===================================== no arguments ===================================== fn() -> 1 end fn () -> 1 end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments) (body (integer)))) (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments) (body (integer))))) ===================================== no arguments without parentheses ===================================== fn -> 1 end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (body (integer))))) ===================================== one argument ===================================== fn(x) -> x end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments (identifier)) (body (identifier))))) ===================================== one argument without parentheses ===================================== fn x -> x end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments (identifier)) (body (identifier))))) ===================================== many arguments ===================================== fn(x, y) -> x + y end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments (identifier) (identifier)) (body (binary_operator (identifier) (identifier)))))) ===================================== many arguments without parentheses ===================================== fn x, y -> x + y end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments (identifier) (identifier)) (body (binary_operator (identifier) (identifier)))))) ===================================== multiline body ===================================== fn x, y -> y x end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments (identifier) (identifier)) (body (identifier) (identifier))))) ===================================== many clauses ===================================== fn 1 -> :yes 2 -> :no other -> :maybe end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments (integer)) (body (atom))) (stab_clause (arguments (integer)) (body (atom))) (stab_clause (arguments (identifier)) (body (atom))))) ===================================== with guard / no arguments ===================================== fn () when node() == :nonode@nohost -> true end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (binary_operator (arguments) (binary_operator (call (identifier) (arguments)) (atom))) (body (boolean))))) ===================================== with guard / one argument ===================================== fn x when x == [] -> x end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (binary_operator (arguments (identifier)) (binary_operator (identifier) (list))) (body (identifier))))) ===================================== with guard / multiple arguments ===================================== fn x, y when x == [] -> x end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (binary_operator (arguments (identifier) (identifier)) (binary_operator (identifier) (list))) (body (identifier))))) ===================================== with guard / arguments in parentheses ===================================== fn (x, y) when y == [] -> y end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (binary_operator (arguments (identifier) (identifier)) (binary_operator (identifier) (list))) (body (identifier))))) ===================================== with guard / multiple guards ===================================== fn x when x > 10 when x < 5 -> x end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (binary_operator (arguments (identifier)) (binary_operator (binary_operator (identifier) (integer)) (binary_operator (identifier) (integer)))) (body (identifier))))) ===================================== pattern matching ===================================== fn [h | tail] -> {h, tail} %{x: x} when x == 1 -> 1 end --- (source (anonymous_function (stab_clause (arguments (list (binary_operator (identifier) (identifier)))) (body (tuple (identifier) (identifier)))) (stab_clause (binary_operator (arguments (map (map_content (keywords (pair (keyword) (identifier)))))) (binary_operator (identifier) (integer))) (body (integer)))))