forked from shadowfacts/Tusker
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398 lines
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// InstanceFeatures.swift
// Tusker
// Created by Shadowfacts on 1/23/22.
// Copyright © 2022 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
import Pachyderm
public final class InstanceFeatures: ObservableObject {
private static let pleromaVersionRegex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\\(compatible; (pleroma|akkoma) (.*)\\)", options: .caseInsensitive)
private let _featuresUpdated = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
public var featuresUpdated: some Publisher<Void, Never> { _featuresUpdated }
@Published @_spi(InstanceType) public private(set) var instanceType: InstanceType = .mastodon(.vanilla, nil)
@Published public private(set) var maxStatusChars = 500
@Published public private(set) var charsReservedPerURL = 23
@Published public private(set) var maxPollOptionChars: Int?
@Published public private(set) var maxPollOptionsCount: Int?
@Published public private(set) var mediaAttachmentsConfiguration: InstanceV1.MediaAttachmentsConfiguration?
@Published public private(set) var translation: Bool = false
public var localOnlyPosts: Bool {
switch instanceType {
case .mastodon(.hometown(_), _), .mastodon(.glitch, _):
return true
case .pleroma(.akkoma(_)):
return true
return false
/// Instance types that use a separate visibility to indicate local-only posts.
public var localOnlyPostsVisibility: Bool {
if case .pleroma(.akkoma(_)) = instanceType {
return true
} else {
return false
public var mastodonAttachmentRestrictions: Bool {
public var pollsAndAttachments: Bool {
public var boostToOriginalAudience: Bool {
instanceType.isPleroma || instanceType.isMastodon
public var profilePinnedStatuses: Bool {
switch instanceType {
case .pixelfed:
return false
return true
public var trends: Bool {
public var profileSuggestions: Bool {
instanceType.isMastodon && hasMastodonVersion(3, 4, 0)
public var trendingStatusesAndLinks: Bool {
instanceType.isMastodon && hasMastodonVersion(3, 5, 0)
public var reblogVisibility: Bool {
(instanceType.isMastodon && hasMastodonVersion(2, 8, 0))
|| (instanceType.isPleroma && hasPleromaVersion(2, 0, 0))
public var probablySupportsMarkdown: Bool {
switch instanceType {
case .pleroma(_), .mastodon(.glitch, _), .mastodon(.hometown(_), _), .firefish(_):
return true
return false
public var needsLocalOnlyEmojiHack: Bool {
if case .mastodon(.glitch, _) = instanceType {
return true
} else {
return false
public var needsWideColorGamutHack: Bool {
if case .mastodon(_, let version) = instanceType {
return version < Version(4, 0, 0)
} else {
return true
public var canFollowHashtags: Bool {
if case .mastodon(_, let version) = instanceType {
return version >= Version(4, 0, 0)
} else if case .pleroma(.akkoma(let version)) = instanceType {
return version >= Version(3, 4, 0)
} else {
return false
public var filtersV2: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(4, 0, 0)
public var notificationsAllowedTypes: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(3, 5, 0)
public var pollVotersCount: Bool {
public var createStatusWithLanguage: Bool {
instanceType.isMastodon || instanceType.isPleroma(.akkoma(nil))
public var editStatuses: Bool {
switch instanceType {
case .mastodon(_, let v) where v >= Version(3, 5, 0):
return true
case .pleroma(.vanilla(let v)) where v >= Version(2, 5, 0):
return true
case .pleroma(.akkoma(_)):
return true
return false
public var statusEditNotifications: Bool {
// pleroma doesn't seem to support 'update' type notifications, even though it supports edits
hasMastodonVersion(3, 5, 0)
public var statusNotifications: Bool {
// pleroma doesn't support notifications for new posts from an account
hasMastodonVersion(3, 3, 0)
public var needsEditAttachmentsInSeparateRequest: Bool {
public var composeDirectStatuses: Bool {
if case .pixelfed = instanceType {
return false
} else {
return true
public var searchOperators: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(4, 2, 0)
public var hasServerPreferences: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(2, 8, 0)
public var listRepliesPolicy: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(3, 3, 0)
public var exclusiveLists: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(4, 2, 0) || instanceType.isMastodon(.hometown(nil))
public var pushNotificationTypeStatus: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(3, 3, 0)
public var pushNotificationTypeFollowRequest: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(3, 1, 0)
public var pushNotificationTypeUpdate: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(3, 5, 0)
public var pushNotificationPolicy: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(3, 5, 0)
public var pushNotificationPolicyMissingFromResponse: Bool {
switch instanceType {
case .mastodon(_, let version):
return version >= Version(3, 5, 0) && version < Version(4, 1, 0)
return false
public var instanceAnnouncements: Bool {
hasMastodonVersion(3, 1, 0)
public var emojiReactionNotifications: Bool {
public var muteNotifications: Bool {
public var blockDomains: Bool {
public var hideReblogs: Bool {
public init() {
public func update(instance: InstanceInfo, nodeInfo: NodeInfo?) {
let ver = instance.version.lowercased()
// check glitch first b/c it still reports "mastodon" as the software in nodeinfo
if ver.contains("glitch") {
instanceType = .mastodon(.glitch, Version(string: ver))
} else if nodeInfo? == "mastodon" {
instanceType = .mastodon(.vanilla, Version(string: ver))
} else if nodeInfo? == "hometown" {
var mastoVersion: Version?
