defmodule OpentelemetryEctoTest do use ExUnit.Case import Ecto.Query require OpenTelemetry.Tracer alias OpentelemetryEcto.TestRepo, as: Repo alias OpentelemetryEcto.TestModels.{Comment, User, Post} require Ecto.Query, as: Query require OpenTelemetry.Tracer, as: Tracer @event_name [:opentelemetry_ecto, :test_repo] require Record for {name, spec} <- Record.extract_all(from_lib: "opentelemetry/include/otel_span.hrl") do Record.defrecord(name, spec) end setup do :application.stop(:opentelemetry) :application.set_env(:opentelemetry, :tracer, :otel_tracer_default) :application.set_env(:opentelemetry, :processors, [ {:otel_batch_processor, %{scheduled_delay_ms: 1}} ]) :application.start(:opentelemetry) :otel_batch_processor.set_exporter(:otel_exporter_pid, self()) OpenTelemetry.Tracer.start_span("test") on_exit(fn -> OpenTelemetry.Tracer.end_span() end) end test "captures basic query events" do attach_handler() Repo.all(User) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:users", attributes: attributes, kind: :client )} assert %{ "db.system": :postgresql, "db.instance": "opentelemetry_ecto_test", "db.type": :sql, "db.url": "ecto://localhost", decode_time_microseconds: _, query_time_microseconds: _, queue_time_microseconds: _, source: "users", total_time_microseconds: _ } = end test "exclude unsantized query" do attach_handler() Repo.all(User) assert_receive {:span, span(attributes: attributes)} assert !Map.has_key?(, :"db.statement") end test "include unsanitized query when enabled" do attach_handler(db_statement: :enabled) Repo.all(User) assert_receive {:span, span(attributes: attributes)} assert %{"db.statement": "SELECT u0.\"id\", u0.\"email\" FROM \"users\" AS u0"} = end test "include santized query with sanitizer function" do attach_handler(db_statement: fn str -> String.replace(str, "SELECT", "") end) Repo.all(User) assert_receive {:span, span(attributes: attributes)} assert %{"db.statement": " u0.\"id\", u0.\"email\" FROM \"users\" AS u0"} = end test "include additional_attributes" do attach_handler(additional_attributes: %{"config.attribute": "special value", "db.instance": "my_instance"}) Repo.all(User) assert_receive {:span, span(attributes: attributes)} assert %{"config.attribute": "special value", "db.instance": "my_instance"} = end test "changes the time unit" do attach_handler(time_unit: :millisecond) Repo.all(Post) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:posts", attributes: attributes )} assert %{ "db.system": :postgresql, "db.instance": "opentelemetry_ecto_test", "db.type": :sql, "db.url": "ecto://localhost", decode_time_milliseconds: _, query_time_milliseconds: _, queue_time_milliseconds: _, source: "posts", total_time_milliseconds: _ } = end test "changes the span name prefix" do attach_handler(span_prefix: "Ecto") Repo.all(User) assert_receive {:span, span(name: "Ecto:users")} end test "collects multiple spans" do user = Repo.insert!(%User{email: ""}) Repo.insert!(%Post{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) attach_handler() User |> Repo.all() |> Repo.preload([:posts]) assert_receive {:span, span(name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:users")} assert_receive {:span, span(name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:posts")} end test "sets error message on error" do attach_handler() try do Repo.all(from(u in "users", select: u.non_existant_field)) rescue _ -> :ok end assert_receive {:span, span( name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:users", status: {:status, :error, message} )} assert message =~ "non_existant_field does not exist" end test "preloads in sequence are tied to the parent span" do user = Repo.insert!(%User{email: ""}) Repo.insert!(%Post{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) Repo.insert!(%Comment{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) attach_handler() Tracer.with_span "parent span" do Repo.all(Query.from(User, preload: [:posts, :comments]), in_parallel: false) end assert_receive {:span, span(span_id: root_span_id, name: "parent span")} assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:users" )} assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:posts" )} assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:comments" )} end test "preloads in parallel are tied to the parent span" do user = Repo.insert!(%User{email: ""}) Repo.insert!(%Post{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) Repo.insert!(%Comment{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) attach_handler() Tracer.with_span "parent span" do Repo.all(Query.from(User, preload: [:posts, :comments])) end assert_receive {:span, span(span_id: root_span_id, name: "parent span")} assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:users" )} assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:posts" )} assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:comments" )} end test "nested query preloads are tied to the parent span" do user = Repo.insert!(%User{email: ""}) Repo.insert!(%Post{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) Repo.insert!(%Comment{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) attach_handler() Tracer.with_span "parent span" do users_query = from(u in User, preload: [:posts, :comments]) comments_query = from(c in Comment, preload: [user: ^users_query]) Repo.all(Query.from(User, preload: [:posts, comments: ^comments_query])) end assert_receive {:span, span(span_id: root_span_id, name: "parent span")} # root query assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:users" )} # comments preload assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:comments" )} # users preload assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:users" )} # preloads of user assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:posts" )} assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:comments" )} end test "nested query within Task does not skip parent span" do user = Repo.insert!(%User{email: ""}) Repo.insert!(%Post{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) Repo.insert!(%Comment{body: "We got traced!", user: user}) attach_handler() Tracer.with_span "root span" do task = Task.async(fn -> Tracer.with_span "parent span" do Repo.all(User) end end) Task.await(task) end assert_receive {:span, span(span_id: _root_span_id, name: "root span")} assert_receive {:span, span(span_id: parent_span_id, name: "parent span")} assert_receive {:span, span( parent_span_id: ^parent_span_id, name: "opentelemetry_ecto.test_repo.query:users" )} end def attach_handler(config \\ []) do # For now setup the handler manually in each test handler = {__MODULE__, self()} :telemetry.attach(handler, @event_name ++ [:query], &OpentelemetryEcto.handle_event/4, config) on_exit(fn -> :telemetry.detach(handler) end) end end