defmodule OpentelemetryObanTest do use DataCase doctest OpentelemetryOban require OpenTelemetry.Tracer require OpenTelemetry.Span require Record for {name, spec} <- Record.extract_all(from_lib: "opentelemetry/include/otel_span.hrl") do Record.defrecord(name, spec) end for {name, spec} <- Record.extract_all(from_lib: "opentelemetry_api/include/opentelemetry.hrl") do Record.defrecord(name, spec) end setup do :application.stop(:opentelemetry) :application.set_env(:opentelemetry, :tracer, :otel_tracer_default) :application.set_env(:opentelemetry, :processors, [ {:otel_batch_processor, %{scheduled_delay_ms: 1, exporter: {:otel_exporter_pid, self()}}} ]) :application.start(:opentelemetry) TestHelpers.remove_oban_handlers() OpentelemetryOban.setup() :ok end test "records span on job insertion" do OpentelemetryOban.insert({})) assert %{success: 1, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob send", attributes: attributes, parent_span_id: :undefined, kind: :producer, status: :undefined )} assert [ "messaging.destination": "events", "messaging.destination_kind": "queue", "messaging.oban.job_id": _job_id, "messaging.oban.max_attempts": 1, "messaging.oban.priority": 0, "messaging.oban.worker": "TestJob", "messaging.system": "oban" ] = List.keysort(attributes, 0) end test "job creation uses existing trace if present" do OpenTelemetry.Tracer.with_span "test span" do ctx = OpenTelemetry.Tracer.current_span_ctx() root_trace_id = OpenTelemetry.Span.trace_id(ctx) root_span_id = OpenTelemetry.Span.span_id(ctx) OpentelemetryOban.insert({})) assert %{success: 1, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob send", attributes: _attributes, trace_id: ^root_trace_id, parent_span_id: ^root_span_id, kind: :producer, status: :undefined )} end end test "keeps existing meta information" do OpentelemetryOban.insert({}, meta: %{foo: "bar"})) assert [job] = all_enqueued() assert job.meta["foo"] == "bar" end test "tracing information is propagated between send and process" do OpentelemetryOban.insert({})) assert %{success: 1, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob send", attributes: _attributes, trace_id: send_trace_id, span_id: send_span_id, kind: :producer, status: :undefined )} assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob process", attributes: _attributes, kind: :consumer, status: :undefined, trace_id: process_trace_id, links: [link(trace_id: ^send_trace_id, span_id: ^send_span_id)] )} # Process is ran asynchronously so we create a new trace, but still link # the traces together. assert send_trace_id != process_trace_id end test "no link is created on process when tracing info was not propagated" do # Using regular Oban, instead of OpentelemetryOban Oban.insert({})) assert %{success: 1, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob process", attributes: _attributes, kind: :consumer, status: :undefined, trace_id: _trace_id, links: [] )} end test "records spans for successful Oban jobs" do OpentelemetryOban.insert({})) assert %{success: 1, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob process", attributes: attributes, kind: :consumer, status: :undefined )} assert [ "messaging.destination": "events", "messaging.destination_kind": "queue", "messaging.oban.attempt": 1, "messaging.oban.inserted_at": _inserted_at, "messaging.oban.job_id": _job_id, "messaging.oban.max_attempts": 1, "messaging.oban.priority": 0, "messaging.oban.scheduled_at": _scheduled_at, "messaging.oban.worker": "TestJob", "messaging.operation": "process", "messaging.system": "oban" ] = List.keysort(attributes, 0) end test "records spans for Oban jobs that stop with {:error, :something}" do OpentelemetryOban.insert({})) assert %{success: 0, failure: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) expected_status = OpenTelemetry.status(:error, "") assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJobThatReturnsError process", attributes: attributes, kind: :consumer, events: [ event( name: "exception", attributes: [ {"exception.type", "Elixir.Oban.PerformError"}, {"exception.message", "TestJobThatReturnsError failed with {:error, :something}"}, {"exception.stacktrace", _stacktrace} ] ) ], status: ^expected_status )} assert [ "messaging.destination": "events", "messaging.destination_kind": "queue", "messaging.oban.attempt": 1, "messaging.oban.inserted_at": _inserted_at, "messaging.oban.job_id": _job_id, "messaging.oban.max_attempts": 1, "messaging.oban.priority": 0, "messaging.oban.scheduled_at": _scheduled_at, "messaging.oban.worker": "TestJobThatReturnsError", "messaging.operation": "process", "messaging.system": "oban" ] = List.keysort(attributes, 