var hometownVersion: Version?
let parts = ver.split(separator: "+")
if parts.count == 2,
let first = Version(string: String(parts[0])) {
if first > Version(1, 0, 8) {
// like 3.5.5+hometown-1.0.9
mastoVersion = first
if parts[1].starts(with: "hometown-") {
hometownVersion = Version(string: String(parts[1][parts[1].index(parts[1].startIndex, offsetBy: "hometown-".count + 1)...]))
} else {
// like "1.0.6+3.5.2"
hometownVersion = first
mastoVersion = Version(string: String(parts[1]))
} else {
mastoVersion = Version(string: ver)
instanceType = .mastodon(.hometown(hometownVersion), mastoVersion)
} else if let match = InstanceFeatures.pleromaVersionRegex.firstMatch(in: ver, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: ver.utf16.count)) {
var pleromaVersion: Version?
let type = (ver as NSString).substring(with: match.range(at: 1))
pleromaVersion = Version(string: (ver as NSString).substring(with: match.range(at: 2)))
if type == "akkoma" {
instanceType = .pleroma(.akkoma(pleromaVersion))
} else {
instanceType = .pleroma(.vanilla(pleromaVersion))
} else if ver.contains("pixelfed") {
instanceType = .pixelfed
} else if nodeInfo? == "gotosocial" {
instanceType = .gotosocial
} else if ver.contains("firefish") || ver.contains("iceshrimp") || ver.contains("calckey") {
instanceType = .firefish(nodeInfo?.software.version)
} else {
instanceType = .mastodon(.vanilla, Version(string: ver))
maxStatusChars = instance.maxStatusCharacters ?? 500
charsReservedPerURL = instance.configuration?.statuses.charactersReservedPerURL ?? 23 // default Mastodon link length
if let pollsConfig = instance.pollsConfiguration {
maxPollOptionChars = pollsConfig.maxCharactersPerOption
maxPollOptionsCount = pollsConfig.maxOptions
mediaAttachmentsConfiguration = instance.configuration?.mediaAttachments
translation = instance.translation
public func hasMastodonVersion(_ major: Int, _ minor: Int, _ patch: Int) -> Bool {
if case .mastodon(_, let version) = instanceType {
return version >= Version(major, minor, patch)
} else {
return false
func hasPleromaVersion(_ major: Int, _ minor: Int, _ patch: Int) -> Bool {
switch instanceType {
case .pleroma(.vanilla(let version)), .pleroma(.akkoma(let version)):
return version >= Version(major, minor, patch)
return false
extension InstanceFeatures {
@_spi(InstanceType) public enum InstanceType {
case mastodon(MastodonType, Version?)
case pleroma(PleromaType)
case pixelfed
case gotosocial
case firefish(String?)
var isMastodon: Bool {
if case .mastodon(_, _) = self {
return true
} else {
return false
func isMastodon(_ subtype: MastodonType) -> Bool {
if case .mastodon(let t, _) = self,
t.equalsIgnoreVersion(subtype) {
return true
} else {
return false
var isPleroma: Bool {
if case .pleroma(_) = self {
return true
} else {
return false
func isPleroma(_ subtype: PleromaType) -> Bool {
if case .pleroma(let t) = self,
t.equalsIgnoreVersion(subtype) {
return true
} else {
return false
var isPixelfed: Bool {
if case .pixelfed = self {
return true
} else {
return false
@_spi(InstanceType) public enum MastodonType {
case vanilla
case hometown(Version?)
case glitch
func equalsIgnoreVersion(_ other: MastodonType) -> Bool {
switch (self, other) {
case (.vanilla, .vanilla):
return true
case (.hometown(_), .hometown(_)):
return true
case (.glitch, .glitch):
return true
return false
@_spi(InstanceType) public enum PleromaType {
case vanilla(Version?)
case akkoma(Version?)
func equalsIgnoreVersion(_ other: PleromaType) -> Bool {
switch (self, other) {
case (.vanilla(_), .vanilla(_)):
return true
case (.akkoma(_), .akkoma(_)):
return true
return false