This change makes Splash merge tokens of the same type (along with any whitespace in between them) when generating HTML. The result is much smaller HTML, since less tags have to be used to produce the same result. This was most obvious with comment highlighting, for example, this comment: ``` // Hello I’m a comment ``` Would generate 5 different <span class="comment"></span> elements. Now it’s just one!
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* Splash
* Copyright (c) John Sundell 2018
* MIT license - see
import Foundation
/// Output format to use to generate an HTML string with a semantic
/// representation of the highlighted code. Each token will be wrapped
/// in a `span` element with a CSS class matching the token's type.
/// Optionally, a `classPrefix` can be set to prefix each CSS class with
/// a given string.
public struct HTMLOutputFormat: OutputFormat {
public var classPrefix: String
public init(classPrefix: String = "") {
self.classPrefix = classPrefix
public func makeBuilder() -> Builder {
return Builder(classPrefix: classPrefix)
public extension HTMLOutputFormat {
struct Builder: OutputBuilder {
private let classPrefix: String
private var html = ""
private var pendingToken: (string: String, type: TokenType)?
private var pendingWhitespace: String?
fileprivate init(classPrefix: String) {
self.classPrefix = classPrefix
public mutating func addToken(_ token: String, ofType type: TokenType) {
if var pending = pendingToken {
guard pending.type != type else {
| { pending.string += $0 }
pendingWhitespace = nil
pending.string += token
pendingToken = pending
pendingToken = (token, type)
public mutating func addPlainText(_ text: String) {
public mutating func addWhitespace(_ whitespace: String) {
if pendingToken != nil {
pendingWhitespace = (pendingWhitespace ?? "") + whitespace
} else {
public mutating func build() -> String {
return html
private mutating func appendPending() {
if let pending = pendingToken {
<span class="\(classPrefix)\(pending.type.string)">\(pending.string.escaped)</span>
pendingToken = nil
if let whitespace = pendingWhitespace {
pendingWhitespace = nil
private extension String {
var escaped: String {
return replacingOccurrences(of: "<", with: "<")
.replacingOccurrences(of: ">", with: ">")