0) end test "records spans for each retry" do OpentelemetryOban.insert({}, max_attempts: 2)) assert %{success: 0, failure: 2} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events, with_scheduled: true, with_recursion: true) expected_status = OpenTelemetry.status(:error, "") assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJobThatReturnsError send", trace_id: send_trace_id, span_id: send_span_id )} assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJobThatReturnsError process", status: ^expected_status, trace_id: first_process_trace_id, links: [link(trace_id: ^send_trace_id, span_id: ^send_span_id)] )} assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJobThatReturnsError process", status: ^expected_status, trace_id: second_process_trace_id, links: [link(trace_id: ^send_trace_id, span_id: ^send_span_id)] )} assert first_process_trace_id != second_process_trace_id end test "records spans for Oban jobs that stop with an exception" do OpentelemetryOban.insert({})) assert %{success: 0, failure: 1} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) expected_status = OpenTelemetry.status(:error, "") assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJobThatThrowsException process", attributes: attributes, kind: :consumer, events: [ event( name: "exception", attributes: [ {"exception.type", "Elixir.UndefinedFunctionError"}, {"exception.message", "function Some.error/0 is undefined (module Some is not available)"}, {"exception.stacktrace", _stacktrace} ] ) ], status: ^expected_status )} assert [ "messaging.destination": "events", "messaging.destination_kind": "queue", "messaging.oban.attempt": 1, "messaging.oban.inserted_at": _inserted_at, "messaging.oban.job_id": _job_id, "messaging.oban.max_attempts": 1, "messaging.oban.priority": 0, "messaging.oban.scheduled_at": _scheduled_at, "messaging.oban.worker": "TestJobThatThrowsException", "messaging.operation": "process", "messaging.system": "oban" ] = List.keysort(attributes, 0) end test "spans inside the job are associated with the job trace" do OpentelemetryOban.insert({})) assert %{success: 1, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJobWithInnerSpan process", kind: :consumer, trace_id: trace_id, span_id: process_span_id )} assert_receive {:span, span( name: "span inside the job", kind: :internal, trace_id: ^trace_id, parent_span_id: ^process_span_id )} end test "OpentelemetryOban.insert!/2 returns job on successful insert" do %Oban.Job{} = OpentelemetryOban.insert!({})) assert %{success: 1, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) assert_receive {:span, span(name: "TestJob send")} assert_receive {:span, span(name: "TestJob process")} end test "OpentelemetryOban.insert!/2 raises an error on failed insert" do assert_raise( Ecto.InvalidChangesetError, fn -> OpentelemetryOban.insert!({}, max_attempts: -1)) end ) assert %{success: 0, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) expected_status = OpenTelemetry.status(:error, "") assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob send", events: [ event( name: "exception", attributes: [ {"exception.type", "Elixir.Ecto.InvalidChangesetError"}, {"exception.message", _message}, {"exception.stacktrace", _stacktrace} ] ) ], status: ^expected_status )} refute_received {:span, span(name: "TestJob process")} end test "tracing information is propagated when using insert_all/2" do OpentelemetryOban.insert_all([{}),{}) ]) assert %{success: 2, failure: 0} = Oban.drain_queue(queue: :events) assert_receive {:span, span( name: "Oban bulk insert", attributes: _attributes, trace_id: send_trace_id, span_id: send_span_id, kind: :producer, status: :undefined )} assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob process", attributes: _attributes, kind: :consumer, status: :undefined, trace_id: first_process_trace_id, links: [link(trace_id: ^send_trace_id, span_id: ^send_span_id)] )} assert_receive {:span, span( name: "TestJob process", attributes: _attributes, kind: :consumer, status: :undefined, trace_id: second_process_trace_id, links: [link(trace_id: ^send_trace_id, span_id: ^send_span_id)] )} # Process is ran asynchronously so we create a new trace, but still link # the traces together. assert send_trace_id != first_process_trace_id assert send_trace_id != second_process_trace_id assert first_process_trace_id != second_process_trace_id end test "works with Oban.Testing.perform_job helper function" do Oban.Testing.perform_job(TestJob, %{}, repo: TestRepo) assert_receive {:span, span(name: "TestJob process")} end end