2019-01-04 13:14:53 -05:00
metadata.layout = "default.html.ejs"
<div class="main">
<h1 class="page-heading"><%= category %> posts</h1>
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<% for (const post of posts) { %>
<article itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/BlogPosting">
<h2 class="article-title" itemprop="headline">
2019-06-30 15:43:33 -04:00
<a href="<%= post.metadata.permalink %>" itemprop="url mainEntityOfPage">
<%= post.metadata.title %>
2019-01-04 13:14:53 -05:00
<%- include("includes/article-meta.html.ejs", { metadata: post.metadata }) %>
<div class="article-content" itemprop="description">
<%- post.metadata.excerpt %>
2019-01-04 17:36:04 -05:00
<p class="read-more-link">
<a href="<%= post.metadata.permalink %>">Read more...</a>
2019-01-04 13:14:53 -05:00
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