34 lines
1023 B
34 lines
1023 B
all() ->
[generate_trace_id_should_be_xray_compatible, generate_span_id_should_be_default].
generate_trace_id_should_be_xray_compatible(_Config) ->
MaxAge = 60 * 60 * 24 * 28,
MaxSkew = 60 * 5,
TraceId = otel_aws_xray_id_generator:generate_trace_id(),
EncodedTraceId = binary:encode_unsigned(TraceId),
EpochNow = os:system_time(second),
% The Trace id should have 128 bits (16 bytes)
?assertEqual(16, byte_size(EncodedTraceId)),
% The first 4 bytes is the epoch
Epoch = binary:decode_unsigned(binary:part(EncodedTraceId, 0, 4)),
Delta = EpochNow - Epoch,
?assertEqual(false, (Delta > MaxAge) or (Delta < -MaxSkew)).
generate_span_id_should_be_default(_Config) ->
SpanId = otel_aws_xray_id_generator:generate_span_id(),
?assertEqual(8, byte_size(binary:encode_unsigned(SpanId))).