/** * Splash * Copyright (c) John Sundell 2018 * MIT license - see LICENSE.md */ import Foundation /// This class acts as the main API entry point for Splash. Using it, /// any code string can be highlighted to any desired format, using /// any language grammar. Per default, Swift's langauge grammar is used. /// To initialize this class, pass the desired output format, such as /// `AttributedStringOutputFormat` or `HTMLOutputFormat`, or a custom /// implementation. One syntax highlighter may be reused multiple times. public struct SyntaxHighlighter<Format: OutputFormat> { private let format: Format private let grammar: Grammar private let tokenizer = Tokenizer() /// Initialize an instance with the desired output format. /// If no grammar is passed, then Swift's grammar is used. public init(format: Format, grammar: Grammar = SwiftGrammar()) { self.format = format self.grammar = grammar } /// Highlight the given code, returning output as specified by the /// syntax highlighter's `Format`. public func highlight(_ code: String) -> Format.Builder.Output { var builder = format.makeBuilder() var state: (token: String, tokenType: TokenType?)? func handle(_ token: String, ofType type: TokenType?, trailingWhitespace: String?) { guard let whitespace = trailingWhitespace else { state = (token, type) return } builder.addToken(token, ofType: type) builder.addWhitespace(whitespace) state = nil } for segment in tokenizer.segmentsByTokenizing(code, using: grammar) { let token = segment.tokens.current let whitespace = segment.trailingWhitespace guard !token.isEmpty else { whitespace.map { builder.addWhitespace($0) } continue } let tokenType = typeOfToken(in: segment) guard var currentState = state else { handle(token, ofType: tokenType, trailingWhitespace: whitespace) continue } guard currentState.tokenType == tokenType else { builder.addToken(currentState.token, ofType: currentState.tokenType) handle(token, ofType: tokenType, trailingWhitespace: whitespace) continue } currentState.token.append(token) handle(currentState.token, ofType: tokenType, trailingWhitespace: whitespace) } if let lastState = state { builder.addToken(lastState.token, ofType: lastState.tokenType) } return builder.build() } private func typeOfToken(in segment: Segment) -> TokenType? { let rule = grammar.syntaxRules.first { $0.matches(segment) } return rule?.tokenType } } private extension OutputBuilder { mutating func addToken(_ token: String, ofType type: TokenType?) { if let type = type { addToken(token, ofType: type) } else { addPlainText(token) } } }