defmodule OpentelemetryReq do @moduledoc """ Wraps the request in an opentelemetry span. Span names must be paramaterized, so the `req_path_params` module and step should be registered before this step. This step is expected by default and an error will be raised if the path params option is not set for the request. Given the steps pipeline can be halted to skip further steps from running, it is important to _append_ request and response steps _after_ this step to ensure execution. Spans are not created until the request is completed or errored. ### Example ``` client = |> OpentelemetryReq.attach() |> Req.Request.merge_options( base_url: "http://localhost:4000", propagate_trace_ctx: true ) client |> Req.get( url: "/api/users/:user_id", path_params: [user_id: user_id] ) ``` ## Request Options * `:span_name` - `String.t()` if provided, overrides the span name. Defaults to `nil`. * `:no_path_params` - `boolean()` when set to `true` no path params are expected for the request. Defaults to `false` * `:propagate_trace_ctx` - `boolean()` when set to `true`, trace headers will be propagated. Defaults to `false` """ alias OpenTelemetry.Tracer alias OpenTelemetry.SemanticConventions.Trace require Trace require Tracer require Logger def attach(%Req.Request{} = request, options \\ []) do request |> Req.Request.register_options([:span_name, :no_path_params, :propagate_trace_ctx]) |> Req.Request.merge_options(options) |> Req.Request.append_request_steps( require_path_params: &require_path_params_option/1, start_span: &start_span/1, put_trace_headers: &maybe_put_trace_headers/1 ) |> Req.Request.prepend_response_steps(otel_end_span: &end_span/1) |> Req.Request.prepend_error_steps(otel_end_span: &end_errored_span/1) end defp start_span(request) do span_name = span_name(request) attrs = build_req_attrs(request) parent_ctx = OpenTelemetry.Ctx.get_current() Process.put(:otel_parent_ctx, parent_ctx) Tracer.start_span(span_name, %{ attributes: attrs, kind: :client }) |> Tracer.set_current_span() request end defp end_span({request, %Req.Response{} = response}) do attrs = Map.put(%{}, Trace.http_status_code(), response.status) |> maybe_append_resp_content_length(response) Tracer.set_attributes(attrs) if response.status >= 400 do OpenTelemetry.Tracer.set_status(OpenTelemetry.status(:error, "")) end OpenTelemetry.Tracer.end_span() Process.delete(:otel_parent_ctx) |> OpenTelemetry.Ctx.attach() {request, response} end defp end_errored_span({request, exception}) do OpenTelemetry.Tracer.set_status(OpenTelemetry.status(:error, format_exception(exception))) OpenTelemetry.Tracer.end_span() Process.delete(:otel_parent_ctx) |> OpenTelemetry.Ctx.attach() {request, exception} end defp format_exception(%{__exception__: true} = exception) do Exception.message(exception) end defp format_exception(_), do: "" defp span_name(request) do Req.Request.get_private(request, :path_params_template) end defp build_req_attrs(request) do uri = request.url url = url(uri) %{ Trace.http_method() => http_method(request.method), Trace.http_url() => url, Trace.http_target() => uri.path, Trace.net_host_name() =>, Trace.http_scheme() => uri.scheme } |> maybe_append_req_content_length(request) |> maybe_append_retry_count(request) end defp maybe_append_req_content_length(attrs, req) do case Req.Request.get_header(req, "content-length") do [] -> attrs [length] -> Map.put(attrs, Trace.http_request_content_length(), length) end end defp maybe_append_resp_content_length(attrs, req) do case Req.Response.get_header(req, "content-length") do [] -> attrs [length] -> Map.put(attrs, Trace.http_response_content_length(), length) end end defp maybe_append_retry_count(attrs, req) do retry_count = Req.Request.get_private(req, :req_retry_count, 0) if retry_count > 0 do Map.put(attrs, Trace.http_retry_count(), retry_count) else attrs end end defp url(uri) do if uri.query do uri.path <> "?" <> uri.query else uri.path end end defp http_method(method) do case method do :get -> :GET :head -> :HEAD :post -> :POST :patch -> :PATCH :put -> :PUT :delete -> :DELETE :connect -> :CONNECT :options -> :OPTIONS :trace -> :TRACE end end defp maybe_put_trace_headers(request) do if request.options[:propagate_trace_ctx] do Map.put(request, :headers, :otel_propagator_text_map.inject(request.headers)) else request end end defp require_path_params_option(request) do unless request.options[:no_path_params] do unless Map.has_key?(request.options, :path_params) do {Req.Request.halt(request),} else request end else request end end defmodule PathParamsOptionError do defexception [:message] def new do %__MODULE__{} end @impl true def message(_) do "req_path_params path parameter options must be provided" end end end