forked from shadowfacts/Tusker
Having MainSidebarViewController.Item.explore and .tab(.explore) was a mistake and made it easy to accidentally use the wrong one for the key command, so use .tab(.explore) for everything. Closes #519
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// MenuController.swift
// Tusker
// Created by Shadowfacts on 11/14/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
struct MenuController {
static let composeCommand: UIKeyCommand = {
return UIKeyCommand(title: "Compose", action: #selector(MainSplitViewController.handleComposeKeyCommand), input: "n", modifierFlags: .command)
static func refreshCommand(discoverabilityTitle: String?) -> UIKeyCommand {
return UIKeyCommand(title: "Refresh", action: #selector(RefreshableViewController.refresh), input: "r", modifierFlags: .command, discoverabilityTitle: discoverabilityTitle)
static func sidebarCommand(item: MainSidebarViewController.Item, command: String, action: Selector) -> UIKeyCommand {
return UIKeyCommand(
title: item.title,
image: UIImage(systemName: item.imageName!),
action: action,
input: command,
modifierFlags: .command
static let sidebarItemKeyCommands: [UIKeyCommand] = [
sidebarCommand(item: .tab(.timelines), command: "1", action: #selector(MainSplitViewController.handleSidebarCommandTimelines)),
sidebarCommand(item: .tab(.notifications), command: "2", action: #selector(MainSplitViewController.handleSidebarCommandNotifications)),
sidebarCommand(item: .tab(.explore), command: "3", action: #selector(MainSplitViewController.handleSidebarCommandExplore)),
sidebarCommand(item: .bookmarks, command: "4", action: #selector(MainSplitViewController.handleSidebarCommandBookmarks)),
sidebarCommand(item: .tab(.myProfile), command: "5", action: #selector(MainSplitViewController.handleSidebarCommandMyProfile)),
static let nextSubTabCommand = UIKeyCommand(title: "Next Sub Tab", action: #selector(TabbedPageViewController.selectNextPage), input: "]", modifierFlags: [.command, .shift])
static let prevSubTabCommand = UIKeyCommand(title: "Previous Sub Tab", action: #selector(TabbedPageViewController.selectPrevPage), input: "[", modifierFlags: [.command, .shift])
static func buildMainMenu(builder: UIMenuBuilder) {
builder.replace(menu: .file, with: buildFileMenu(builder: builder))
builder.insertChild(buildSubTabMenu(), atStartOfMenu: .view)
builder.insertChild(buildSidebarShortcuts(), atStartOfMenu: .view)
private static func buildFileMenu(builder: UIMenuBuilder) -> UIMenu {
var children: [UIMenuElement] = [
refreshCommand(discoverabilityTitle: nil),
if let close = .close) {
return UIMenu(
title: "File",
image: nil,
identifier: nil,
options: [],
children: children
private static func buildSubTabMenu() -> UIMenu {
return UIMenu(
title: "",
image: nil,
identifier: nil,
options: .displayInline,
children: [
private static func buildSidebarShortcuts() -> UIMenu {
return UIMenu(
title: "",
image: nil,
identifier: nil,
options: .displayInline,
children: sidebarItemKeyCommands