/** * Splash * Copyright (c) John Sundell 2018 * MIT license - see LICENSE.md */ import Foundation /// Grammar for the Swift language. Use this implementation when /// highlighting Swift code. This is the default grammar. public struct SwiftGrammar: Grammar { public var delimiters: CharacterSet public var syntaxRules: [SyntaxRule] public init() { var delimiters = CharacterSet.alphanumerics.inverted delimiters.remove("_") delimiters.remove("\"") delimiters.remove("#") delimiters.remove("@") delimiters.remove("$") self.delimiters = delimiters syntaxRules = [ PreprocessingRule(), CommentRule(), RawStringRule(), MultiLineStringRule(), SingleLineStringRule(), AttributeRule(), NumberRule(), TypeRule(), CallRule(), KeyPathRule(), PropertyRule(), DotAccessRule(), KeywordRule() ] } } private extension SwiftGrammar { static let keywords = ([ "final", "class", "struct", "enum", "protocol", "extension", "let", "var", "func", "typealias", "init", "guard", "if", "else", "return", "get", "throw", "throws", "rethrows", "for", "in", "open", "weak", "import", "mutating", "nonmutating", "associatedtype", "case", "switch", "static", "do", "try", "catch", "as", "super", "self", "set", "true", "false", "nil", "override", "where", "_", "default", "break", "#selector", "required", "willSet", "didSet", "lazy", "subscript", "defer", "inout", "while", "continue", "fallthrough", "repeat", "indirect", "deinit", "is", "#file", "#line", "#function", "dynamic", "some", "#available", "convenience" ] as Set).union(accessControlKeywords) static let accessControlKeywords: Set = [ "public", "internal", "fileprivate", "private" ] struct PreprocessingRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .preprocessing } private let tokens = ["#if", "#endif", "#elseif", "#else"] func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { if segment.tokens.current.isAny(of: tokens) { return true } return segment.tokens.onSameLine.contains(anyOf: tokens) } } struct CommentRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .comment } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { if segment.tokens.current.hasPrefix("//") { return true } if segment.tokens.onSameLine.contains(anyOf: "//", "///") { return true } if segment.tokens.current.isAny(of: "/*", "/**", "*/") { return true } let multiLineStartCount = segment.tokens.count(of: "/*") + segment.tokens.count(of: "/**") return multiLineStartCount != segment.tokens.count(of: "*/") } } struct AttributeRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .keyword } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { return segment.tokens.current.hasPrefix("@") } } struct RawStringRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .string } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { if segment.isWithinStringLiteral(withStart: "#\"", end: "\"#") { return true } let multiLineStartCount = segment.tokens.count(of: "#\"\"\"") let multiLineEndCount = segment.tokens.count(of: "\"\"\"#") return multiLineStartCount != multiLineEndCount } } struct MultiLineStringRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .string } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { guard !segment.tokens.count(of: "\"\"\"").isEven else { return false } return !segment.isWithinStringInterpolation } } struct SingleLineStringRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .string } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { guard segment.isWithinStringLiteral(withStart: "\"", end: "\"") else { return false } return !segment.isWithinStringInterpolation } } struct NumberRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .number } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { // Don't match against index-based closure arguments if let previous = segment.tokens.previous { guard !previous.hasSuffix("$") else { return false } } // Integers can be separated using "_", so handle that if segment.tokens.current.removing("_").isNumber { return true } // Double and floating point values that contain a "." guard segment.tokens.current == "." else { return false } guard let previous = segment.tokens.previous, let next = segment.tokens.next else { return false } return previous.isNumber && next.isNumber } } struct CallRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .call } private let keywordsToAvoid: Set private let callLikeKeywords: Set private let controlFlowTokens = ["if", "&&", "||", "for"] init() { var keywordsToAvoid = keywords keywordsToAvoid.remove("return") keywordsToAvoid.remove("try") keywordsToAvoid.remove("throw") keywordsToAvoid.remove("if") self.keywordsToAvoid = keywordsToAvoid var callLikeKeywords = accessControlKeywords callLikeKeywords.insert("subscript") self.callLikeKeywords = callLikeKeywords } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { let token = segment.tokens.current.trimmingCharacters( in: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "_") ) guard token.startsWithLetter else { return false } // There's a few keywords that might look like function calls if callLikeKeywords.contains(segment.tokens.current) { if let nextToken = segment.tokens.next { guard !nextToken.starts(with: "(") else { return false } } } if let previousToken = segment.tokens.previous { guard !keywordsToAvoid.contains(previousToken) else { return false } // Don't treat enums with associated values as function calls guard !segment.prefixedByDotAccess else { return false } } // Handle trailing closure syntax guard segment.trailingWhitespace == nil else { guard segment.tokens.next.isAny(of: "{", "{}") else { return false } guard !keywords.contains(segment.tokens.current) else { return false } return !segment.tokens.onSameLine.contains(anyOf: controlFlowTokens) } // Check