defmodule Readability.Helper do @moduledoc """ Helpers for parsing, updating, removing html tree """ @type html_tree :: tuple | list @doc """ Change existing tags by selector """ @spec change_tag(html_tree, String.t(), String.t()) :: html_tree def change_tag(content, _, _) when is_binary(content), do: content def change_tag([], _, _), do: [] def change_tag([h | t], selector, tag) do [change_tag(h, selector, tag) | change_tag(t, selector, tag)] end def change_tag({tag_name, attrs, inner_tree}, tag_name, tag) do {tag, attrs, change_tag(inner_tree, tag_name, tag)} end def change_tag({tag_name, attrs, html_tree}, selector, tag) do {tag_name, attrs, change_tag(html_tree, selector, tag)} end @doc """ Remove html attributes """ @spec remove_attrs(html_tree, String.t() | [String.t()] | Regex.t()) :: html_tree def remove_attrs(content, _) when is_binary(content), do: content def remove_attrs([], _), do: [] def remove_attrs([h | t], t_attrs) do [remove_attrs(h, t_attrs) | remove_attrs(t, t_attrs)] end def remove_attrs({tag_name, attrs, inner_tree}, target_attr) do reject_fun = cond do is_binary(target_attr) -> fn attr -> elem(attr, 0) == target_attr end Regex.regex?(target_attr) -> fn attr -> elem(attr, 0) =~ target_attr end is_list(target_attr) -> fn attr -> Enum.member?(target_attr, elem(attr, 0)) end true -> fn attr -> attr end end {tag_name, Enum.reject(attrs, reject_fun), remove_attrs(inner_tree, target_attr)} end @doc """ Remove tags """ @spec remove_tag(html_tree, fun) :: html_tree def remove_tag(content, _) when is_binary(content), do: content def remove_tag([], _), do: [] def remove_tag([h | t], fun) do node = remove_tag(h, fun) if is_nil(node) do remove_tag(t, fun) else [node | remove_tag(t, fun)] end end def remove_tag({tag, attrs, inner_tree} = html_tree, fun) do if fun.(html_tree) do nil else {tag, attrs, remove_tag(inner_tree, fun)} end end @doc """ Count only text length """ @spec text_length(html_tree) :: number def text_length(html_tree) do html_tree |> Floki.text() |> String.trim() |> String.length() end @doc """ Check html_tree can be candidate or not. """ @spec candidate_tag?(html_tree) :: boolean def candidate_tag?({tag, _, _} = html_tree) do Enum.any?(["p", "td"], fn candidate_tag -> tag == candidate_tag && text_length(html_tree) >= Readability.default_options()[:min_text_length] end) end @doc """ Normalize and Parse to html tree(tuple or list)) from binary html """ @spec normalize(binary, list) :: html_tree def normalize(raw_html, opts \\ []) do raw_html |> String.replace(Readability.regexes(:replace_xml_version), "") |> String.replace(Readability.regexes(:replace_brs), "

") |> String.replace(Readability.regexes(:replace_fonts), "<\1span>") |> String.replace(Readability.regexes(:normalize), " ") |> transform_img_paths(opts[:url]) |> Floki.parse() |> Floki.filter_out(:comment) end # Turn relative `img` tag paths into absolute if possible defp transform_img_paths(html_str, nil), do: html_str defp transform_img_paths(html_str, url) do Readability.regexes(:img_tag_src) |> Regex.replace(html_str, &build_img_path(url, &1, &2, &3, &4)) end defp build_img_path(url, _str, pre_src, src, post_src) do new_src = case URI.parse(src) do %URI{host: nil} -> base_url = base_url(url) scrubbed_src = String.trim_leading(src, "/") base_url <> "/" <> scrubbed_src _ -> src end pre_src <> new_src <> post_src end # Get the base url of a given url, including its scheme. # E.g: both and # would return defp base_url(url) do scheme_regex = ~r/^(https?:\/\/)?(.*)/i path_regex = ~r/^([^\/]+)(.*)/i url_without_scheme = Regex.replace(scheme_regex, url, "\\2") base_url = Regex.replace(path_regex, url_without_scheme, "\\1") scheme = URI.parse(url).scheme || "http" scheme <> "://" <> base_url end end