defmodule ReadabilityHttpTest do use ExUnit.Case import Mock require IEx test "blank response is parsed as plain text" do url = "" content = TestHelper.read_fixture("rfc2616.txt") response = %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, headers: [], body: content} with_mock HTTPoison, get!: fn _url, _headers, _opts -> response end do %Readability.Summary{article_text: result_text} = Readability.summarize(url) assert result_text =~ ~r/3 Protocol Parameters/ end end test "text/plain response is parsed as plain text" do url = "" content = TestHelper.read_fixture("rfc2616.txt") response = %HTTPoison.Response{ status_code: 200, headers: [{"Content-Type", "text/plain"}], body: content } with_mock HTTPoison, get!: fn _url, _headers, _opts -> response end do %Readability.Summary{article_text: result_text} = Readability.summarize(url) assert result_text =~ ~r/3 Protocol Parameters/ end end test "*ml responses are parsed as markup" do url = "" content = TestHelper.read_fixture("bbc.html") mimes = ["text/html", "application/xml", "application/xhtml+xml"] mimes |> Enum.each(fn mime -> response = %HTTPoison.Response{ status_code: 200, headers: [{"Content-Type", mime}], body: content } with_mock HTTPoison, get!: fn _url, _headers, _opts -> response end do %Readability.Summary{article_html: result_html} = Readability.summarize(url) assert result_html =~ ~r/connected computing devices\".<\/p><\/div><\/div>$/ end end) end test "response with charset is parsed correctly" do url = "" content = TestHelper.read_fixture("bbc.html") response = %HTTPoison.Response{ status_code: 200, headers: [{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}], body: content } with_mock HTTPoison, get!: fn _url, _headers, _opts -> response end do %Readability.Summary{article_html: result_html} = Readability.summarize(url) assert result_html =~ ~r/connected computing devices\".<\/p><\/div><\/div>$/ end end test "response with content-type in different case is parsed correctly" do # HTTP header keys are case insensitive (RFC2616 - Section 4.2) url = "" content = TestHelper.read_fixture("bbc.html") response = %HTTPoison.Response{ status_code: 200, headers: [{"content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}], body: content } with_mock HTTPoison, get!: fn _url, _headers, _opts -> response end do %Readability.Summary{article_html: result_html} = Readability.summarize(url) assert result_html =~ ~r/connected computing devices\".<\/p><\/div><\/div>$/ end end end