defmodule OpentelemetryHTTPoison do @moduledoc """ OpenTelemetry-instrumented wrapper around HTTPoison.Base A client request span is created on request creation, and ended once we get the response. http.status and other standard http span attributes are set automatically. """ use HTTPoison.Base require OpenTelemetry require OpenTelemetry.SemanticConventions.Trace, as: Conventions require OpenTelemetry.Span require OpenTelemetry.Tracer require Record require Logger alias HTTPoison.Request alias OpenTelemetry.Tracer alias OpentelemetryHTTPoison.Configuration @http_url Atom.to_string(Conventions.http_url()) @http_method Atom.to_string(Conventions.http_method()) @http_route Atom.to_string(Conventions.http_route()) @http_status_code Atom.to_string(Conventions.http_status_code()) @net_peer_name Atom.to_string(Conventions.net_peer_name()) @doc ~S""" Configures OpentelemetryHTTPoison using the provided `opts` `Keyword list`. You should call this function within your application startup, before OpentelemetryHTTPoison is used. Using the `:ot_attributes` option, you can set default Open Telemetry metadata attributes to be added to each OpentelemetryHTTPoison request in the format of a list of two element tuples, with both elements being strings. Attributes can be overridden per each call to `OpentelemetryHTTPoison.request/1`. Using the `:infer_route` option, you can customise the URL resource route inference procedure that is used to set the `http.route` Open Telemetry metadata attribute. If a function with an arity of 1 (the `t:HTTPoison.Request/0` `request`) is provided then that function is used to determine the inference. If no value is provided then the out of the box, conservative inference provided by `OpentelemetryHTTPoison.URI.infer_route_from_request/1` is used to determine the inference. This can be overridden per each call to `OpentelemetryHTTPoison.request/1`. ## Examples iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.setup() :ok iex> infer_fn = fn ...> %HTTPoison.Request{} = request -> URI.parse(request.url).path ...> end iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.setup(infer_route: infer_fn) :ok iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.setup(ot_attributes: [{"", "..."}, {"service.namespace", "..."}]) :ok iex> infer_fn = fn ...> %HTTPoison.Request{} = request -> URI.parse(request.url).path ...> end iex> ot_attributes = [{"", "..."}, {"service.namespace", "..."}] iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.setup(infer_route: infer_fn, ot_attributes: ot_attributes) :ok """ def setup(opts \\ []) do Logger.warning("setup/1 is deprecated, use `config :opentelemetry_httpoison, ...` instead") Configuration.setup(opts) :ok end def process_request_headers(headers) when is_map(headers) do headers |> Enum.into([]) |> process_request_headers() end def process_request_headers(headers) when is_list(headers) do headers # Convert atom header keys. # otel_propagator_text_map only accepts string keys, while Request.headers() keys can be atoms or strings. # The value in Request.headers() has to be a binary() so we don't need to convert it # # Note that this causes the header keys from HTTPoison.Response{request: %{headers: headers}} to also become strings # while with plain HTTPoison they would remain atoms. |> {k, v} -> {to_string(k), v} end) |> :otel_propagator_text_map.inject() end @doc ~S""" Performs a request using OpentelemetryHTTPoison with the provided `t:HTTPoison.Request/0` `request`. Depending how `OpentelemetryHTTPoison` is configured and whether or not the `:ot_resource_route` option is set to `:infer` (provided as a part of the `t:HTTPoison.Request/0` `options` `Keyword list`) this may attempt to automatically set the `http.route` Open Telemetry metadata attribute by obtaining the first segment of the `t:HTTPoison.Request/0` `url` (since this part typically does not contain dynamic data) If this behavior is not desirable, it can be set directly as a string or a function with an arity of 1 (the `t:HTTPoison.Request/0` `request`) by using the aforementioned `:ot_resource_route` option. It can also be circumvented entirely by suppling `:ignore` instead. ## Examples iex> request = %HTTPoison.Request{ ...