defmodule PhoenixPasskeysWeb.UserSessionController do use PhoenixPasskeysWeb, :controller import Bitwise, only: [&&&: 2] alias PhoenixPasskeys.Accounts alias PhoenixPasskeysWeb.UserAuth def new(conn, _params) do conn |> put_webauthn_challenge() |> render(:new, error_message: nil) end def create(conn, params) do id = params |> Map.get("raw_id") |> Base.decode64!() authenticator_data = params |> Map.get("authenticator_data") |> Base.decode64!() client_data_json_str = params |> Map.get("client_data_json") signature = params |> Map.get("signature") |> Base.decode64!() with credential when not is_nil(credential) <- Accounts.get_credential(id), # Verify that the authenticator data and client data JSON are signed with the user's key. true <- verify_signature(credential, client_data_json_str, authenticator_data, signature), # Decode the client data JSON. {:ok, client_data_json} <- Jason.decode(client_data_json_str), # Make sure the values in the client data JSON are what we expect, and extract the challenge. {:ok, challenge} <- check_client_data_json(client_data_json), # Make sure the challenge singed by the user's key is what we generated. true <- challenge == get_session(conn, :webauthn_challenge), # Make sure the signed origin matches what we expect. true <- :binary.part(authenticator_data, 0, 32) == :crypto.hash(:sha256, "localhost"), # Check the user presence bit is set. true <- (, 32) &&& 1) == 1 do conn |> delete_session(:webauthn_challenge) |> UserAuth.log_in_user_without_redirect(credential.user) |> json(%{status: :ok}) else _ -> json(conn, %{status: :error}) end end def delete(conn, _params) do conn |> put_flash(:info, "Logged out successfully.") |> UserAuth.log_out_user() end def credentials(conn, %{"email" => email}) do ids = Accounts.get_credentials_by_email(email) |> cred -> Base.encode64( end) json(conn, ids) end # Generate a value that will be signed by WebAuthn on the client. defp put_webauthn_challenge(conn) do # The challenge is returned by the browser in base 64 URL encoding, so match that. challenge = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.url_encode64(padding: false) conn |> put_session(:webauthn_challenge, challenge) |> assign(:webauthn_challenge, challenge) end defp verify_signature(credential, client_data_json_str, authenticator_data, signature) do with {:ok, pubkey} <- X509.PublicKey.from_der(credential.public_key_spki), client_data_json_hash <- :crypto.hash(:sha256, client_data_json_str), signed_message <- authenticator_data <> client_data_json_hash, true <- :public_key.verify(signed_message, :sha256, signature, pubkey) do true else _ -> false end end # If crossOrigin is present and is not false, we reject the login attempt. defp check_client_data_json(%{"crossOrigin" => crossOrigin}) when crossOrigin != false do false end defp check_client_data_json(%{ "type" => "webauthn.get", "challenge" => challenge, "origin" => "http://localhost:4000" }) do {:ok, challenge} end defp check_client_data_json(_), do: false end