use grass::InputSyntax; #[macro_use] mod macros; test!( function_call, "a { color: rotate(-45deg); }", "a {\n color: rotate(-45deg);\n}\n", grass::Options::default().input_syntax(InputSyntax::Css) ); test!( retains_null, "a { color: null; }", "a {\n color: null;\n}\n", grass::Options::default().input_syntax(InputSyntax::Css) ); test!( does_not_evaluate_and, "a { color: 1 and 2; }", "a {\n color: 1 and 2;\n}\n", grass::Options::default().input_syntax(InputSyntax::Css) ); test!( does_not_evaluate_or, "a { color: 1 or 2; }", "a {\n color: 1 or 2;\n}\n", grass::Options::default().input_syntax(InputSyntax::Css) ); test!( does_not_evaluate_not, "a { color: not 2; color: not true; color: not false; }", "a {\n color: not 2;\n color: not true;\n color: not false;\n}\n", grass::Options::default().input_syntax(InputSyntax::Css) );