assert bbc_html =~ ~r/connected computing devices\".<\/p><\/div><\/div>$/
bbc_text = Readability.readable_text(bbc)
# TODO: Remove image caption when extract only text
# assert bbc_text =~ ~r/^Microsoft\'s quarterly profit has missed analysts/
assert bbc_text =~ ~r/connected computing devices\".$/
test "readability for medium" do
html = TestHelper.read_fixture("medium.html")
medium = Readability.content(html)
medium_html = Readability.raw_html(medium)
assert medium_html =~ ~r/^
assert medium_html =~ ~r/recommend button!<\/em><\/h3><\/div><\/div>$/
medium_text = Readability.readable_text(medium)
assert medium_text =~ ~r/^Background: I’ve spent the past 6/
assert medium_text =~ ~r/a lot to me if you hit the recommend button!$/
test "readability for buzzfeed" do
html = TestHelper.read_fixture("buzzfeed.html")
buzzfeed = Readability.content(html)
buzzfeed_html = Readability.raw_html(buzzfeed)
assert buzzfeed_html =~ ~r/^
<\/div><\/div>$/ buzzfeed_text = Readability.readable_text(buzzfeed) assert buzzfeed_text =~ ~r/^The FBI no longer needs Apple’s help/ assert buzzfeed_text =~ ~r/issue of court orders and encrypted devices.$/ end test "readability elixir blog" do html = TestHelper.read_fixture("elixir.html") html = Readability.content(html) IO.inspect Readability.readable_text(html) end end
/ assert buzzfeed_html =~ ~r/encrypted devices.<\/p>
<\/div><\/div>$/ buzzfeed_text = Readability.readable_text(buzzfeed) assert buzzfeed_text =~ ~r/^The FBI no longer needs Apple’s help/ assert buzzfeed_text =~ ~r/issue of court orders and encrypted devices.$/ end test "readability elixir blog" do html = TestHelper.read_fixture("elixir.html") html = Readability.content(html) IO.inspect Readability.readable_text(html) end end