defmodule OpentelemetryEcto do @moduledoc """ Telemetry handler for creating OpenTelemetry Spans from Ecto query events. """ require OpenTelemetry.Tracer @doc """ Attaches the OpentelemetryEcto handler to your repo events. This should be called from your application behaviour on startup. Example: OpentelemetryEcto.setup([:blog, :repo]) You may also supply the following options in the second argument: * `:time_unit` - a time unit used to convert the values of query phase timings, defaults to `:microsecond`. See `System.convert_time_unit/3` * `:span_prefix` - the first part of the span name, as a `String.t`, defaults to the concatenation of the event name with periods, e.g. `"blog.repo.query"`. This will always be followed with a colon and the source (the table name for SQL adapters). """ def setup(event_prefix, config \\ []) do event = event_prefix ++ [:query] :telemetry.attach({__MODULE__, event}, event, &__MODULE__.handle_event/4, config) end @doc false def handle_event( event, measurements, %{query: query, source: source, result: query_result, repo: repo, type: type}, config ) do # Doing all this even if the span isn't sampled so the sampler # could technically use the attributes to decide if it should sample or not total_time = measurements.total_time end_time = :opentelemetry.timestamp() start_time = end_time - total_time database = repo.config()[:database] url = case repo.config()[:url] do nil -> # TODO: add port URI.to_string(%URI{scheme: "ecto", host: repo.config()[:hostname]}) url -> url end span_name = case Keyword.fetch(config, :span_prefix) do {:ok, prefix} -> prefix :error -> Enum.join(event, ".") end <> ":#{source}" time_unit = Keyword.get(config, :time_unit, :microsecond) db_type = case type do :ecto_sql_query -> :sql _ -> type end result = case query_result do {:ok, _} -> [] _ -> [error: true] end # TODO: need connection information to complete the required attributes # or net.peer.ip and net.peer.port base_attributes = Keyword.merge(result, "db.type": db_type, "db.statement": query, source: source, "db.instance": database, "db.url": url, "total_time_#{time_unit}s": System.convert_time_unit(total_time, :native, time_unit) ) attributes = measurements |> Enum.into(%{}) |> Map.take(~w(decode_time query_time queue_time)a) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil(elem(&1, 1))) |> {k, v} -> {String.to_atom("#{k}_#{time_unit}s"), System.convert_time_unit(v, :native, time_unit)} end) s = OpenTelemetry.Tracer.start_span(span_name, %{ start_time: start_time, attributes: attributes ++ base_attributes }) OpenTelemetry.Span.end_span(s) end end