use std::io::Write; use macros::TestFs; #[macro_use] mod macros; error!( after_style, "a {} @use \"foo\"; ", "Error: @use rules must be written before any other rules." ); error!( interpolation_in_as_identifier, "@use \"sass:math\" as m#{a}th;", "Error: expected \";\"." ); error!( use_as_quoted_string, "@use \"sass:math\" as \"math\";", "Error: Expected identifier." ); error!( use_as_missing_s, "@use \"sass:math\" a math;", "Error: expected \";\"." ); error!( unknown_module_get_variable, "a { color: foo.$bar; }", "Error: There is no module with the namespace \"foo\"." ); error!( unknown_module_get_function, "a { color:; }", "Error: There is no module with the namespace \"foo\"." ); error!( unknown_function, "@use \"sass:math\";\na { color:; }", "Error: Undefined function." ); error!( module_function_missing_open_parens, "@use \"sass:math\";\na { color: math.floor; }", "Error: expected \"(\"." ); error!( module_not_quoted_string, "@use a", "Error: Expected string." ); error!( use_file_name_is_invalid_identifier, r#"@use "a b";"#, r#"Error: The default namespace "a b" is not a valid Sass identifier."# ); error!( use_empty_string, r#"@use "";"#, r#"Error: The default namespace "" is not a valid Sass identifier."# ); test!( use_as, "@use \"sass:math\" as foo; a { color: foo.clamp(0, 1, 2); }", "a {\n color: 1;\n}\n" ); test!( use_as_uppercase, "@use \"sass:math\" AS foo; a { color: foo.clamp(0, 1, 2); }", "a {\n color: 1;\n}\n" ); test!( use_as_universal, "@use \"sass:math\" as *; a { color: cos(2); }", "a {\n color: -0.4161468365;\n}\n" ); test!( use_single_quotes, "@use 'sass:math'; a { color: math.cos(2); }", "a {\n color: -0.4161468365;\n}\n" ); #[test] fn use_user_defined_same_directory() { let input = "@use \"use_user_defined_same_directory\";\na {\n color: use_user_defined_same_directory.$a;\n}"; tempfile!( "use_user_defined_same_directory.scss", "$a: red; a { color: $a; }" ); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n\na {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn private_variable_begins_with_underscore() { let input = "@use \"private_variable_begins_with_underscore\" as module;\na {\n color: module.$_foo;\n}"; tempfile!( "private_variable_begins_with_underscore.scss", "$_foo: red; a { color: $_foo; }" ); assert_err!( "Error: Private members can't be accessed from outside their modules.", input ); } #[test] fn private_variable_begins_with_hyphen() { let input = "@use \"private_variable_begins_with_hyphen\" as module;\na {\n color: module.$-foo;\n}"; tempfile!( "private_variable_begins_with_hyphen.scss", "$-foo: red; a { color: $-foo; }" ); assert_err!( "Error: Private members can't be accessed from outside their modules.", input ); } #[test] fn private_function() { let input = "@use \"private_function\" as module;\na {\n color: module._foo(green);\n}"; tempfile!( "private_function.scss", "@function _foo($a) { @return $a; } a { color: _foo(red); }" ); assert_err!( "Error: Private members can't be accessed from outside their modules.", input ); } #[test] fn global_variable_exists_private() { let input = r#" @use "global_variable_exists_private" as module; a { color: global-variable-exists($name: foo, $module: module); color: global-variable-exists($name: _foo, $module: module); }"#; tempfile!( "global_variable_exists_private.scss", "$foo: red;\n$_foo: red;\n" ); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: true;\n color: false;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_user_defined_as() { let input = "@use \"use_user_defined_as\" as module;\na {\n color: module.$a;\n}"; tempfile!("use_user_defined_as.scss", "$a: red; a { color: $a; }"); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n\na {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_user_defined_function() { let input = "@use \"use_user_defined_function\" as module;\na {\n color:;\n}"; tempfile!