let container, containerRect; let svg; let hasLoaded = false; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { container = document.getElementById("svg-container"); containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect(); svg = document.getElementById("svg"); svg.addEventListener("load", onLoad); // Sometimes the load event just doesn't fire in Safari (race between loading the script and svg?) // So, as a fallback: setTimeout(() => { if (!hasLoaded) { try { onLoad(); } catch (e) { console.error("Still failed to load after delay", e); } } }, 100); }); let origWidth, origHeight; function onLoad() { hasLoaded = true; const svgDoc = svg.getSVGDocument(); const el = svgDoc.getElementById("node1"); origWidth = svgDoc.rootElement.width.baseVal.valueInSpecifiedUnits; origHeight = svgDoc.rootElement.height.baseVal.valueInSpecifiedUnits; scale = Math.pow(0.8, 3); updateSVG(1); const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); container.scrollTo( rect.x - (containerRect.width - rect.width) / 2, rect.y - (containerRect.height - rect.height) / 2, ); svgDoc.addEventListener("click", selectNode); } function selectNode(e) { const node = findNodeParent(e.target); if (node) { const id = [...node.classList].find((x) => x !== "node"); const style = svg.contentDocument.getElementById("node-style"); style.innerHTML = ` .${id} text, .${id} polygon { fill: red; } .${id} ellipse, .${id} path, .${id} polygon { stroke: red; }`; const title = node.querySelector("a").getAttribute("xlink:title"); const label = document.getElementById("svg-label"); label.innerText = title; label.innerHTML += "
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