defmodule Readability.TitleFinder do @moduledoc """ The TitleFinder engine traverses HTML tree searching for finding title. """ @title_suffix ~r/\s(?:\-|\:\:|\|)\s/ @h_tag_selector "h1, h2, h3" @type html_tree :: tuple | list @doc """ Find proper title """ @spec title(html_tree) :: binary def title(html_tree) do case og_title(html_tree) do "" -> title = tag_title(html_tree) h_title = h_tag_title(html_tree) if good_title?(title) || h_title == "" do title else h_title end title when is_binary(title) -> title end end @doc """ Find title from title tag """ @spec tag_title(html_tree) :: binary def tag_title(html_tree) do html_tree |> find_tag("head title") |> clean_title() |> String.split(@title_suffix) |> hd() end @doc """ Find title from og:title property of meta tag """ @spec og_title(html_tree) :: binary def og_title(html_tree) do html_tree |> find_tag("meta[property='og:title']") |> Floki.attribute("content") |> clean_title() end @doc """ Find title from h tag """ @spec h_tag_title(html_tree, String.t) :: binary def h_tag_title(html_tree, selector \\ @h_tag_selector) do html_tree |> find_tag(selector) |> clean_title() end defp find_tag(html_tree, selector) do case Floki.find(html_tree, selector) do [] -> [] matches when is_list(matches) -> hd(matches) end end defp clean_title([]) do "" end defp clean_title([title]) when is_binary(title) do String.strip(title) end defp clean_title(html_tree) do html_tree |> Floki.text() |> String.strip() end defp good_title?(title) do length(String.split(title, " ")) >= 4 end end