// global vars var editor; // code mirror instance var incompleteMark; var focused = false; let invalids = []; // fetch file and setup let hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); let hashBits = hash.split("/"); let repo = hashBits.slice(0, 3).join("/"); let filePath = hashBits.slice(3, hashBits.length).join("/"); $.get({ url: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${repo}/${filePath}`, success: (code) => { let parts = filePath.split("."); let fileExtension = parts[parts.length - 1]; let lang = getLanguageByExtension(fileExtension); $.get({ url: `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/codemirror/4.5.0/mode/${lang.file}/${lang.file}.js`, success: (data) => { eval(data); setup(code, lang.mime); } }); } }); // setup function setup(data, mime) { let el = document.getElementById("editor"); el.value = data; editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(el, { mode: mime, readOnly: true, autofocus: true, extraKeys: { Up: () => {}, Down: () => {}, Left: () => {}, Right: () => {} } }); editor.setSize("100%", "100%"); load() .then(save) .then(() => { incompleteMark = editor.doc.markText(editor.getCursor(), getEndPos(), { className: "incomplete" }); focused = true; editor.on("focus", (instance, event) => { focused = true; }); editor.on("blur", (instance, event) => { focused = false; }); editor.on("mousedown", (instance, event) => { event.preventDefault(); editor.focus(); }); document.addEventListener("keypress", (event) => { if (focused) { event.preventDefault(); let pos = editor.getCursor(); let line = editor.doc.getLine(pos.line); let char = line.charCodeAt(pos.ch); if (event.charCode != char) { markInvalid(pos); } editor.setCursor({ line: pos.line, ch: pos.ch + 1 }); updateIncompleteMark(); } }); document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { if (focused) { var result = false; if (event.keyCode == 8) { // delete result = true; let pos = editor.getCursor(); if (pos.ch == 0) { // move up 1 line { moveToEndOfPreviousLine(); } else { // move back 1 char let line = editor.doc.getLine(pos.line); if (line.hasOnlyWhiteSpaceBeforeIndex(pos.ch)) { moveToEndOfPreviousLine(); } else { editor.setCursor({ line: pos.line, ch: pos.ch - 1 }); } } let newPos = editor.getCursor(); let lineInvalids = invalids[newPos.line]; if (lineInvalids) { let mark = lineInvalids[newPos.ch]; if (mark) { mark.clear(); lineInvalids.splice(newPos.ch, 1); } } updateIncompleteMark(); } else if (event.keyCode == 13) { // enter result = true; let pos = editor.getCursor(); if (pos.line != editor.doc.size - 1) { let currentLine = editor.doc.getLine(pos.line); let trimmed = currentLine.trim(); if (editor.getCursor().ch >= currentLine.indexOf(trimmed) + trimmed.length) { var newLine = pos.line; while (true) { newLine++; if (newLine >= editor.doc.size) { // go to end of last line editor.setCursor(getEndPos()); break; } else { // try go to next line let newText = editor.doc.getLine(newLine); let newTrimmed = newText.trim(); if (newTrimmed.length != 0) { // line is not empty (whitespace-only) let ch = newText.indexOf(newTrimmed); editor.setCursor({ line: newLine, ch: ch }); break; } } } updateIncompleteMark(); } } } if (result) { event.preventDefault(); } } }); }) .catch((e) => { throw e; }); } function moveToEndOfPreviousLine() { let pos = editor.getCursor(); if (pos.line > 0) { var newLine = pos.line; while (true) { newLine--; let text = editor.doc.getLine(newLine); let trimmed = text.trim(); if (trimmed.length != 0) { let ch = text.indexOf(trimmed) + trimmed.length; editor.setCursor({ line: newLine, ch: ch }); break; } } } } function isComplete() { if (!areAllNextLinesEmpty()) { if (incompleteMark.lines.length != 0) { return false; } } for (var i = 0; i < invalids.length; i++) { let arr = invalids[i]; if (arr) { for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { if (arr[j]) { return false; } } } } return true; } function areAllNextLinesEmpty() { let pos = editor.getCursor(); for (var i = pos.line + 1; i < editor.doc.size; i++) { let line = editor.doc.getLine(i); if (line.trim().length != 0) { return false; } } return true; } function getEndPos() { return { line: editor.doc.size, ch: editor.doc.getLine(editor.doc.size - 1).length }; } function updateIncompleteMark() { incompleteMark.clear(); incompleteMark = editor.doc.markText(editor.getCursor(), getEndPos(), { className: "incomplete" }); } function markInvalid(pos) { let mark = editor.doc.markText(pos, {line: pos.line, ch: pos.ch + 1}, { className: "invalid" }); if (!invalids[pos.line]) invalids[pos.line] = []; invalids[pos.line][pos.ch] = mark; } function load() { return localforage.getItem(repo) .then((val) => { loadInvalids(val[filePath]); loadCursor(val[filePath]); }); } function save() { let obj = {}; saveInvalids(obj); saveCursor(obj); localforage.getItem(repo) .then((val) => { if (!val) val = {}; val[filePath] = obj; localforage.setItem(repo, val) .catch((e) => { throw e; }); }) .catch((e) => { throw e; }); } function loadInvalids(val) { let serialized = val.invalids; if (serialized) { editor.operation(() => { // buffer all DOM changes together b/c performance serialized.forEach(markInvalid); }); } } function saveInvalids(obj) { let serialized = []; for (var i = 0; i < invalids.length; i++) { let inner = invalids[i]; if (!inner) continue; for (var j = 0; j < inner.length; j++) { let mark = inner[j]; if (!mark) continue; let pos = mark.find(); if (pos) { serialized.push(pos.from); } } } obj.invalids = serialized; } function loadCursor(val) { editor.setCursor(val && val.cursor ? val.cursor : { line: 0, ch: 0 }); } function saveCursor(obj) { obj.cursor = editor.getCursor(); } String.prototype.hasOnlyWhiteSpaceBeforeIndex = function(index) { return this.substring(index) == this.trim(); };