so that this is an initializer call, not the declaration if segment.tokens.current == "init" { guard segment.tokens.previous == "." else { return false } } return segment.tokens.next?.starts(with: "(") ?? false } } struct KeywordRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .keyword } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { if segment.tokens.next == ":" { // Nil pattern matching inside of a switch statement case if segment.tokens.current == "nil" { guard let previousToken = segment.tokens.previous else { return false } return previousToken.isAny(of: "case", ",") } guard segment.tokens.current == "default" else { return false } } if let previousToken = segment.tokens.previous { // Highlight the '(set)' part of setter access modifiers switch segment.tokens.current { case "(": return accessControlKeywords.contains(previousToken) case "set": if previousToken == "(" { return true } case ")": return previousToken == "set" default: break } // Don't highlight most keywords when used as a parameter label if !segment.tokens.current.isAny(of: "_", "self", "let", "var", "true", "false", "inout") { guard !previousToken.isAny(of: "(", ",", ">(") else { return false } } guard !segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: "func", "`") else { return false } } return keywords.contains(segment.tokens.current) } } struct TypeRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .type } private let declarationKeywords: Set = [ "class", "struct", "enum", "func", "protocol", "typealias", "import", "associatedtype" ] func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { // Types should not be highlighted when declared if let previousToken = segment.tokens.previous { guard !previousToken.isAny(of: declarationKeywords) else { return false } } let token = segment.tokens.current.trimmingCharacters( in: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "_") ) guard token.isCapitalized else { return false } guard !segment.prefixedByDotAccess else { return false } // The XCTAssert family of functions is a bit of an edge case, // since they start with capital letters. Since they are so // commonly used, we'll add a special case for them here: guard !token.starts(with: "XCTAssert") else { return false } // In a generic declaration, only highlight constraints if segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: "<", ",") { var foundOpeningBracket = false // Since the declaration might be on another line, we have to walk // backwards through all tokens until we've found enough information. for token in segment.tokens.all.reversed() { // Highlight return type generics as normal if token == "->" { return true } if !foundOpeningBracket && token == "<" { foundOpeningBracket = true } // Handling generic lists for parameters, rather than declarations if foundOpeningBracket && token == ":" { return true } guard !declarationKeywords.contains(token) else { // If it turns out that we weren't in fact inside of a generic // declaration, (lacking "<"), then highlight the type as normal. return !foundOpeningBracket } guard !keywords.contains(token) else { return true } if token.isAny(of: ">", "=", "==", "(") { return true } } } return true } } struct DotAccessRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .dotAccess } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { guard segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: ".", "(.", "[.") else { return false } guard !segment.tokens.onSameLine.isEmpty else { return false } guard !segment.tokens.current.isAny(of: "self", "init") else { return false } return segment.tokens.onSameLine.first != "import" } } struct KeyPathRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .property } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { return segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: #"\."#, #"(\."#) } } struct PropertyRule: SyntaxRule { var tokenType: TokenType { return .property } func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool { guard !segment.tokens.onSameLine.isEmpty else { return false } guard segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: ".", "?.", "().", ").") else { return false } guard segment.tokens.current != "self" else { return false } guard !segment.prefixedByDotAccess else { return false } return segment.tokens.onSameLine.first != "import" } } } private extension Segment { func isWithinStringLiteral(withStart start: String, end: String) -> Bool { if tokens.current.hasPrefix(start) { return true } if tokens.current.hasSuffix(end) { return true } var markerCounts = (start: 0, end: 0) var previousToken: String? for token in tokens.onSameLine { guard previousToken != "\\" else { previousToken = token continue } if token == start { if start != end || markerCounts.start == markerCounts.end { markerCounts.start += 1 } else { markerCounts.end += 1 } } else if token == end && start != end { markerCounts.end += 1 } else { if token.hasPrefix(start) { markerCounts.start += 1 } if token.hasSuffix(end) { markerCounts.end += 1 } } previousToken = token } return markerCounts.start != markerCounts.end } var isWithinStringInterpolation: Bool { let delimiter = "\\(" if tokens.current == delimiter || tokens.previous == delimiter { return true } let components = tokens.onSameLine.split(separator: delimiter) guard components.count > 1 else { return false } let suffix = components.last! var paranthesisCount = 1 for component in suffix { paranthesisCount += component.numberOfOccurrences(of: "(") paranthesisCount -= component.numberOfOccurrences(of: ")") guard paranthesisCount > 0 else { return false } } return true } var prefixedByDotAccess: Bool { return tokens.previous == "(." || prefix.hasSuffix(" .") } }