=================================== Pipelines =================================== whoami | cat cat foo | grep -v bar --- (program (pipeline (command (command_name (word))) (command (command_name (word)))) (pipeline (command (command_name (word)) (word)) (command (command_name (word)) (word) (word)))) =================================== Lists =================================== a | b && c && d; d e f || e g --- (program (list (list (pipeline (command (command_name (word))) (command (command_name (word)))) (command (command_name (word)))) (command (command_name (word)))) (list (command (command_name (word)) (word) (word)) (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) ==================================== While statements ==================================== while something happens; do echo a echo b done --- (program (while_statement (command (command_name (word)) (word)) (do_group (command (command_name (word)) (word)) (command (command_name (word)) (word))))) ==================================== While statements with IO redirects ==================================== while read line; do echo $line done < <(cat file) --- (program (redirected_statement (while_statement (command (command_name (word)) (word)) (do_group (command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (variable_name))))) (file_redirect (process_substitution (command (command_name (word)) (word)))))) ==================================== For statements ==================================== for a in 1 2 $(seq 5 10); do echo $a done for ARG; do echo $ARG ARG='' done --- (program (for_statement (variable_name) (word) (word) (command_substitution (command (command_name (word)) (word) (word))) (do_group (command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (variable_name))))) (for_statement (variable_name) (do_group (command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (variable_name))) (variable_assignment (variable_name) (raw_string))))) ==================================== C-style for statements ==================================== for (( c=1; c<=5; c++ )) do echo $c done for (( c=1; c<=5; c++ )) { echo $c } for (( ; ; )) do echo 'forever' done --- (program (c_style_for_statement (word) (binary_expression (word) (word)) (word) (do_group (command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (variable_name))))) (c_style_for_statement (word) (binary_expression (word) (word)) (word) (compound_statement (command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (variable_name))))) (c_style_for_statement (do_group (command (command_name (word)) (raw_string))))) ==================================== If statements ==================================== if cat some_file | grep -v ok; then echo one elif cat other_file | grep -v ok; then echo two else exit fi --- (program (if_statement (pipeline (command (command_name (word)) (word)) (command (command_name (word)) (word) (word))) (command (command_name (word)) (word)) (elif_clause (pipeline (command (command_name (word)) (word)) (command (command_name (word)) (word) (word))) (command (command_name (word)) (word))) (else_clause (command (command_name (word)))))) ==================================== If statements with conditional expressions ==================================== if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then echo one fi --- (program (if_statement (test_command (binary_expression (string (command_substitution (command (command_name (word))))) (raw_string))) (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) ==================================== Case statements ==================================== case "opt" in a) echo a ;; b) echo b;; esac case "$Z" in ab*|cd*) ef esac case $dest in *.[1357]) exit $? ;; esac --- (program (case_statement (string) (case_item (word) (command (command_name (word)) (word))) (case_item (word) (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) (case_statement (string (simple_expansion (variable_name))) (case_item (word) (word) (command (command_name (word))))) (case_statement (simple_expansion (variable_name)) (case_item (concatenation (word) (word)) (command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (special_variable_name)))))) ============================= Test commands ============================= if [[ "$lsb_dist" != 'Ubuntu' || $(ver_to_int "$lsb_release") < $(ver_to_int '14.04') ]]; then return 1 fi --- (program (if_statement (test_command (binary_expression (binary_expression (binary_expression (string (simple_expansion (variable_name))) (raw_string)) (command_substitution (command (command_name (word)) (string (simple_expansion (variable_name)))))) (command_substitution (command (command_name (word)) (raw_string))))) (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) ============================= Test commands with regexes ============================= [[ "35d8b" =~ ^[0-9a-fA-F] ]] [[ $CMD =~ (^|;)update_terminal_cwd($|;) ]] [[ ! " ${completions[*]} " =~ " $alias_cmd " ]] ! [[ "$a" =~ ^a|b\ *c|d$ ]] --- (program (test_command (binary_expression (string) (regex))) (test_command (binary_expression (simple_expansion (variable_name)) (regex))) (test_command (unary_expression (binary_expression (string (expansion (subscript (variable_name) (word)))) (string (simple_expansion (variable_name)))))) (negated_command (test_command (binary_expression (string (simple_expansion (variable_name))) (regex))))) =============================== Subshells =============================== ( ./start-server --port=80 ) & --- (program (subshell (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) =============================== Function definitions =============================== do_something() { echo ok } function do_something_else() { echo ok } function do_yet_another_thing { echo ok } 2>&1 --- (program (function_definition (word) (compound_statement (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) (function_definition (word) (compound_statement (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) (redirected_statement (function_definition (word) (compound_statement (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) (file_redirect (file_descriptor) (word)))) ========================================= Variable declaration: declare & typeset ========================================= declare var1 typeset -i -r var2=42 var3=10 --- (program (declaration_command (variable_name)) (declaration_command (word) (word) (variable_assignment (variable_name) (word)) (variable_assignment (variable_name) (word)))) ========================================= Variable declaration: readonly ========================================= readonly var1 readonly var2=42 --- (program (declaration_command (variable_name)) (declaration_command (variable_assignment (variable_name) (word)))) ========================================= Variable declaration: local ========================================= local a=42 b local -r c --- (program (declaration_command (variable_assignment (variable_name) (word)) (variable_name)) (declaration_command (word) (variable_name))) ========================================= Variable declaration: export ========================================= export PATH export FOOBAR PATH="$PATH:/usr/foobar/bin" --- (program (declaration_command (variable_name)) (declaration_command (variable_name) (variable_assignment (variable_name) (string (simple_expansion (variable_name)))))) =========================================================== Variable declaration: command substitution with semi-colon =========================================================== _path=$( while statement; do cd ".." done; echo $PWD ) --- (program (variable_assignment (variable_name) (command_substitution (while_statement (command (command_name (word))) (do_group (command (command_name (word)) (string)))) (command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (variable_name)))))) =========================================== Expressions passed to declaration commands =========================================== export "$(echo ${key} | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])=${p_key#*=}" --- (program (declaration_command (string (command_substitution (pipeline (command (command_name (word)) (expansion (variable_name))) (command (command_name (word)) (concatenation (word)) (concatenation (word))))) (expansion (variable_name) (word))))) ========================================= Unset commands ========================================= unset A unset "$variable_name" unsetenv -f ONE TWO --- (program (unset_command (variable_name)) (unset_command (string (simple_expansion (variable_name)))) (unset_command (word) (variable_name) (variable_name))) =========================================== Compound statements =========================================== a () { ls || { echo "b"; return 0; } echo c } { echo "a" echo "b" } >&2 --- (program (function_definition (word) (compound_statement (list (command (command_name (word))) (compound_statement (command (command_name (word)) (string)) (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) (command (command_name (word)) (word)))) (redirected_statement (compound_statement (command (command_name (word)) (string)) (command (command_name (word)) (string))) (file_redirect (word))))