
373 lines
8.1 KiB

Literal words
echo a
echo a b
(command (command_name (word)) (word))
(command (command_name (word)) (word) (word)))
Words with special characters
echo {o[k]}
echo }}}
echo ]]] ===
(command (command_name (word)) (concatenation (word) (word)))
(command (command_name (word)) (concatenation))
(command (command_name (word)) (concatenation) (word)))
Simple variable expansions
echo $abc
(command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (variable_name))))
Special variable expansions
echo $# $* $@ $!
(command_name (word))
(simple_expansion (special_variable_name))
(simple_expansion (special_variable_name))
(simple_expansion (special_variable_name))
(simple_expansion (special_variable_name))))
Variable expansions
echo ${}
echo ${#}
echo ${var1#*#}
echo ${!abc}
echo ${abc}
echo ${abc:-def}
echo ${abc:- }
echo ${abc:
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion (variable_name) (word)))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion (variable_name)))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion (variable_name)))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion (variable_name) (word)))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion (variable_name)))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion (variable_name))))
Variable expansions with operators
A="${B[0]# }"
C="${D/#* -E /}"
F="${G%% *}"
(string (expansion (subscript (variable_name) (word)))))
(string (expansion (variable_name) (regex))))
(string (expansion (variable_name) (word) (word)))))
Variable expansions in strings
(concatenation (simple_expansion (variable_name)) (word)))))
(simple_expansion (variable_name))
(simple_expansion (variable_name)))))))
Variable expansions with regexes
# escaped space
C=${D/;\ *;|}
(variable_assignment (variable_name) (expansion (variable_name) (regex)))
(variable_assignment (variable_name) (expansion (variable_name) (regex))))
Other variable expansion operators
cat ${BAR} ${ABC=def} ${GHI:?jkl}
[ "$a" != "${a#[Bc]}" ]
(command_name (word))
(expansion (variable_name))
(expansion (variable_name) (word))
(expansion (variable_name) (word)))
(string (simple_expansion (variable_name)))
(string (expansion (variable_name) (concatenation (word)))))))
Words ending with '$'
grep ^${var}$
(program (command
(command_name (word))
(concatenation (word) (expansion (variable_name)))))
Command substitutions
echo `echo hi`
echo `echo hi; echo there`
echo $(echo $(echo hi))
echo $(< some-file)
(command_name (word))
(command_substitution (command (command_name (word)) (word))))
(command_name (word))
(command_substitution (command (command_name (word)) (word)) (command (command_name (word)) (word))))
(command_name (word))
(command_substitution (command
(command_name (word))
(command_substitution (command
(command_name (word))
(command_name (word))
(command_substitution (file_redirect (word)))))
Process substitutions
wc -c <(echo abc && echo def)
wc -c <(echo abc; echo def)
echo abc > >(wc -c)
(command_name (word))
(process_substitution (list
(command (command_name (word)) (word))
(command (command_name (word)) (word)))))
(command_name (word))
(command (command_name (word)) (word))
(command (command_name (word)) (word))))
(command_name (word))
(file_redirect (process_substitution
(command (command_name (word)) (word))))))
Single quoted strings
echo 'a b' 'c d'
(command (command_name (word)) (raw_string) (raw_string)))
Double quoted strings
echo "a" "b"
echo "a ${b} c" "d $e"
(command (command_name (word))
(command (command_name (word))
(string (expansion (variable_name)))
(string (simple_expansion (variable_name)))))
Strings containing command substitutions
find "`dirname $file`" -name "$base"'*'
(command_name (word))
(string (command_substitution (command (command_name (word)) (simple_expansion (variable_name)))))
(string (simple_expansion (variable_name)))
Strings containing escape sequence
echo "\"The great escape\`\${var}"
(program (command (command_name (word)) (string)))
Strings containing special characters
echo "s/$/'/"
echo "#"
echo "s$"
(command (command_name (word)) (string))
(command (command_name (word)) (string))
(command (command_name (word)) (string)))
Strings with ANSI-C quoting
echo $'Here\'s johnny!\r\n'
(program (command (command_name (word)) (ansii_c_string)))
Arrays and array expansions
b=(1 2 3)
echo ${a[@]}
echo ${#b[@]}
a+=(foo "bar" $(baz))
(variable_assignment (variable_name) (array))
(variable_assignment (variable_name) (array (word) (word) (word)))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion (subscript (variable_name) (word))))
(command (command_name (word)) (expansion (subscript (variable_name) (word))))
(subscript (variable_name) (simple_expansion (variable_name)))
(command_substitution (command (command_name (word)))))))
Escaped characters in strings
echo -ne "\033k$1\033\\" > /dev/stderr
(command (command_name (word)) (word) (string (simple_expansion (variable_name))))
(file_redirect (word))))
Words containing bare '#'
curl -# localhost #comment without space
nix build nixpkgs#hello -v # comment with space
(command (command_name (word)) (word) (word))
(command (command_name (word)) (word) (word) (word))