( "use_user_defined_function.scss", "@function foo($a) { @return $a; }" ); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_idempotent_no_alias() { let input = "@use \"use_idempotent_no_alias\";\n@use \"use_idempotent_no_alias\";\n"; tempfile!("use_idempotent_no_alias.scss", ""); assert_err!( "Error: There's already a module with namespace \"use-idempotent-no-alias\".", input ); } #[test] fn use_idempotent_with_alias() { let input = "@use \"use_idempotent_with_alias__a\" as foo;\n@use \"use_idempotent_with_alias__b\" as foo;\n"; tempfile!("use_idempotent_with_alias__a.scss", ""); tempfile!("use_idempotent_with_alias__b.scss", ""); assert_err!( "Error: There's already a module with namespace \"foo\".", input ); } #[test] fn use_idempotent_builtin() { let input = "@use \"sass:math\";\n@use \"sass:math\";\n"; assert_err!( "Error: There's already a module with namespace \"math\".", input ); } #[test] fn use_with_simple() { let input = "@use \"use_with_simple\" with ($a: red);\na {\n color: use_with_simple.$a;\n}"; tempfile!("use_with_simple.scss", "$a: green !default;"); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_as_with() { let input = "@use \"use_as_with\" as module with ($a: red);\na {\n color: module.$a;\n}"; tempfile!("use_as_with.scss", "$a: green !default;"); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_whitespace_and_comments() { let input = "@use /**/ \"use_whitespace_and_comments\" /**/ as /**/ foo /**/ with /**/ ( /**/ $a /**/ : /**/ red /**/ );"; tempfile!( "use_whitespace_and_comments.scss", "$a: green !default; a { color: $a }" ); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_loud_comment_after_close_paren_with() { let input = r#"@use "b" as foo with ($a : red) /**/ ;"#; tempfile!( "use_loud_comment_after_close_paren_with.scss", "$a: green !default; a { color: $a }" ); assert_err!(r#"Error: expected ";"."#, input); } #[test] fn use_with_builtin_module() { let input = "@use \"sass:math\" with ($e: 2.7);"; assert_err!("Error: Built-in modules can't be configured.", input); } #[test] fn use_with_variable_never_used() { let input = "@use \"use_with_variable_never_used\" with ($a: red);"; tempfile!("use_with_variable_never_used.scss", ""); assert_err!( "Error: This variable was not declared with !default in the @used module.", input ); } #[test] fn use_with_same_variable_multiple_times() { let input = "@use \"use_with_same_variable_multiple_times\" as foo with ($a: b, $a: c);"; tempfile!("use_with_same_variable_multiple_times.scss", ""); assert_err!( "Error: The same variable may only be configured once.", input ); } #[test] fn use_variable_redeclaration_var_dne() { let input = "@use \"use_variable_redeclaration_var_dne\" as mod;\nmod.$a: red;"; tempfile!("use_variable_redeclaration_var_dne.scss", ""); assert_err!("Error: Undefined variable.", input); } #[test] fn use_variable_redeclaration_global() { let input = "@use \"use_variable_redeclaration_global\" as mod;\nmod.$a: red !global;"; tempfile!("use_variable_redeclaration_global.scss", "$a: green;"); assert_err!( "Error: !global isn't allowed for variables in other modules.", input ); } #[test] fn use_variable_redeclaration_simple() { let input = "@use \"use_variable_redeclaration_simple\" as mod;\nmod.$a: red; a { color: mod.$a; }"; tempfile!("use_variable_redeclaration_simple.scss", "$a: green;"); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_variable_redeclaration_default() { let input = "@use \"use_variable_redeclaration_default\" as mod;\nmod.$a: 1 % red !default; a { color: mod.$a; }"; tempfile!("use_variable_redeclaration_default.scss", "$a: green;"); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: green;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_variable_redeclaration_private() { let input = "@use \"use_variable_redeclaration_private\" as mod;\nmod.$-a: red;"; tempfile!("use_variable_redeclaration_private.scss", "$a: green;"); assert_err!( "Error: Private members can't be accessed from outside their modules.", input ); } #[test] fn use_cannot_see_modules_imported_by_other_modules() { let input = r#" @use "use_cannot_see_modules_imported_by_other_modules__a" as a; @use "use_cannot_see_modules_imported_by_other_modules__b" as b;"#; tempfile!