use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::iter::Peekable; use std::str::Chars; use crate::common::{Keyword, Pos, Symbol}; use crate::selector::{Attribute, AttributeKind, Selector}; use crate::units::Unit; use crate::{Token, TokenKind, Whitespace}; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Lexer<'a> { tokens: Vec, buf: Peekable>, pos: Pos, } impl<'a> Iterator for Lexer<'a> { type Item = Token; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { macro_rules! symbol { ($self:ident, $symbol:ident) => {{ $; $self.pos.next_char(); TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::$symbol) }}; } macro_rules! whitespace { ($self:ident, $whitespace:ident) => {{ $; $self.pos.next_char(); TokenKind::Whitespace(Whitespace::$whitespace) }}; } let kind: TokenKind = match self.buf.peek().unwrap_or(&'\0') { 'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' => self.lex_ident(), '@' => self.lex_at_rule(), '0'..='9' => self.lex_num(), '$' => self.lex_variable(), ':' => symbol!(self, Colon), ',' => symbol!(self, Comma), '.' => symbol!(self, Period), ';' => symbol!(self, SemiColon), '+' => symbol!(self, Plus), '~' => symbol!(self, Tilde), '\'' => symbol!(self, SingleQuote), '"' => symbol!(self, DoubleQuote), ' ' => whitespace!(self, Space), '\t' => whitespace!(self, Tab), '\n' => whitespace!(self, Newline), '\r' => whitespace!(self, CarriageReturn), '#' => symbol!(self, Hash), '{' => symbol!(self, OpenBrace), '*' => symbol!(self, Mul), '}' => symbol!(self, CloseBrace), '/' => self.lex_forward_slash(), '%' => {; self.pos.next_char(); TokenKind::Unit(Unit::Percent) } '[' => {; self.pos.next_char(); self.lex_attr() } '<' => symbol!(self, Lt), '>' => symbol!(self, Gt), '\0' => return None, _ => todo!("unknown char"), }; self.pos.next_char(); Some(Token { kind, pos: self.pos, }) } } fn is_whitespace(c: char) -> bool { c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' } impl<'a> Lexer<'a> { pub fn new(buf: &'a str) -> Lexer<'a> { Lexer { tokens: Vec::with_capacity(buf.len()), buf: buf.chars().peekable(), pos: Pos::new(), } } fn devour_whitespace(&mut self) { while let Some(c) = self.buf.peek() { if !is_whitespace(*c) { break; }; self.pos.next_char(); } } fn lex_at_rule(&mut self) -> TokenKind { let mut string = String::with_capacity(99); while let Some(c) = self.buf.peek() { if !c.is_alphabetic() && c != &'-' { break; } let tok = self .buf .next() .expect("this is impossible because we have already peeked"); self.pos.next_char(); string.push(tok); } if let Ok(kw) = Unit::try_from(string.as_ref()) { TokenKind::Unit(kw) } else { panic!("expected ident after `@`") } } fn lex_forward_slash(&mut self) -> TokenKind {; self.pos.next_char(); match self.buf.peek().expect("expected something after '/'") { '/' => { self.buf.by_ref().skip_while(|x| x != &'\n').count(); } '*' => { while let Some(tok) = { if tok == '*' && == Some('/') { break; } } } _ => return TokenKind::Symbol(Symbol::Div), } TokenKind::Whitespace(Whitespace::Newline) } fn lex_num(&mut self) -> TokenKind { let mut string = String::with_capacity(99); while let Some(c) = self.buf.peek() { if !c.is_numeric() && c != &'.' { break; } let tok = self .buf .next() .expect("this is impossible because we have already peeked"); self.pos.next_char(); string.push(tok); } TokenKind::Number(string) } fn lex_hash(&mut self) -> TokenKind { todo!() } fn lex_attr(&mut self) -> TokenKind { let mut attr = String::with_capacity(99); while let Some(c) = self.buf.peek() { if !c.is_alphabetic() && c != &'-' { break; } let tok = self .buf .next() .expect("this is impossible because we have already peeked"); self.pos.next_char(); attr.push(tok); } self.devour_whitespace(); let kind = match self .buf .next() .expect("todo! expected kind (should be error)") { ']' => { return TokenKind::Selector(Selector::Attribute(Attribute { kind: AttributeKind::Any, attr, value: String::new(), case_sensitive: true, })) } 'i' => { self.devour_whitespace(); assert!( == Some(']')); return TokenKind::Selector(Selector::Attribute(Attribute { kind: AttributeKind::Any, attr, value: String::new(), case_sensitive: false, })); } '=' => AttributeKind::Equals, '~' => AttributeKind::InList, '|' => AttributeKind::BeginsWithHyphenOrExact, '^' => AttributeKind::StartsWith, '$' => AttributeKind::EndsWith, '*' => AttributeKind::Contains, _ => todo!("expected kind (should be error)"), }; if kind != AttributeKind::Equals { assert!( == Some('=')); } self.devour_whitespace(); match self .buf .peek() .expect("todo! expected either value or quote") { '\'' | '"' => {; } _ => {} } let mut value = String::with_capacity(99); let mut case_sensitive = true; while let Some(c) = self.buf.peek() { if !c.is_alphabetic() && c != &'-' { break; } if c == &'i' { let tok = self .buf .next() .expect("this is impossible because we have already peeked"); self.pos.next_char(); self.devour_whitespace(); match { Some(']') => case_sensitive = false, Some(val) => { self.pos.next_char(); value.push(tok); value.push(val); } None => todo!("expected something to come after "), } continue; } let tok = self .buf .next() .expect("this is impossible because we have already peeked"); self.pos.next_char(); value.push(tok); } match self .buf .peek() .expect("todo! expected either value or quote") { '\'' | '"' => {; } _ => {} } self.devour_whitespace(); assert!( == Some(']')); TokenKind::Selector(Selector::Attribute(Attribute { kind, attr, value, case_sensitive, })) } fn lex_variable(&mut self) -> TokenKind {; self.pos.next_char(); let mut name = String::with_capacity(99); while let Some(c) = self.buf.peek() { if !c.is_alphabetic() && c != &'-' { break; } let tok = self .buf .next() .expect("this is impossible because we have already peeked"); self.pos.next_char(); name.push(tok); } TokenKind::Variable(name) } fn lex_ident(&mut self) -> TokenKind { let mut string = String::with_capacity(99); while let Some(c) = self.buf.peek() { // we know that the first char is alphabetic from peeking if !c.is_alphanumeric() && c != &'-' { break; } let tok = self .buf .next() .expect("this is impossible because we have already peeked"); self.pos.next_char(); string.push(tok); } if let Ok(kw) = Keyword::try_from(string.as_ref()) { return TokenKind::Keyword(kw); } if let Ok(kw) = Unit::try_from(string.as_ref()) { return TokenKind::Unit(kw); } TokenKind::Ident(string) } }