use codemap::Spanned; use peekmore::PeekMoreIterator; use crate::{error::SassResult, Token}; #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct ParsedNumber { /// The full number excluding the decimal /// /// E.g. for `1.23`, this would be `"123"` pub num: String, /// The length of the decimal /// /// E.g. for `1.23`, this would be `2` pub dec_len: usize, /// The number following e in a scientific notated number /// /// E.g. for `1e23`, this would be `"23"`, /// for `1`, this would be an empty string // TODO: maybe we just return a bigint? pub times_ten: String, /// Whether or not `times_ten` is negative /// /// E.g. for `1e-23` this would be `true`, /// for `1e23` this would be `false` pub times_ten_is_postive: bool, } impl ParsedNumber { pub const fn new( num: String, dec_len: usize, times_ten: String, times_ten_is_postive: bool, ) -> Self { Self { num, dec_len, times_ten, times_ten_is_postive, } } } pub(crate) fn eat_number>( toks: &mut PeekMoreIterator, ) -> SassResult> { let mut whole = String::with_capacity(1); // TODO: merge this span with chars let span = if let Some(tok) = toks.peek() { tok.pos() } else { todo!() }; eat_whole_number(toks, &mut whole); if toks.peek().is_none() { return Ok(Spanned { node: ParsedNumber::new(whole, 0, String::new(), true), span, }); } let mut dec = String::new(); let next_tok = *toks.peek().unwrap(); if next_tok.kind == '.' {; eat_whole_number(toks, &mut dec); if dec.is_empty() { return Err(("Expected digit.", next_tok.pos()).into()); } } let mut times_ten = String::new(); let mut times_ten_is_postive = true; #[allow(clippy::never_loop)] loop { // TODO: if let Some(Token { kind: 'e', .. }) | Some(Token { kind: 'E', .. }) = toks.peek() { let t = if let Some(tok) = toks.peek_forward(1) { *tok } else { break; }; match t.kind { '-' => {; times_ten_is_postive = false; } '0'..='9' => {} _ => break, }; eat_whole_number(toks, &mut times_ten); if times_ten.is_empty() && !times_ten_is_postive { return Err(("Expected digit.", toks.peek().unwrap_or(&t).pos).into()); } } break; } toks.reset_view(); whole.push_str(&dec); Ok(Spanned { node: ParsedNumber::new(whole, dec.len(), times_ten, times_ten_is_postive), span, }) } fn eat_whole_number>(toks: &mut PeekMoreIterator, buf: &mut String) { while let Some(c) = toks.peek() { if !c.kind.is_ascii_digit() { break; } let tok =; buf.push(tok.kind); } }