use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::path::Path; use codemap::Spanned; use crate::error::SassResult; use crate::scope::Scope; use crate::{Stmt, StyleSheet}; pub(crate) fn import>(path: P) -> SassResult<(Vec>, Scope)> { let mut rules = Vec::new(); let mut scope = Scope::new(); let path_buf = path.as_ref().to_path_buf(); let name = path_buf.file_name().expect("todo! path ended in `..`"); if path_buf.extension() == Some(OsStr::new(".css")) { // || name.starts_with("http://") || name.starts_with("https://") { todo!("handle css imports") } let mut p1 = path_buf.clone(); p1.push("index.scss"); let mut p2 = path_buf.clone(); p2.push("_index.scss"); let paths = [ path_buf.with_file_name(format!( "{}.scss", name.to_str().expect("path should be UTF-8") )), path_buf.with_file_name(format!( "_{}.scss", name.to_str().expect("path should be UTF-8") )), path_buf, p1, p2, ]; for name in &paths { if name.is_file() { let (rules2, scope2) = StyleSheet::export_from_path(name.to_str().expect("path should be UTF-8"))?; rules.extend(rules2); scope.extend(scope2); } } Ok((rules, scope)) }