Michael Davis 662426cd85
handle stab clauses without right-hand-sides
Currently a stab clause without a right-hand-side is parsed as an error:

```elixir, fn x ->

And the `end` token ends up not being highlighted as a keyword. The
compiler gives a warning about this syntax but it comes up pretty
often when editing (writing a `case` block for example).

Implementation-wise, this might be a bug in tree-sitter? `prec.right`
seems to fight with error recovery when the rightmost token(s) are

fn ->

gets parsed as

    right: (body (identifier)))
  (MISSING "end"))

although the `optional` should allow this case. I've seen this in
other grammars and it seems like the way around it is to replace
the `prec.right` with a conflict.
2022-04-11 19:23:22 -05:00
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