# 0.10.0

 - bugfixes for `@media` query regressions
 - bugfixes for maps, arglists, and `@each`
 - implement string interning for identifiers and style properties
 - implement spec-compliant variable scoping
 - emit `@import` when importing `url(...)` or `*.css`
 - resolve all panics for malformed `@import`
 - various optimizations that now allow us to compile bootstrap 10% faster than `libsass`
 - errors inside builtin functions use `inspect` to print values
 - bugfixes for color and map equality (e.g. `red` == `#ff0000`)
 - hide unimplemented command line flags
 - implement CLI options for `--quiet`, `--load-path` ([#22](https://github.com/connorskees/grass/pull/22) by @JosephLing), `--no-charset`, `--stdin`, and `--no-unicode`
 - use unicode characters in error messages by default
 - allow comma separated `@import` statements ([#23](https://github.com/connorskees/grass/pull/23) by @JosephLing)
 - implement and correctly parse `!optional` in `@extend`
 - lazily evaluate `!default` variable values
 - disallow interpolation in mixin and function names
 - improve parsing for `@supports` and unknown at-rules

## Breaking
 - functions now take an `Options` struct

# 0.9.5

A small release fixing potential build issues and improving documentation.

This release is not published to NPM due to [a bug](https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack/issues/837)
in `wasm-pack`.

# 0.9.4

- implement `@keyframes`
- don't strip newlines following comments in selectors

# 0.9.3

- fix parsing bugs for empty bracketed lists
- partially implement inverse units
- remove all remaining `todo!()`s from binary and unary ops
- parse keywords case sensitively
- various optimizations that make bulma about _6x faster_ to compile

# 0.9.2

- implement builtin functions `min` and `max`
- bugfixes for `@extend` and `selector-unify`
- allow `@content` to take arguments
- bugfixes for `@content`, for example it will no longer infinitely recurse for chained mixins
- better support queries in `@media`
- bugfixes for `@media`
- add support for splats, e.g. `rgba([1, 2, 3, 4]...)`
- resolve a number of parsing bugs for `@for`, variable declarations, selectors, and maps
- completely rewrite how styles are evaluated, allowing short circuiting of values like `false and unit(foo)` and `if(true, foo, unit(foo)`

# 0.9.1

This release is largely focused on `@extend`, but it also resolves some regressions resulting from the new parser.

- **implement `@extend`**
- properly document new API
- MVP implementation of `@supports`
- fix regression in which `@at-root` would panic when placed after a ruleset
- fix regression related to `@mixin` and `@function` scoping when combined with outer, local variables
- remove most remaining `unwrap`s that could result in a panic

# 0.9.0

This release is focused on setting up the groundwork for implementing `@extend` as well
as being able to compile Bootstrap.

- implement all builtin selector functions
  - `selector-append`
  - `selector-extend`
  - `selector-nest`
  - `selector-parse`
  - `selector-replace`
  - `selector-unify`
  - `simple-selectors`
  - `is-superselector`
- implement builtin function `content-exists`
- allow `@import`, `@warn`, and `@debug` in all contexts, such as inside `@mixin`
- refactor control flow evaluation, resolving some issues blocking Bootstrap

#### Breaking Changes

- remove the `StyleSheet` struct in favor of freestanding functions, `from_string` and `from_path`

# 0.8.3

This release is largely focused on performance and robustness

- implement smallint optimization for numbers, making some benchmarks 50% faster
- remove `bimap` as a dependency for storing named colors in favor of an ad hoc, more specialized data structure
- remove _dozens_ of panics on malformed input
- use `beef::Cow` instead of `std::borrow::Cow`
- increase code coverage to 80%

# 0.8.2

This release contains significant (>10x) improvements for WASM speed.
Performance is now comparable to libsass bindings with `node-sass` as
well as `dart-sass` with dart2js. It is, however, roughly 4x slower than
native `grass`.