defmodule Readability do @moduledoc """ Readability library for extracting & curating articles. ## Example ```elixir @type html :: binary # Just pass url %Readability.Summary{title: title, authors: authors, article_html: article} = Readability.summarize(url) # Extract title Readability.title(html) # Extract authors. Readability.authors(html) # Extract only text from article article = html |> Readability.article |> Readability.readable_text # Extract article with transformed html article = html |> Readability.article |> Readability.raw_html ``` """ alias Readability.TitleFinder alias Readability.AuthorFinder alias Readability.ArticleBuilder alias Readability.Summary alias Readability.Helper @default_options [retry_length: 250, min_text_length: 25, remove_unlikely_candidates: true, weight_classes: true, clean_conditionally: true, remove_empty_nodes: true, min_image_width: 130, min_image_height: 80, ignore_image_format: [], blacklist: nil, whitelist: nil, page_url: nil ] @regexes [unlikely_candidate: ~r/combx|comment|community|disqus|extra|foot|header|hidden|lightbox|modal|menu|meta|nav|remark|rss|shoutbox|sidebar|sponsor|ad-break|agegate|pagination|pager|popup/i, ok_maybe_its_a_candidate: ~r/and|article|body|column|main|shadow/i, positive: ~r/article|body|content|entry|hentry|main|page|pagination|post|text|blog|story/i, negative: ~r/hidden|^hid|combx|comment|com-|contact|foot|footer|footnote|link|masthead|media|meta|outbrain|promo|related|scroll|shoutbox|sidebar|sponsor|shopping|tags|tool|utility|widget/i, div_to_p_elements: ~r/<(a|blockquote|dl|div|img|ol|p|pre|table|ul)/i, replace_brs: ~r/(]*>[ \n\r\t]*){2,}/i, replace_fonts: ~r/<(\/?)font[^>]*>/i, replace_xml_version: ~r/<\?xml.*\?>/i, normalize: ~r/\s{2,}/, video: ~r/\/\/(www\.)?(dailymotion|youtube|youtube-nocookie|player\.vimeo)\.com/i, protect_attrs: ~r/^(?!id|rel|for|summary|title|href|src|alt|srcdoc)/i ] @markup_mimes ~r/^(application|text)\/[a-z\-_\.\+]+ml(;\s+charset=.*)?$/i @type html_tree :: tuple | list @type raw_html :: binary @type url :: binary @type options :: list @type headers :: list[tuple] @doc """ summarize the primary readable content of a webpage. """ @spec summarize(url, options) :: Summary.t def summarize(url, opts \\ []) do opts = Keyword.merge(opts, [page_url: url]) httpoison_options = Application.get_env :readability, :httpoison_options, [] %{status_code: _, body: raw, headers: headers} = HTTPoison.get!(url, [], httpoison_options) case is_response_markup(headers) do true -> html_tree = Helper.normalize(raw) article_tree = html_tree |> %Summary{title: title(html_tree), authors: authors(html_tree), article_html: readable_html(article_tree), article_text: readable_text(article_tree) } _ -> %Summary{title: nil, authors: nil, article_html: nil, article_text: raw } end end @doc """ Extract MIME Type from headers ## Example iex> mime = Readability.mime(headers_list) "text/html" """ @spec mime(headers) :: String.t() def mime(headers \\ []) do headers |> Enum.find( {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, # default fn({key, _}) -> key == "Content-Type" end) |> elem(1) end @doc """ Return true if Content-Type in provided headers list is a markup type, else false ## Example iex> Readability.is_response_markup?([{"Content-Type", "text/html"}]) true """ @spec is_response_markup(headers) :: boolean def is_response_markup(headers) do mime(headers) =~ @markup_mimes end @doc """ Extract title ## Example iex> title = Readability.title(html_str) "Some title in html" """ @spec title(binary | html_tree) :: binary def title(raw_html) when is_binary(raw_html) do raw_html |> Helper.normalize |> title end def title(html_tree), do: TitleFinder.title(html_tree) @doc """ Extract authors ## Example iex> authors = Readability.authors(html_str) ["José Valim", "chrismccord"] """ @spec authors(binary | html_tree) :: list[binary] def authors(html) when is_binary(html), do: html |> parse |> authors def authors(html_tree), do: AuthorFinder.find(html_tree) @doc """ Using a variety of metrics (content score, classname, element types), find the content that is most likely to be the stuff a user wants to read ## Example iex> article_tree = Redability(html_str) # returns article that is tuple """ @spec article(binary, options) :: html_tree def article(raw_html, opts \\ []) do opts = Keyword.merge(@default_options, opts) raw_html |> Helper.normalize |> end @doc """ return attributes, tags cleaned html """ @spec readable_html(html_tree) :: binary def readable_html(html_tree) do html_tree |> Helper.remove_attrs(regexes(:protect_attrs)) |> raw_html end @doc """ return only text binary from html_tree """ @spec readable_text(html_tree) :: binary def readable_text(html_tree) do # TODO: Remove image caption when extract only text tags_to_br = ~r/<\/(p|div|article|h\d)/i html_str = html_tree |> raw_html Regex.replace(tags_to_br, html_str, &("\n#{&1}")) |> Floki.parse |> Floki.text |> String.strip end @doc """ return raw html binary from html_tree """ @spec raw_html(html_tree) :: binary def raw_html(html_tree) do html_tree |> Floki.raw_html end def parse(raw_html) when is_binary(raw_html), do: Floki.parse(raw_html) def regexes(key), do: @regexes[key] def default_options, do: @default_options end