#[macro_use] mod macros; test!( interpolated_null_is_removed, "a {\n --btn-font-family: #{null};\n}\n", "a {\n --btn-font-family: ;\n}\n" ); test!( no_space_after_colon, "a {\n --btn-font-family:null;\n}\n", "a {\n --btn-font-family:null;\n}\n" ); test!( only_whitespace, "a {\n --btn-font-family: ;\n}\n", "a {\n --btn-font-family: ;\n}\n" ); test!( silent_comment, "a {\n --btn-font-family: // ;\n}\n", "a {\n --btn-font-family: // ;\n}\n" ); test!( interpolated_name_isnt_custom_property, "a {\n #{--prop}:0.75;\n}\n", "a {\n --prop: 0.75;\n}\n" ); test!( interpolated_name_is_custom_property_if_dashes_not_part_of_interpolation, "a {\n --#{prop}:0.75;\n}\n", "a {\n --prop:0.75;\n}\n" ); test!( prop_value_starts_with_u, "a {\n --prop: underline;\n}\n", "a {\n --prop: underline;\n}\n" ); test!( prop_value_is_url, "a {\n --prop: url();\n}\n", "a {\n --prop: url();\n}\n" ); test!( prop_value_starts_with_url, "a {\n --prop: urlaa;\n}\n", "a {\n --prop: urlaa;\n}\n" ); test!( prop_value_is_url_without_parens, "a {\n --prop: url;\n}\n", "a {\n --prop: url;\n}\n" ); test!( #[ignore = "we don't preserve newlines or indentation here"] preserves_newlines_in_value, "a {\n --without-semicolon: {\n a: b\n }\n}\n", "a {\n --without-semicolon: {\n a: b\n } ;\n}\n" ); error!( nothing_after_colon, "a {\n --btn-font-family:;\n}\n", "Error: Expected token." ); error!( #[ignore = "dart-sass crashes on this input https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/issues/1857"] child_in_declaration_block_is_custom_property, "a { color: { --foo: bar; } }", "" ); error!( // NOTE: https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/issues/1857 child_in_declaration_block_is_declaration_block_with_child_custom_property, "a { color: { --a: { foo: bar; } } }", r#"Error: Declarations whose names begin with "--" may not be nested"# ); error!( // NOTE: https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/issues/1857 custom_property_double_nested_custom_property_with_non_string_value_before_decl_block, "a { color: { --a: 2 { --foo: bar; } } }", r#"Error: Declarations whose names begin with "--" may not be nested"# ); error!( empty_value, "a { --color:#{null}; }", "Error: Custom property values may not be empty." );