defmodule OpentelemetryRedix.CommandTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias OpentelemetryRedix.Command test "sanitize commands that keep all args" do assert Command.sanitize(~w(GET mykey)) == "GET mykey" end test "sanitize commands that keep no args" do assert Command.sanitize(~w(AUTH password)) == "AUTH ?" assert Command.sanitize(~w(AUTH username password)) == "AUTH ? ?" end test "sanitize commands that keep first few args" do assert Command.sanitize(~w(SET mykey "value")) == "SET mykey ?" end test "sanitize commands with key-value args" do cmd = Command.sanitize(~w(MSET key1 "Hello" key2 "World")) assert cmd == "MSET key1 ? key2 ?" cmd = Command.sanitize(~w(HSET myhash field1 "Hello")) assert cmd == "HSET myhash field1 ?" end end