defmodule OpentelemetryProcessPropagator.Task.Wrapper do @moduledoc false require OpenTelemetry.Tracer @spec with_ctx(OpenTelemetry.Ctx.t(), {module(), atom(), [term()]}) :: any() def with_ctx(ctx, {m, f, a}) do OpenTelemetry.Ctx.attach(ctx) apply(m, f, a) end # for streams which prepend the value to the given arguments @spec with_ctx(term(), OpenTelemetry.Ctx.t(), {module(), atom(), [term()]}) :: any() def with_ctx(value, ctx, {m, f, a}) do OpenTelemetry.Ctx.attach(ctx) apply(m, f, [value | a]) end @spec with_span( OpenTelemetry.span_name(), OpenTelemetry.Span.start_opts(), OpenTelemetry.Ctx.t(), {module(), atom(), [term()]} ) :: any() def with_span(name, start_opts, ctx, {m, f, a}) do OpenTelemetry.Ctx.attach(ctx) OpenTelemetry.Tracer.with_span name, start_opts do apply(m, f, a) end end # for streams which prepend the value to the given arguments @spec with_span( term(), OpenTelemetry.span_name(), OpenTelemetry.Span.start_opts(), OpenTelemetry.Ctx.t(), {module(), atom(), [term()]} ) :: any() def with_span(value, name, start_opts, ctx, {m, f, a}) do OpenTelemetry.Ctx.attach(ctx) OpenTelemetry.Tracer.with_span name, start_opts do apply(m, f, [value | a]) end end @spec with_linked_span( OpenTelemetry.span_name(), OpenTelemetry.Span.start_opts(), OpenTelemetry.Ctx.t(), {module(), atom(), [term()]} ) :: any() def with_linked_span(name, start_opts, parent, {m, f, a}) do links = if parent == :undefined do [] else [] end OpenTelemetry.Tracer.with_span name, Map.put(start_opts, :links, links) do apply(m, f, a) end end # for streams which prepend the value to the given arguments @spec with_linked_span( term(), OpenTelemetry.span_name(), OpenTelemetry.Span.start_opts(), OpenTelemetry.Ctx.t(), {module(), atom(), [term()]} ) :: any() def with_linked_span(value, name, start_opts, parent, {m, f, a}) do links = if parent == :undefined do [] else [] end OpenTelemetry.Tracer.with_span name, Map.put(start_opts, :links, links) do apply(m, f, [value | a]) end end end