( "use_cannot_see_modules_imported_by_other_modules__a.scss", "$a: green;" ); tempfile!( "use_cannot_see_modules_imported_by_other_modules__b.scss", "a { color: a.$a; }" ); assert_err!("Error: There is no module with the namespace \"a\".", input); } #[test] fn use_can_see_modules_imported_by_other_modules_when_aliased_as_star() { let input = r#" @use "use_can_see_modules_imported_by_other_modules_when_aliased_as_star__a" as *; a { color: math.$e; } "#; tempfile!( "use_can_see_modules_imported_by_other_modules_when_aliased_as_star__a.scss", "@use \"sass:math\";" ); assert_err!( r#"Error: There is no module with the namespace "math"."#, input ); } #[test] fn use_modules_imported_by_other_modules_does_not_cause_conflict() { let input = r#" @use "use_modules_imported_by_other_modules_does_not_cause_conflict__a" as a; @use "use_modules_imported_by_other_modules_does_not_cause_conflict__b" as b;"#; tempfile!( "use_modules_imported_by_other_modules_does_not_cause_conflict__a.scss", "$a: red;" ); tempfile!( "use_modules_imported_by_other_modules_does_not_cause_conflict__b.scss", "@use \"use_modules_imported_by_other_modules_does_not_cause_conflict__a\" as a; a { color: a.$a; }" ); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_mixin_can_use_scope_from_own_module() { let input = r#" @use "use_mixin_can_use_scope_from_own_module__a" as a; @include; "#; tempfile!( "use_mixin_can_use_scope_from_own_module__a.scss", "$a: red; @mixin foo() { a { color: $a; } }" ); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_function_can_use_scope_from_own_module() { let input = r#" @use "use_function_can_use_scope_from_own_module__a" as a; a { color:; } "#; tempfile!( "use_function_can_use_scope_from_own_module__a.scss", "$a: red; @function foo() { @return $a; }" ); assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_variable_redeclaration_builtin() { let input = "@use \"sass:math\";\nmath.$e: red;"; assert_err!("Error: Cannot modify built-in variable.", input); } #[test] fn use_variable_declaration_between_use() { let input = r#" $a: red; $b: green; @use "sass:math"; $b: red; @use "sass:meta"; a { color: $a $b; }"#; assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default()).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn include_mixin_with_star_namespace() { let mut fs = TestFs::new(); fs.add_file( "a.scss", r#"@mixin foo() { a { color: red; } }"#, ); let input = r#" @use "a" as *; @include foo(); "#; assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default().fs(&fs)).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn include_variable_with_star_namespace() { let mut fs = TestFs::new(); fs.add_file("a.scss", r#"$a: red;"#); let input = r#" @use "a" as *; a { color: $a; } "#; assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default().fs(&fs)).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn include_function_with_star_namespace() { let mut fs = TestFs::new(); fs.add_file( "a.scss", r#"@function foo() { @return red; }"#, ); let input = r#" @use "a" as *; a { color: foo(); } "#; assert_eq!( "a {\n color: red;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default().fs(&fs)).expect(input) ); } #[test] fn use_with_through_forward_multiple() { let mut fs = TestFs::new(); fs.add_file( "_used.scss", r#" @forward "left" with ($a: from used !default); @forward "right" with ($b: from used !default); "#, ); fs.add_file( "_left.scss", r#" $a: from left !default; in-left { c: $a } "#, ); fs.add_file( "_right.scss", r#" $b: from left !default; in-right { d: $b } "#, ); let input = r#" @use "used" with ($a: from input, $b: from input); "#; assert_eq!( "in-left {\n c: from input;\n}\n\nin-right {\n d: from input;\n}\n", &grass::from_string(input.to_string(), &grass::Options::default().fs(&fs)).expect(input) ); } // todo: refactor these tests to use testfs where possible