespace_with_two, Selector(( Element("a".to_string()), Whitespace, Whitespace, Element("c".to_string()), Whitespace, )), "a c" ); test_selector_display!( keeps_one_whitespace_with_three_els, Selector(( Element("a".to_string()), Whitespace, Element("a".to_string()), Whitespace, Element("c".to_string()), )), "a a c" ); } struct SelectorParser<'a> { scope: &'a Scope, selectors: Vec, is_interpolated: bool, } impl<'a> SelectorParser<'a> { const fn new(scope: &'a Scope) -> SelectorParser<'a> { SelectorParser { scope, selectors: Vec::new(), is_interpolated: false, } } fn all_selectors(mut self, tokens: &'a mut Peekable>) -> Selector { self.tokens_to_selectors(tokens); // remove trailing whitespace while let Some(x) = self.selectors.pop() { if x != SelectorKind::Whitespace { self.selectors.push(x); break; } } Selector(self.selectors) } fn consume_pseudo_selector(&mut self, tokens: &'_ mut Peekable>) { if let Some(Token { kind: TokenKind::Ident(s), .. }) = { if let Some(Token { kind: TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::OpenParen), .. }) = tokens.peek() {; let mut toks = Vec::new(); while let Some(Token { kind, .. }) = tokens.peek() { if kind == &TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::CloseParen) { break; } let tok =; toks.push(tok.kind); }; self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::PseudoParen(s, toks)) } else { self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Pseudo(s)) } } else { todo!("expected ident after `:` in selector") } } fn tokens_to_selectors(&mut self, tokens: &'_ mut Peekable>) { while tokens.peek().is_some() { self.consume_selector(tokens) } } fn consume_selector(&mut self, tokens: &'_ mut Peekable>) { if devour_whitespace_or_comment(tokens) { if let Some(Token { kind: TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Comma), .. }) = tokens.peek() {; self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Multiple); return; } self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Whitespace); return; } if let Some(Token { kind, .. }) = { match kind { TokenKind::Ident(ident) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Element(ident)), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Period) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Class), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Hash) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Id), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Colon) => self.consume_pseudo_selector(tokens), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Comma) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Multiple), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Gt) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::ImmediateChild), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Plus) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Following), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Tilde) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Preceding), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Mul) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Universal), TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Percent) => { self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Placeholder) } TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::BitAnd) => self.selectors.push(if self.is_interpolated { SelectorKind::InterpolatedSuper } else { SelectorKind::Super }), TokenKind::Interpolation => { self.is_interpolated = true; let v = self.tokens_to_selectors( &mut parse_interpolation(tokens, self.scope) .into_iter() .peekable(), ); self.is_interpolated = false; v } TokenKind::Attribute(attr) => self.selectors.push(SelectorKind::Attribute(attr)), _ => todo!("unimplemented selector"), }; } } } impl Selector { pub fn from_tokens<'a>( tokens: &'a mut Peekable>, scope: &'a Scope, ) -> Selector { SelectorParser::new(scope).all_selectors(tokens) } pub fn zip(&self, other: &Selector) -> Selector { if self.0.is_empty() { return Selector(other.0.clone()); } let mut rules: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(self.0.len() + other.0.len()); let sel1_split: Vec<&[SelectorKind]> = self.0.split(|sel| sel == &SelectorKind::Multiple).collect(); let sel2_split: Vec<&[SelectorKind]> = other .0 .split(|sel| sel == &SelectorKind::Multiple) .collect(); let len1 = sel1_split.len(); let len2 = sel2_split.len(); for (idx, sel1) in sel1_split.into_iter().enumerate() { for (idx2, sel2) in sel2_split.iter().enumerate() { let mut this_selector: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(other.0.len()); let mut found_super = false; for sel in *sel2 { if sel == &SelectorKind::Super { this_selector.extend(sel1.to_vec()); found_super = true; } else if sel == &SelectorKind::InterpolatedSuper { this_selector.extend(sel1.to_vec()); } else { this_selector.push(sel.clone()); } } if !found_super { rules.extend(sel1.to_vec()); rules.push(SelectorKind::Whitespace); } rules.extend(this_selector); if !(idx + 1 == len1 && idx2 + 1 == len2) { rules.push(SelectorKind::Multiple); } } } Selector(rules) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct Attribute { pub attr: String, pub value: String, pub case_sensitive: CaseKind, pub kind: AttributeKind, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub(crate) enum CaseKind { InsensitiveCapital, InsensitiveLowercase, Sensitive, } impl Display for CaseKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::InsensitiveCapital => write!(f, " I"), Self::InsensitiveLowercase => write!(f, " i"), Self::Sensitive => write!(f, ""), } } } impl Display for Attribute { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self.kind { AttributeKind::Any => write!(f, "[{}{}]", self.attr, self.case_sensitive), AttributeKind::Equals => { write!(f, "[{}={}{}]", self.attr, self.value, self.case_sensitive) } AttributeKind::InList => { write!(f, "[{}~={}{}]", self.attr, self.value, self.case_sensitive) } AttributeKind::BeginsWithHyphenOrExact => { write!(f, "[{}|={}{}]", self.attr, self.value, self.case_sensitive) } AttributeKind::StartsWith => { write!(f, "[{}^={}{}]", self.attr, self.value, self.case_sensitive) } AttributeKind::EndsWith => { write!(f, "[{}$={}{}]", self.attr, self.value, self.case_sensitive) } AttributeKind::Contains => { write!(f, "[{}*={}{}]", self.attr, self.value, self.case_sensitive) } } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum AttributeKind { /// [attr] /// Represents elements with an attribute name of `attr` Any, /// [attr=value] /// Represents elements with an attribute name of `attr` whose value is exactly `value` Equals, /// [attr~=value] /// Represents elements with an attribute name of `attr` whose value is a whitespace-separated list of words, one of which is exactly `value` InList, /// [attr|=value] /// Represents elements with an attribute name of `attr` whose value can be exactly value or can begin with `value` immediately followed by a hyphen (`-`) BeginsWithHyphenOrExact, /// [attr^=value] StartsWith, /// [attr$=value] EndsWith, /// [attr*=value] /// Represents elements with an attribute name of `attr` whose value contains at least one occurrence of `value` within the string Contains, }