John Sundell ddd2bf9020 Don’t treat keywords used as function names as keywords
Swift enables the use of keywords as function names, and we want those
to be treated as plain text (like other function names) rather than as
keywords. Some keywords require escaping using back-ticks, and this
patch accounts for both of those variations.
2019-03-08 17:55:44 +01:00

401 lines
12 KiB

* Splash
* Copyright (c) John Sundell 2018
* MIT license - see LICENSE.md
import Foundation
/// Grammar for the Swift language. Use this implementation when
/// highlighting Swift code. This is the default grammar.
public struct SwiftGrammar: Grammar {
public var delimiters: CharacterSet
public var syntaxRules: [SyntaxRule]
public init() {
var delimiters = CharacterSet.alphanumerics.inverted
self.delimiters = delimiters
syntaxRules = [
private extension SwiftGrammar {
static let keywords: Set<String> = [
"final", "class", "struct", "enum", "protocol",
"extension", "let", "var", "func", "typealias",
"init", "guard", "if", "else", "return", "get",
"throw", "throws", "for", "in", "open", "weak",
"public", "internal", "private", "fileprivate",
"import", "mutating", "associatedtype", "case",
"switch", "static", "do", "try", "catch", "as",
"super", "self", "set", "true", "false", "nil",
"override", "where", "_", "default", "break",
"#selector", "required", "willSet", "didSet",
"lazy", "subscript", "defer", "inout", "while",
"continue", "fallthrough", "repeat", "indirect"
struct PreprocessingRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .preprocessing }
private let tokens = ["#if", "#endif", "#elseif", "#else"]
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
if segment.tokens.current.isAny(of: tokens) {
return true
return segment.tokens.onSameLine.contains(anyOf: tokens)
struct CommentRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .comment }
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
if segment.tokens.current.hasPrefix("//") {
return true
if segment.tokens.onSameLine.contains(anyOf: "//", "///") {
return true
if segment.tokens.current.isAny(of: "/*", "*/") {
return true
return !segment.tokens.containsBalancedOccurrences(of: "/*", and: "*/")
struct AttributeRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .keyword }
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
return segment.tokens.current == "@" || segment.tokens.previous == "@"
struct MultiLineStringRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .string }
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
guard !segment.tokens.count(of: "\"\"\"").isEven else {
return false
return !segment.isWithinStringInterpolation
struct SingleLineStringRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .string }
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
guard segment.isWithinStringLiteral else {
return false
return !segment.isWithinStringInterpolation
struct NumberRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .number }
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
// Don't match against index-based closure arguments
guard segment.tokens.previous != "$" else {
return false
// Integers can be separated using "_", so handle that
if segment.tokens.current.removing("_").isNumber {
return true
// Double and floating point values that contain a "."
guard segment.tokens.current == "." else {
return false
guard let previous = segment.tokens.previous,
let next = segment.tokens.next else {
return false
return previous.isNumber && next.isNumber
struct CallRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .call }
private let keywordsToAvoid: Set<String>
private let controlFlowTokens = ["if", "&&", "||", "for"]
init() {
var keywordsToAvoid = keywords
self.keywordsToAvoid = keywordsToAvoid
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
guard segment.tokens.current.startsWithLetter else {
return false
// Subscripting is a bit of an edge case, since it's the only keyword
// that looks like a function call, so we need to handle it explicitly
guard segment.tokens.current != "subscript" else {
return false
if let previousToken = segment.tokens.previous {
guard !keywordsToAvoid.contains(previousToken) else {
return false
// Don't treat enums with associated values as function calls
guard !segment.prefixedByDotAccess else {
return false
// Handle trailing closure syntax
guard segment.trailingWhitespace == nil else {
guard segment.tokens.next.isAny(of: "{", "{}") else {
return false
guard !keywords.contains(segment.tokens.current) else {
return false
return !segment.tokens.onSameLine.contains(anyOf: controlFlowTokens)
// Check so that this is an initializer call, not the declaration
if segment.tokens.current == "init" {
guard segment.tokens.previous == "." else {
return false
return segment.tokens.next.isAny(of: "(", "()", "())", "(.", "({", "().")
struct KeywordRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .keyword }
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
if segment.tokens.next == ":" {
guard segment.tokens.current == "default" else {
return false
if let previousToken = segment.tokens.previous {
// Don't highlight most keywords when used as a parameter label
if !segment.tokens.current.isAny(of: "_", "self", "let", "var") {
guard !previousToken.isAny(of: "(", ",") else {
return false
guard !segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: "func", "`") else {
return false
return keywords.contains(segment.tokens.current)
struct TypeRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .type }
private let declarationKeywords: Set<String> = [
"class", "struct", "enum", "func",
"protocol", "typealias", "import"
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
// Types should not be highlighted when declared
if let previousToken = segment.tokens.previous {
guard !previousToken.isAny(of: declarationKeywords) else {
return false
guard segment.tokens.current.isCapitalized else {
return false
guard !segment.prefixedByDotAccess else {
return false
// In a generic declaration, only highlight constraints
if segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: "<", ",") {
// Since the declaration might be on another line, we have to walk
// backwards through all tokens until we've found enough information.
for token in segment.tokens.all.reversed() {
guard !declarationKeywords.contains(token) else {
return false
guard !keywords.contains(token) else {
return true
if token.isAny(of: ">", "=", "==", "(") {
return true
return true
struct DotAccessRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .dotAccess }
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
guard segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: ".", "(.", "[.") else {
return false
guard !segment.tokens.onSameLine.isEmpty else {
return false
guard !segment.tokens.current.isAny(of: "self", "init") else {
return false
return segment.tokens.onSameLine.first != "import"
struct PropertyRule: SyntaxRule {
var tokenType: TokenType { return .property }
func matches(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
guard !segment.tokens.onSameLine.isEmpty else {
return false
guard segment.tokens.previous.isAny(of: ".", "?.", "().", ").") else {
return false
guard segment.tokens.current != "self" else {
return false
guard !segment.prefixedByDotAccess else {
return false
return segment.tokens.onSameLine.first != "import"
private extension Segment {
var isWithinStringLiteral: Bool {
let delimiter = "\""
if tokens.current.hasPrefix(delimiter) {
return true
if tokens.current.hasSuffix(delimiter) {
return true
var markerCounts = (start: 0, end: 0)
var previousToken: String?
for token in tokens.onSameLine {
guard previousToken != "\\" else {
previousToken = token
if token == delimiter {
if markerCounts.start == markerCounts.end {
markerCounts.start += 1
} else {
markerCounts.end += 1
} else {
if token.hasPrefix(delimiter) {
markerCounts.start += 1
if token.hasSuffix(delimiter) {
markerCounts.end += 1
previousToken = token
return markerCounts.start != markerCounts.end
var isWithinStringInterpolation: Bool {
let delimiter = "\\("
if tokens.current == delimiter || tokens.previous == delimiter {
return true
let components = tokens.onSameLine.split(separator: delimiter)
guard components.count > 1 else {
return false
let suffix = components.last!
var paranthesisCount = 1
for component in suffix {
paranthesisCount += component.numberOfOccurrences(of: "(")
paranthesisCount -= component.numberOfOccurrences(of: ")")
guard paranthesisCount > 0 else {
return false
return true
var prefixedByDotAccess: Bool {
return tokens.previous == "(." || prefix.hasSuffix(" .")