
34 lines
1.1 KiB

{% extends "default" %}
{% block titlevariable %}
{% set title = "TV" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content -%}
<h1 class="headline">TV Commentary</h1>
<div class="body-content">
Sometimes when I'm watching TV shows (mostly sci-fi ones) I write commentary on them (don't expect anything too insightful). I generally post these on the <a href="https://social.shadowfacts.net/users/shadowfacts" data-link="social.shadowfacts.net/users/shadowfacts">fediverse</a> and publish them here at the end of a season. Some of the series below are incomplete, for various reasons. Spoilers abound, obviously.
{% for entry in index_entries %}
<h2 class="headline">
<a href="/tv/{{ entry.slug }}/">{{ entry.title }}</a>
<p class="article-meta">
{{ entry.episode_count }}
entr{% if entry.episode_count == 1 %}y{% else %}ies{% endif %}.
Last updated on
<time datetime="{{ entry.last_updated | iso_datetime }}">
{{ entry.last_updated | pretty_date }}.
{% endfor %}
{%- endblock %}