> method: :post, ...> url: "", ...> body: ~s({"foo": 3}), ...> headers: [{"Accept", "application/json"}]} iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.request(request) iex> request = %HTTPoison.Request{ ...> method: :post, ...> url: "", ...> body: ~s({"foo": 3}), ...> headers: [{"Accept", "application/json"}], ...> options: [ot_resource_route: :infer]} iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.request(request) iex> resource_route = "/users/edit/" iex> request = %HTTPoison.Request{ ...> method: :post, ...> url: "", ...> body: ~s({"foo": 3}), ...> headers: [{"Accept", "application/json"}], ...> options: [ot_resource_route: resource_route]} iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.request(request) iex> infer_fn = fn ...> %HTTPoison.Request{} = request -> URI.parse(request.url).path ...> end iex> request = %HTTPoison.Request{ ...> method: :post, ...> url: "", ...> body: ~s({"foo": 3}), ...> headers: [{"Accept", "application/json"}], ...> options: [ot_resource_route: infer_fn]} iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.request(request) iex> request = %HTTPoison.Request{ ...> method: :post, ...> url: "", ...> body: ~s({"foo": 3}), ...> headers: [{"Accept", "application/json"}], ...> options: [ot_resource_route: :ignore]} iex> OpentelemetryHTTPoison.request(request) """ def request(%Request{options: opts} = request) do save_parent_ctx() span_name = Keyword.get_lazy(opts, :ot_span_name, fn -> default_span_name(request) end) %URI{host: host} = request.url |> process_request_url() |> URI.parse() resource_route_attribute = opts |> Keyword.get(:ot_resource_route, :unset) |> get_resource_route(request) |> case do resource_route when is_binary(resource_route) -> [{@http_route, resource_route}] nil -> [] end ot_attributes = get_standard_ot_attributes(request, host) ++ get_ot_attributes(opts) ++ resource_route_attribute request_ctx = Tracer.start_span(span_name, %{kind: :client, attributes: ot_attributes}) Tracer.set_current_span(request_ctx) result = super(request) if Tracer.current_span_ctx() == request_ctx do case result do {:error, %{reason: reason}} -> Tracer.set_status(:error, inspect(reason)) end_span() _ -> :ok end end result end def process_response_status_code(status_code) do # if status_code >= 400 do Tracer.set_status(:error, "") end Tracer.set_attribute(@http_status_code, status_code) end_span() status_code end defp end_span do Tracer.end_span() restore_parent_ctx() end # see defp default_span_name(request), do: request.method |> Atom.to_string() |> String.upcase() @ctx_key {__MODULE__, :parent_ctx} defp save_parent_ctx do ctx = Tracer.current_span_ctx() Process.put(@ctx_key, ctx) end defp restore_parent_ctx do ctx = Process.get(@ctx_key, :undefined) Process.delete(@ctx_key) Tracer.set_current_span(ctx) end defp get_standard_ot_attributes(request, host) do [ {@http_method, request.method |> Atom.to_string() |> String.upcase()}, {@http_url, strip_uri_credentials(request.url)}, {@net_peer_name, host} ] end defp get_ot_attributes(opts) do default_ot_attributes = Configuration.get(:ot_attributes) default_ot_attributes |> Enum.concat(Keyword.get(opts, :ot_attributes, [])) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {key, value}, acc -> Map.put(acc, key, value) end) |> Enum.into([], fn {key, value} -> {key, value} end) end defp get_resource_route(option, request) defp get_resource_route(route, _) when is_binary(route), do: route defp get_resource_route(infer_fn, request) when is_function(infer_fn, 1), do: infer_fn.(request) defp get_resource_route(:infer, request), do: Configuration.get(:infer_route).(request) defp get_resource_route(:ignore, _), do: nil defp get_resource_route(:unset, _), do: nil defp get_resource_route(_unknown_option, _), do: raise( ArgumentError, "The :ot_resource_route keyword option value must either be a binary, a function with an arity of 1 or the :infer or :ignore atom" ) defp strip_uri_credentials(uri) do uri |> URI.parse() |> Map.put(:userinfo, nil) |> Map.put(:authority, nil) |> URI.to_string() end end